JFO # | VT Agency or Department | Grantor | Description | Amount | Received | Status | Links |
3213 | Agency of Human Services, Central Office | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Vermont's participation in the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) Model grant aims to improve population health, promote health equity ,and curb health care cost growth and expenditures in Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance. Includes two (2) limited-service positions to oversee the AHEAD model grant. Positions are funded through 12/31/2025 with this award and may be extended through 12/31/2029 with additional awards. | $4,000,000.00 | August 13, 2024 | Approved via expedited request on 8/19/2024 |
Document Link (4.4 MB pdf) |
3212 | Department of Public Service | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funds from the Solar For All Zero-Emissions Technology Grant Program will provide community solar, multi-family residential solar and solar for low-income and disadvantaged Vermonters. Funds are awarded over a 5-year period and the Department’s 5-year plan is due to the EPA on October 5, 2024. The funds support 3 (three) limited-service positions to manage the large award: Energy Program Manager, Grant Programs Manager and Financial Administrator I, all funded through 8/31/2029. | $62,450,000.00 | July 26, 2024 | Approved at the 7/30/2024 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3211 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development | U.S. Departmen of the Interior, National Park Servcie | The funds will be used by the Division of Historic Preservation, State Historic Sites program to document the history of canal boat wrecks in Lake Champlain which are part of the State’s underwater archeological collections. | $30,000.00 | July 11, 2024 | Approved at the 7/30/2024 JFC meeting |
Document Link (5.6 MB pdf) |
3210 | Department of Public Service | One (1) limited-service position, Thermal Energy Manager, to support the coordination of Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan with the Vermont Climate Action plan, as well as administer federal funding to support thermal efficiency measures. Funded through 6/30/2027 by previously approved JFO #3177. | July 11, 2024 | Approved at the 7/30/2024 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3209 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds used for the emergency work and repair of disaster damaged facilities during the December 18-19, 2023 storm event in Essex, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Windham, and Windsor Counties. | $1,582,876.00 | July 11, 2024 | Approved at the 7/30/2024 JFC meeting |
Document Link (17 MB pdf) |
3208 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | The funds from the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant program will be used to strengthen security of the state and local governments’ critical electronic infrastructure against cyber attacks and improve the resilience of these services to the communities they serve | $2,310,137.00 | July 11, 2024 | Approved at the 7/30/2024 JFC meeting |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
3207 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | Green Mountain Club and Duxbury Land Trust | Three parcels of land in Duxbury, Vermont totaling 62.06 acres to be added to Camel's Hump State Park. | $326,200.00 | July 1, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (18 MB pdf) |
3206 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | Vivian Brooks Estate | A parcel of undevelopable land in Glover, VT that abuts two existing department parcels. This addition will expand the wildlife and fish habitat areas and improve public access. | $10,300.00 | July 1, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3205 | Agency of Education | Music Drives Us | Funds will provide grants of up to $10,000.00 to public and approved independent schools to support music programs including instrument purchases. | $100,000.00 | July 2, 2024 | Approved via expedited request on 7/10/2024 |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3204 | Public Service Department | U.S. Department of Energy, Grid Deployment Office | The Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid is awarded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. The Public Service Department will grant funds to sub recipients, primarily utility providers, for approved grid infrastructure projects aimed at improving grid resiliency and reducing power outages. Funds include two limited-service positions to the PSD: Energy Program Specialist and Financial Director to administer the grant. | $6,361,432.00 | May 20, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.8 MB pdf) |
3203 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funds to promote safer cleaning supplies and sanitizing practices in childcare facilities serving immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers/asylees. | $420,297.00 | 5/20/2024 | Approvwed (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
3202 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds will provide services for families impacted by the July 2023 flood event. | $3,296,092.00 | April 29, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
3201 | Public Service Department | U.S. Department of Energy | Funds for the Municipal Energy Resilience Revolving Fund designated by the Vermont Legislature in Act 172 of 2022 to support state and local energy efficiency projects. | $1,594,420.00 | April 29, 2024 | Approved |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3200 | Department of Public Safety, Vermont Emergency Management | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds for the repair and replacement of facilities affected during the severe storm and flooding event in Addison County from August 3-5, 2023. | $1,105,830.00 | April 29, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (9.3 MB pdf) |
3199 | Vermont Military Department | Vermont Energy Investment Cooperative | To fund facility upgrades in the Westminster and Berlin Armories to help study the effects of thermal energy storage on heating and cooling loads in electrified facilities. Requires a 20% state match of $250,000.00 which will be funded through an appropriation of existing capital funds. | $1,000,000.00 | April 18, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
3198 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | A Johnson Co., LLC | Bargain sale of the timber rights at Pond Woods Wildlife Management Area in Benson and Orwell, VT. The timber rights were retained by A Johnson Co. when the land was acquired by the State in the 1960s. The timber rights are valued at $2,270,529.00 and are being sold to the State for $900,000.00. | $1,370,529.00 | March 25, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
3197 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | One (1) limited-service position, Environmental Analyst IV, to manage the increase in funding and the resulting increase in projects for the Healthy Homes program which provides financial assistance to low to moderate income homeowners to address failed or inadequate water, wastewater, drainage and storm water issues. | March 19, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (509 KB pdf) |
3196 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | Two (2) limited-service positions, both Grant Specialists, to manage stewardship of existing grants and applications and outreach for annual grant cycles. | March 19, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
3195 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | One (1) limited-service position, Environmental Scientist III, to support high-priority efforts to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species in public waters in the Lake Champlain Basin. | March 19, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.9 MB pdf) |
3194 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Tourism and Marketing | U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration | Funds to support the resiliency and long-term recovery of the travel and tourism sectors in Vermont after the wide-spread disruption of these sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Includes two (2) limited-service positions, Grants Programs Manager and Travel Marketing Administrator both funded through 10/31/2025. | $10,483,053.00 | March 19, 2024 | Approved via expedited review 4/3/2024 |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3193 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | Linda Chamberlin Mosher | Donation of 18.6 acres of undevelopable wetlands in Newport City. This parcel abuts the existing South Bay Wildlife Management Area and will expand wildlife and fish habitats and improve access. | $51,500.00 | March 12, 2024 | Approved via expedited review on 3/20/2024 |
Document Link (950 KB pdf) |
3192 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Funds to support data collection and public awareness related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The grant is expected to renew yearly through 9/29/2027. Includes one (1) limited-service position, Health Systems Program Administrator, to manage contracts and grants associated with the funding and communication with CDC. The position is funded through 9/29/2027. | $327,250.00 | March 12, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3191 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Public Health Analyst II, to assess data related to maternal mortality and sudden unexpected infant deaths. Position is funded through 09/29/2024 through previously approved JFO #1891. | March 12, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3190 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Corrections | U.S. Department of Justice | Funds will enhance the reentry vocational case management of incarcerated individuals who are assessed for moderate and above risk of reoffending. The funds include one (1) limited-service position, Vocational Outreach Project Manager, funded through 9/30/2026. | $900,000.00 | March 1, 2024 | Apporved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (11 MB pdf) |
3189 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Department of Education | Funds to assist youth with disabilities in transitioning from high school to adulthood. Includes six (6) limited-service positions to coordinate with various partners including all supervisory unions and employment services for those with disabilities. | $10,000,000.00 | March 1, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (8.4 MB pdf) |
3188 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | Vermont Land Trust and Lintilhac Foundation | Funds will be used to support a 19-acre property acquisition in Island Pond, VT to expand Brighton State Park. | $50,000.00 from VLT and $20,000.00 from the Lintilhac Foundation | March 1, 2024 | approved via expedited request on 3/12/2024 |
Document Link (11 MB pdf) |
3187 | Public Service Department, Vermont Community Broadband Board | Two (2) limited-service positions: Administrative Services Manager III and Data and Information Project Manager. Positions will carry out work related to the federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program. Positions are fully funded through 11/30/2027 and are funded by previously approved JFO #3136. | February 26, 2024 | approved via expedited request on March 1, 2024 |
Document Link (618 KB pdf) |
3186 | Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Department of Agriculture | The majority of the funds to be sub-awards to Vermont's agricultural businesses and organizations to build resilience in the middle of the food supply chain and to support market development for small farms and food businesses. Includes full funding for one (1) limited-service position, Agriculture Development Specialist II and 50% support for one (1) limited-service position, Contracts and Grants Specialist I. | $4,525,801.81 | February 8, 2024 | approved via expedited review on February 16, 2024 |
Document Link (3.1 MB pdf) |
3185 | Attorney General's Office | The Sears Committee, Sears Consumer Protection and Edcuation Fund | Funds to distribute consumer assistance program information throughout Vermont. | $70,000.00 | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.8 MB pdf) |
3184 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Three (3) limited-service positions: one (1) Substance Abuse Program Evaluator, funded through 8/31/28; and one (1) Public Health Specialist II, and one (1) Family Service Specialist both funded through 9/29/2024. The positions are fully funded by previously approved JFO requests #3036 and #1891. These positions will support Vermont's Overdose Data to Action and the Maternal Mortality Review Panel. | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (14 MB pdf) |
3183 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | The Conservation Fund | Funds used to complete the purchase of a conservation easement on a 183-acre parcel of land in Townshend, Vermont (Peterson Farm). | $182,500.00 | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
3182 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission | Funds to expand the current monitoring of cyanotoxins in Lake Champlain and Vermont inland lakes. | $125,000.00 | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (6.4 MB pdf) |
3181 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development | U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service | Funds for the preservation, repair and restoration of the Old Constitution House, located in Windsor, Vermont. The first Constitution of Vermont was adopted on this site, then known as Elijah West's Tavern, on July 8, 1777. | $409,960.00 | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.7 MB pdf) |
3180 | Agency of Administration, Recovery Office | One (1) limited-service position, Administrative Services Director III, to ensure that flood recovery projects are integrated with existing state and federal programs. Will also ensure compliance and tracking of already awarded grants as well as those anticipated in the wake of the July 2023 flooding event. | January 31, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (9.9 MB pdf) |
3179 | Department of Mental Health, Agency of Education | Two (2) limited-service positions. One (1) to the Department of Mental Health, Project AWARE Lead Coordinator and one (1) to the Agency of Education, Project AWARE Co-Coordinator. The positions will liaison to coordinate and expand the state's efforts to develop sustainable infrastructure for school-based mental health. Both positions are fully-funded through 9/29/28 from previous SAMHSA grant award #2934. | January 26, 2024 | Apporved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (12 MB pdf) |
3178 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funds used for one (1) limited-service position, Environmental Analyst IV. This position will serve as administrative lead developing the updated Climate Action Plan with the Vermont Climate Council and perform added work required by the EPA grant. Position is funded through 6/30/2027. | $456,436.00 | January 11, 2024 | approved via expedited review on 1/18/24 |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3177 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S.Environmental Protection Agency | Funding is phase one of a two-phase funding opportunity aimed to support Vermont with climate change mitigation planning efforts. A comprehensive climate action plan will be developed, to overlap with and be synonymous to the required update to Vermont's Climate Action Plan in 2025 | $2,543,564.00 | January 12, 2024 | approved via expedited review on 1/18/24 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3176 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | Funds to support rapid access to behavioral health care by supporting the peer service component of the mental health urgent care clinic being established in Chittenden County. | $250,000.00 | January 11, 2024 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3175 | Public Service Department | U.S. Department of Energy | Funds to support the installation of solar and other renewable energy systems in schools and other municipal buildings. | $1,000,000.00 | December 20, 2023 | Approved, 30 days no action |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
3174 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families | One (1) limited-service position, Community Services Program Officer, to support Vermonters experiencing a housing crisis. This position facilitates the entry process connecting them to help and housing services and programs. The position is funded through previously approved JFO Grant #2854 and is funded through 6/30/2024. | December 20, 2023 | approved via expedited request on 12/28/2023 |
Document Link (19 MB pdf) |
3173 | Agency of Human Servcies, Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Funds to support medical providers to provide evidence-based arthritis interventions. Interventions will include physical activity counseling specifically geared towards reducing inactivity. | $225,000.00 | December 20, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
3172 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) | Funds to continue post disaster crisis counseling assistance and training program to support Vermonters in the nine counties declared for FEMA Individual Assistance due to the July 2023 flooding event. | $2,478,749.00 | December 20, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
3171 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position to carry out the work for the Transforming Pediatrics for Early Childhood grant. This position, PH Specialist II, will oversee the management of the cooperative agreements and work to expand the Touchstone and DULCE programs which work to improve early developmental health and health equity among Vermont's prenatal to 5 population. Position is fully funded through 9/29/2027 through previously approved grant JFO #2708. | December 19, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.1 MB pdf) |
3170 | Secretary of State | Defense Human Resource Activity | The Electronic Absentee Systems for Elections grant will be used to receive proposals to support absentee voting by uniformed and overseas citizens. $18,000.00 will be reserved for personal services involved in administration, ballots, and voter education and associated materials. | $645,655.00 | October 12, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 11/7/2023 |
Document Link (10 MB pdf) |
3169 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation | Roland and Carol Woodard | Donation of land to the VT Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation from Roland and Carol Woodard of Glover, VT. The parcel is .5 acres in Sheffield and would be used as a parking lot to improve access to the Holbrook State Park. | $15,000.00 | October 12, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 11/7/2023 |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
3168 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Funds would continue to support the staff and activities of the department’s current Diabetes Program to decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes and improve health for those with the diagnosis. | $850,000.00 | Ocotber 12, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 11/7/2023 |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
3167 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funds to complete the 2023 VT Waste Compositions Study and other initiatives to demonstrate progress toward the National Recycling Goal and Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal. | $491,314.00 | October 12, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 11/7/2023 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3166 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds to assist disaster-impacted individuals and communities in recovering from the major disasters through the provision of community-based outreach and psycho-educational services. | $642,845.00 | September 28, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 11/7/2023 |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
3165 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | To provide Federal disaster assistance for emergency work and the repair/replacement of disaster damaged facilities during the severe storm and flooding event for the period July 7, 2023 and continuing in Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham and Windsor counties. | $164,000,000.00 | September 28, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 9/27/2023 |
Document Link (24 MB pdf) |
3164 | Department of Public Safety | Four (4) limited-service positions: one (1) Financial Manager I, one (1) State Hazard Mitigation Planner and two (2) Financial Administrator III to process the increased grant administration workload due to the July 2023 flooding event in Vermont. Positions funded through July 27, 2027. | October 2, 2023 | Approved via expedited review on 10/9/2023 |
Document Link (11 MB pdf) |
3163 | Department of Labor | U.S. Department of Labor | Funds to support Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) and quality pre-apprenticeship programs within the education system to create more diverse and clear pathways to teacher licensure. | $304,977.00 | August 25, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
3162 | Buildings and General Services | David Melchior | Donation of five (5) paintings by artist David Melchior. Paintings depict Vermont scenes: Along the Winooski ($15,000.00), Lined with Maples ($15,000.00), DeFreest Family Heifers ($12,000.00), Fall Afternoon Tunbridge ($7,500.00), and Gordy's Heifer Barn ($5,000.00). | $54,500.00 | August 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.8 MB pdf) |
3161 | Buildings and General Services | Paedra Bramhall | Donation of blown glass art by artist Paedra Bramhall, entitled 'Interior'. | $25,000.00 | August 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.8 MB pdf) |
3160 | Buildings and General Services | Vermont Arts Council | Donation of stone sculpture by the artist Boaz Vaadia, entitled Ze'ev with Cat. | $150,000.00 | August 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.8 MB pdf) |
3159 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response | Funds to support Vermont Medical Reserve Corps training and recruitment. | $1,202,990.00 | August 2, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.3 MB pdf) |
3158 | Department of Public Service | U.S. Department of Energy | Funds used to administer established and new Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards programs and planning. | $3,039,806.51 | August 2, 2023 | approved via expedited review, 8/11/23 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
3157 | Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Funds to support one (1) limited-service position, Agriculture Water Quality Program Coordinator III to provide technical assistance to small farms to support grazing management systems. Requires a 50% match. | $300,000.00 | July 25, 2023 | Approved at 7/31/2023 JFC meeting |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
3156 | Agency of Human Services, SerVermont | Two (2) limited-service positions, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, requires a 50% match, and Training and Special Projects Coordinator, fully funded, to increase recruitment and training of AmeriCorps members. Both positions funded through 12/31/2024. | July 24, 2023 | Approved at 7/31/2023 JFC meeting |
Document Link (7.2 MB pdf) |
3155 | Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families | Fourteen (14) limited-service positions: seven (7) at Department for Children and Families, two (2) at Department of Health, one (1) at Department of Mental Health, three (3) at Agency of Education, and one (1) at the Office of Racial Equity. Funded through the previously approved Preschool Development Grant, JFO #2970. All positions funded through 12/20/2025. | July 19, 2023 | Approved at 7/31/2023 JFC meeting |
Document Link (18 MB pdf) |
3154 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds for emergency work to repair or replace disaster damaged facilities during the severe storm and flooding event on December 22-24, 2022 in Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans and Washington counties. | $2,321,352.00 | June 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
3153 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Vermont Health Access | One (1) limited-service position, Health Care Assistant Administrator II, to help manage contracts, community grants and partnerships and federal compliance to carry out the Home and Community Based Medicaid (HCBS) program initiatives. Position funded through ongoing Medicaid initiatives through March 31, 2025. | June 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
3152 | Agency of Human Service, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Public Health Analyst II, to carry out ongoing work for the Vermont Addressing Suicide Together (VAST) grant. Funds authorized on previously approved JFO grant #3036. Position funded through 8/31/2025. | June 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3151 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | Spates Family, LLC | Private land donation to expand the South Bay Wildlife Management Area by 5.5 acres. This donation will incur a yearly expense of $170.29 which will be absorbed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife budget. | $12,800.00 | June 14, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.9 MB pdf) |
3150 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Funds will be used for the Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning Grants. Funds will be used to develop/implement a CCBHC certification process, establish Prospective Payment Systems for Medicaid reimbursable services, and prepare an application to participate in a four-year CCBHC demonstration program. | $1,000,000.00 | 5/17/2023 | Approved via Expedited Review 6/1/2023 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3149 | Vermont State Police, Department of Public Safety | One (1) limited-service position, Recreational Boating Safety Administrator to administer the Recreational Boating Safety program. Funded through the ongoing and annually awarded Recreational Boating Safety grant from the United States Coast Guard. | April 18, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3148 | Agency of Human Servcies, Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | The majority of funds will be used to reinforce the public health workforce and the remainder will support strengthening of systems, policies and processes. | $7,797,240.00 | 4/18/2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (894 KB pdf) |
3147 | Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families | U.S. Department of Energy | Funds will be used to launch a VT Weatherization Training Center to support weatherization of Vermont households. | $2,000,000.00 | 5/1/2023 | Approved via expedited request on 5/5/2023 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3146 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Corrections | U.S. Department of Justice | This grant was awarded to Vermont State Colleges who will sub-grant to the VT Department of Corrections. This grant includes two (2) limited-service positions, Post Secondary Program Coordinator, to engage Vermont's correctional facility staff regarding post-secondary educational opportunities and improved employment opportunities, both within and without the Department and State government. | $737,685.00 | April 3, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
3145 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | Funds will support direct services to be provided to the public through the Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Street (CAHOOTS) program. The VT Department of Health will collaborate with the City of Burlington, Burlington Police Department and local area health providers to support this pilot. The goal is to establish a trauma-informed approach that will only utilize system components that are necessary for individual situations. | $250,000.00 | April 3, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3144 | Attorney General's Office, Criminal Division | Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence | The Firearm Technical Assistant Project serves to improve Vermont's statewide responses to the intersection of firearms and domestic violence. The Attorney General's office will lead the management team and provide project oversight including communication with the project partners: Vermont Network, Defender General's Office, Vermont State Police, Vermont Judiciary, Disability Rights Vermont, AALV-VT and the Abenaki Nation. | $173,973.00 | April 3, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3143 | Agency of Human Servcies, Department of Vermont Health Access | DHHS/ONC via Passthrough from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials | Funds will be used to support Vermont's participation in the COVID-19 Immunization Data Exchange, Advancement and Sharing learning community with the aim of advancing immunization information and health information exchange sharing. | $514,694.00 | March 23, 2023 | approved via expedited review requested on 4/6/2023 |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
3142 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | Maine Geological Society | Funds will be used to identify contradictions in mapped geological formations across state lines in New England. | $15,000.00 | March 23, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (595 KB pdf) |
3141 | Buildings and General Services. State Curator's Office | Friends of the Vermont State House | Donation of Alexander Twilight portrait, commissioned from artist Katie Runde. Twilight was the first person of African descent to be elected to a state legislature and served one term in Vermont. The portrait is currently displayed in the main lobby of the Vermont State House. | $32,923.57 | March 23, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
3140 | Building and General Services, State Curator's Office | Institute of Museum and Library Services | Funds from the Save America's Treasures Grant will restore and conserve Sculpture on the Highway, an outdoor collection of sixteen monumental marble and concrete sculptures created at two international sculpture symposia held in Vermont during the summers of 1968 and 1971. | $241,208.00 | March 23, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (976 KB pdf) |
3139 | Vermont Judiciary, Court Administator's Office | U.S. Department of Justice | The grant will support the VT Judiciary Commission on Mental Health, established in July 2022. The Commission is focused on addressing the needs of court--involved individuals with behavioral health issues. Funds will help develop training activities and materials for VT Judiciary staff. | $644,469.00 | March 22, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3138 | Agency of Administration, Department of Finance and Management | One (1) limited-service position, Statewide Grants Administrator, to the Agency of Administration, Department of Finance and Management to cover increased grant activity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This position is funded through 12/31/2026. | February 9, 2023 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (637 KB pdf) |
3137 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Senior Health Asbestos and Lead Engineer, to perform senior professional level work to educate, advise on and enforce Vermont asbestos and lead control regulations. The position is funded through 9/30/2024 through an existing Environmental Protection Agency grant. | January 23, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 2/9/23 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3136 | Agency of Administration, Public Service Department | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | 5-year grant to deliver broadband to unserved and underserved areas in Vermont. Funds will fill in the technical gaps existing in the Vermont Community Broadband Board's program of broadband deployment. | $5,000,000.00 | January 23, 2023 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 2/9/23 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3135 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | Mount Holly Conservation Trust | Land acquisition of 448 acres from the Mount Holly Conservation Trust to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife to create a new Wildlife Management Area in the towns of Mount Holly and Weston. The MHCT is offering the parcels to the State at a significantly discounted price amounting to a land donation worth $360,000.00. | $360,000.00 | December 14, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/14/2022 |
Document Link (15 MB pdf) |
3134 | Agency of Education | U.S. Department of Education | The Stronger Connections Grant Program is a grant component of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. A minimum of 95% of funds are to be focused on high-need Local Education Agencies. This is a four-year grant program through September 30, 2025. FY23 distribution is $1,228,394.00. | $4,833,025.00 | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3133 | Agency of Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service | Funds will be allocated entirely through contracts to a variety of local non-profits, with various focus areas, working to increase Farm to School participation and local food procurement by School Food Authorities. | $645,207.00 | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (876 KB pdf) |
3132 | Agency of Eduation | U.S. Department of Education | Funds to provide professional development to VT educators to address student access to high-quality instruction and intervention delivery systems from birth through age 21. | $2,443,120.00 | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (951 KB pdf) |
3131 | Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Local Food for Schools Cooperative grant funds will be used to support school food authorities in purchasing local food from Vermont's network of nonprofit food hubs. | $333,763.00 | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (733 KB pdf) |
3130 | Agency of Administration, Public Service Department | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Funds to support digital equity planning costs for the Communications Union Districts established under the Vermont Community Broadband Board created through Act 71 of 2021. | $518,154.00 | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3129 | Department of Liquor and Lottery | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association Supplemental Grant | Funds to establish a compliance program in response to increases in illegal Direct to Consumer activities in the state. | $50,000.00 | November 14. 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3128 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Public Health Program Administrator AC: General to serve youth and young adults, ages 10-24 who are at risk of suicide. The position will carry out the work required by previously approved grant #2990: the Vermont Garrett Lee Smith Project/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention & Early Intervention. Position is funded through August 30, 2027. | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
3127 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | Four (4) limited-service positions to help manage the influx of additional funding for the Home and Community-Based Services Initiative. Business Project Manager, to coordinate all efforts; Mental Health Analyst III to meet data compilation, analysis and reporting requirements; and DMH Care Manage and Mental Health Children's Care Manager needed to implement conflict-free case management. Positions are funded under the Medicaid HCBS FMAP Spending Plan and covered through 3/31/2025. | November 14, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3126 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Disability, Aging and Independent Living | Two (2) limited-service positions, Adult Protective Services Investigator to increase number of investigations within the project period; and Licensing and Protection Program Specialist to improve existing APS processes that are consistent with the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System. Funded through September 30, 2024 through previously approved JFO grant #2986. | 11/14/2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
3125 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Disability, Aging and Independent Living | One (1) limited-service position, Policy Advisor, to Adult Protective Services to review legal procedures and statutory language for the development and review of new and existing program areas within APS. Funded with previously approved grant #2986 through 9/30/2023. | October 20, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on 11/9/2022 |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3124 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | Jewell and Levi Dube | Land donation of .75-acres in the town of Newbury, VT to establish a new public fishing access area on Halls Lake. The land value is $20,000 and the agency will fund $5,000 in closing costs from their SFY23 budget. | $20,000.00 | October 10, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3124 | Department of Public Safety | U.S. Department of Labor | $150,000.00 | September 3, 2024 | Pending JFC Review | pending | |
3123 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Aging and Indpendent Living | Two (2) limited-service positions, Administrative Service Managers to support implementation initiatives funded through Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Positions funded through March 31, 2025. | October 10, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3122 | Agency of Natural Resources | One (1) limited-service position, Financial Administrator III, to support the additional American Rescue Act Plan of 2021 related payments along with supporting the additional financial reporting and monitoring that will be required. Position funded through June 30, 2026 through Act 185 of 2022, G.801, Appropriation for Administrative Costs. | October 10, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (473 KB pdf) |
3121 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control | Funds to expand current maternal health questionnaires before, during and shortly after pregnancy, tracked through the maternal and infant health surveillance system, Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System. | $30,000.00 | September 15, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (573 KB pdf) |
3120 | Agency of Natural Resoureces, Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funds for Combined Sewer Overflow abatement projects to improve water quality of the Lake Champlain or Connecticut River Basin by reducing combined sewer overflow events. Requires 20% State match of $84,250 in FY23. | $337,000.00 | September 15, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3119 | Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, Department of Agricultural Development | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Funds to support projects for Vermont's non-profits, all of which support local and socially disadvantaged farmers and expand local food access through the purchase and distribution of local food to under-served communities. | $500,000.00 | August 23, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (794 KB pdf) |
3118 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families | One (1) limited-service position, Housing Program Officer, to support coordination of Vermont's COVID mitigation efforts for the homeless. Funded by previously approved JFO grant #2478 through July 31, 2024. | August 23, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (700 KB pdf) |
3117 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Food & Lodging Specialist and Inspector, to carry out National Environmental Health Association-FDA Retail Food grant requirements and deliverables. This position is funded through 12/31/2024 by previously approved grant JFO #2820. | August 11, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3116 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position, Business Application Support Specialist, to support intervention and prevention of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance. This position will aid in the automation of reporting from Vermont healthcare facilities to the National Healthcare Safety Network. Position funded through July 31, 2024 with previously approved grant JFO #2478. | August 11, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (759 KB pdf) |
3115 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | One (1) limited-service position, Survey Technician I, to improve readiness and preparation for land acquisition projects for Forest Legacy funding. This position is funded cooperatively from JFO grants #3113 and #3114 and is funded through June 30, 2024. | August 11, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3114 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | U.S. Forest Service, Region 9 | Funds to cover eligible administrative and project readiness activities in the advancement of the goals of the federal Forest Legacy Program. | $75,000.00 | August 11. 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3113 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation | U.S. Forest Service, Region 9 | Funds to cover eligible transaction costs for the acquisition of a conservation easement on the so called Worcester Woods III parcels. | $5,200,000.00 | August 11, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3112 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife | The Nature Conservancy | 80 Acres in the Town of Brandon to add to the Brandon Swamp Wildlife Management Area. | $68,500.00 | August 4, 2022 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3111:3074 update | ACCD, Dept of Economic Development | U.S. Treasury, American Rescue Plan | Updated application and full acceptance request for grant JFO #3074, U.S. Treasury State Small Business Credit lnitiative (SSBCI). | $57,947,977.00 | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
3110 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Two (2) limited-service positions, Aging and Disabilities Quality and Program Specialists funded through 7/31/2024. Positions will provide technical assistance to long-term care facilities to prevent or manage Covid-19. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (932 KB pdf) |
3109 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Vermont Health Access | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | One (1) limited-service position, Health Care Assistant Administrator II, funded through 3/31/2024. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (906 KB pdf) |
3108 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Dept of Housing and Community Development | U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development | One (1) limited-service position, Environmental Specialist I, to ensure compliance for new HUD programs. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
3107 | Department of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration | Twenty-six (26) limited-service positions. See link for details. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3106 | Agency of Agricutlure, Dept. of Food and Markets | USDA - Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center | Four (4) limited-service positions. See attached packet for details. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
3105 | Vermont Military Department | National Guard Master Cooperative Agreement | One (1) limited-service position: Military Energy Manager | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
3104 | Vermont Military Department | Department of Defense STARBASE Program | One (1) limited-service position: Administrative Assistant A, PG 17. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3103 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | American Rescue Plan Act | Eleven (11) Limited-Service positions. See packet for details. | July 26, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (596 KB pdf) |
3102 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept. of Enironmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Emergency Management Assistance | Thirty-one (31) Limited-Service positions. See full packet for details. | 07/26/2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3101 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration | This is a planning grant and funds will be used for improvements to Vermont’s 988 suicide crisis and prevention service. | $250,000.00 | July 18, 2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
3100 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Division for Historic Preservation | Sunshine Lady Humanitarian Grants Program | Funds for the operations of the Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission’s public outreach efforts in preparation for the commemorative activities, educational programming and events planned between 2025-2027. | $25,000.00 | 6/23/2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (714 KB pdf) |
3099 | Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Funds to create water resource maps and provide education about the mapping tool in the Connecticut River Basin, Vermont. | $105,228.00 | 6/23/2022 | Approved at JFC meeting on July 28, 2022 |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3098 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets, Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services | One (1) limited-service position, Environmental Analyst IV to assist with coordination and implementation of the $10M Regional Conservation Partnership Program. These funds are in previously approved grant #2762. | 04/18/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (607 KB pdf) |
3097 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Two (2) limited-service positions funded through a Substance Abuse Block grant supplement which was part of the American Recovery Act funding. | 04/11/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (233 KB pdf) |
3096 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | Ten (10) limited-service positions to support the Public Health Emergency Response Supplemental Award for response to the Covid-19 pandemic. | 04/11/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (216 KB pdf) |
3095 | Department of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funding for flooding that occurred in Bennington and Windham counties between 7/29/21 and 7/30/21. | $1,895,890.00 | 03/23/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
3094 | Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families | 11 (eleven) limited-service positions funded through previously approved JFO #3034. Positions funded through 9/30/2025. | 03/23/22 | Approved via expedited review 4/6/2022 |
Document Link (709 KB pdf) |
3093 | Agency of Commerce nad Community Development | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Funds for Statewide Economic Recovery Planning. | $1,000,000.00 | 03/23/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (676 KB pdf) |
3092 | Department of Environmental Conservation | Environmental Protection Agency | Funds for construction of replacement drinking water infrastructure for the town of Milton's Mobile Home Cooperative. | $420,000.00 | 03/23/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3091 | Dept of Public Safety | National Governor's Association | To fund the Agency of Digital Services Program Manager to assist the Department of Public Safety with IT concerns specific to improving multi-agency information sharing and governance. | $60,528.00 | 02/17/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3090 | Military Department | Three (3) limited-service positions: Military Project Manager. Positions needed to replace Federal personnel reductions in project management and Program Management staffing levels. Fully funded through 9/30/24. | 02/17/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (512 KB pdf) |
3089 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept of Education | Funds to establish a system and to provide support for 500 Vermonters with disabilities to achieve credentials leading to high-wage employment. Includes eight (8) limited-service positions: one (1) Project Director; six (6) VR Counselor/Career Navigator; one (1) Assistive Technology Specialist funded through 9/30/2026. | $6,589,481.00 | 02/17/22 | Approved via expedited review request 3/3/2022 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3088 | Judiciary, Court Administrator's Office | Office of Justice Programs | Grant funding supports states and communities to establish new or enhance existing familv drug courts. Includes one (1) limited-service position: Treatment Court Coordinator funded through 09/2024 | $896,945.00 | 02/10/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3087 | Dept of Financial Regulation | Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services | Funds used to analyze the health insurance coverage systems in Vermont, on and off the exchange. Includes one (1) limited-service position: Grant Manager and Health Policy Analyst funded through 9/2023. | $663,538.00 | 02/10/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3086 | Agency of Education | U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service | Grant to fund two projects: Phase II of a current IT project to improve interconnectivity and data transfer functionalities of the system. The second project is a pilot of the EdFi data model to improve data transfers between local educaiton agencies, child nutrition programs, and other state agencies. | $925,840.00 | 01/04/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (517 KB pdf) |
3085 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | Two (2) limited-service positions: one (1) VR Program Coordinator and one (1) VR Assistive Technology Evaluations Specialist. Positions funded through 9/30/2025 by previously approved grant JFO #2510. | 01/04/22 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3084 | Military Department, Air National Guard | Air National Guard Master Cooperative Agreement | Four (4) limited-service positions: two (2) Military Maintenance HVAC Specialists, one (1) Military Storekeeper, and one (1) Electrician. Positions are 75% funded through previously approved JFO Grant #2737. The remaining 25% is from State General Funds and has already been incorporated into the program budget. | 12/16/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
3083 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, American Rescue Plan Act | One (1) limited-service position, APS Project Manager, to create a 3-5 year plan for improving the Adult Protective Services Program. Funded through 9/30/2023 by previously approved JFO grant #2986. | 12/16/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3082 | Agency for Commerce and Community Development, Dept of Housing and Community Development | U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Servcie | Project focus is Mount Independence, a Revolutionary War site on Lake Champlain in Orwell, VT. Funds used to create an integrated system to update and make accessible the existing and extensive geospatial mapping, which details archaeological finds in the area. Photographic records of collections will be also be updated. | $40,900.00 | 12/16/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (807 KB pdf) |
3081 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Eighteen (18) limited-service positions to support immunization stategies, planning and staff to administer vaccines and provide follow-up for series completion. Funded through 6/30/2024. | 12/16/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3080 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | One (1) limited-service position, Environmental Analyst II, to support implementation of environmental justice commitments required under the US EPA's Performance Partnership Agreement. | 11/29/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3079 | Agency of Human Services | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | One (1) limited-service position, Administrative Services Director I, to implement and administer the American Rescue Act Enhanced Funding for Home and Community-Based Services initiative, worth an estimated $162M over the next three years. The position will help coordinate contracts and grants to a variety of parties to spend down funds in a timely manner. | 11/29/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (931 KB pdf) |
3078 | Agency of Education | U.S. Dept of Agriculture/Food and Nutrition Service | Funds to reimburse the Agency of Education for administrative costs incurred while providing the VT Department of Children and Families eligibility information for the P-EBT federal food benefit program for families who did not have access to meals at school due to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $79,397.00 | 11/30/21 | approved via expedited review 12/2/2021 |
Document Link (1001 KB pdf) |
3077 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Dept of Treasury, ARPA | Two (2) limited-service positions: Environmental Analyst IV to design and implement Vermont's Clean Water Fund Initiatives and, Contracts and Grant Administrator to administer funds awarded in Act 74 sec. G.700(a)(5). Funded directly through funds awarded in Act 74 sec. G.700(a)(5). | 11/17/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3076 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Dept of Treasury, ARPA | Six (6) limited-service positions to support various clean water initiatives. Fully funded with ARPA funds that were allocated in Act 74 of 2021, sec. G.801 for administrative costs. | 11/17/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
3075 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Mental Health | US Department of Health and Human Services (ARPA) | Funds to expand the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access program into VT. Includes one (1) limited-service position, Program Manager, at .5 FTE to coordinate the program. Matching funds are required and are being provided through a grant from VT Community Foundation to the Community Health Center of Burlington. | $3,170,514.00 | 11/15/21 | approved via expedited review 11/22/2021 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3074 | ACCD VT Dept of Economic Development | American Rescue Plan Act | Fund for a Small Business Credit Initiative to increase and expand programs designed to increase access to capital for small businesses. | $57,947,977.00 | 11/16/21 | held for JFC meeting on 11/17/2021 - in process |
Document Link (572 KB pdf) |
3073 | Public Service Department | Northern Border Regional Commission | One (1) limited-service position: Broadband Project Developer. The position will prepare the Communications Unions Districts for accessing the bond market, ensuring additional review of all operating agreements and partnerships involving the CUDS and private providers, and using innovative financial and data tools. Originally the grant was going to fund a contractor, but over time it has proven out that hiring a limited service employee is a more cost-effective approach for this grant. Please see frant JFO #3047 for the original scope. | 11/16/21 | Approved at JFC meeting on 11/17/2021 |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3072 | VT Agency of Human Services | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | One (1) limited-service position to the VT Agency of Human Services: Administrative Services Director III. The position will provide vital logistics planning for the COVID-19 response including testing, vaccination, procurement and product distribution; and planning for future emergencies. Funded through previously approved grant #3045. | 11/16/21 | Approved at JFC meeting on 11/17/2021 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3071 | VT Department of Health | US Dept of Health and Human Services | Two (2) limited-service positions: Recovery Substance Abuse Program Manager and Contracts and Grants Administrator. This is a COVID-related supplemental award to an existing block grant for the increased incidence of mental health and substance abuse disorders exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. | 11/12/21 | Approved at JFC meeting on 11/17/2021 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
3070 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | Northern Borders Regional Commission | Funds used to execute competitive sub awards for two to eight grantees. Awards will address critical infrastructure needs to help grantees expand their workforces and to gain accessto larger metro markets. | $350,000.00 | 11/09/21 | Approved at JFC meeting on 11/17/2021 |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3069 | VT Agency of Natural Resources/Dept of Environmental Conservation | US Fish and Wildlife Service | Funds to update National Wetlands Inventory mapping in the Lamoille River watershed. | $30,000.00 | 10/28/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3068 | VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development | US Dept of the Interior/National Park Service | Funds for water damage repair and installation of a comprehensive drainage system for the Senator Justin Morrill State Historic Site. State match of $279,031 over three years. | $226,725.00 | 10/28/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
3067 | Agency of Human Services | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | Funds to help create a unified, equitable, mobile crisis response system of care which is statewide, community-based, and meets the needs of individuals in the mental health, substance use, developmental disability, and older adult systems of care. | $953,336.00 | 10/19/21 | Approved via expedited review 10/19/2021 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3066 | VT Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funds to address health disparities among high-risk, underserved, racial and ethnic populations and rural communities, with a focus on inequities exacerbated by the pandemic. This grant includes nineteen (19) limited-service positions (please see page 7 of the attached packet for a breakdown of positions) funded through May 31, 2023. | $28,498,810.00 | 10/08/21 | Approved via expedited review 10/22/2021 |
Document Link (6.6 MB pdf) |
3065 | VT Department of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Eight (8) limited-service positions, Disease Intervention Specialists, requested by the VT Department of Health to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other infections. The positions are fully funded by an existing CDC grant and are funded through December 31, 2023. | 10/08/21 | Approved via expedited review 10/22/2021 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3064 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | National Institute of Food and Agriculture/USDA | Grant funds to provide expanded stress and mental health services to Vermont Farmers. One (1) limited-service position, Agriculture Development Specialist, to coordinate outreach and services. | $500,000.00 | 10/07/21 | Approved via expedited review 10/18/2021 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3063 | VT Agency of Human Services/DAIL | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | One (1) limited-service position, Quality and Data Specialist, to accommodate necessary tracking and grant efficiencies due to increased numbers of eligible grant recipients. From previously funded grant #2510. Position ends 12/31/2024. | 08/13/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3062 | VT Dept of Health | Agency of Human Services | One (1) limited-service position, Refugee Health Coordinator, to manage an expected increase in Vermont's refugee population. From previously funded grant. Position ends 9/20/2022 | 08/13/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3061 | VT Agency of Human Services/DAIL/Div of Vocational Rehabilitation | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds will be used to develop and expand a state-wide support network for first responders. | $49,774.00 | 08/13/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3060 | VT Dept of Corrections | U.S. Bureau of Justice Administration | Sub-award through the Council of State Governments Justice Center. Funds used to help implement Act 148 of 2020, Justice Reinvestment II, to improve outcomes and improve state-wide efficiencies. | $428,394.00 | 08/13/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (815 KB pdf) |
3059 | VT Dept of Public Safety | FM Global Fire Prevention | Funds to purchase fire scene investigaton equipment. Additional supplies and new technology will result in more efficient investigations. | $17,669.00 | 08/13/21 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (705 KB pdf) |
3058 | VT Military Department | National Guard Bureau | One (1) limited-service position, Administrative Services Coordinator II, within the VT Military Department, Communications Division. The position will provide document management support for the VT Army National Guard C4 division. Fully funded from previous JFO Grant #2948. | 07/23/21 | Approved at 7/30/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
3057 | Office of the Defender General | American Rescue Plan Act | Eight (8) limited-service positions within the Office of the Defender General. These positions have been requested to manage anticipated workload increases stemming from the Judiciary's Pandemic Recovery and Response Plan and will be funded using ARPA dollars appropriated in the 2021 big bill. | 07/23/21 | Approved at 7/30/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (366 KB pdf) |
3056 | Agency of Human Services - Dept of Health | United States Dept of Agriculture/Tufts Telehealth Intervention and Strategies for WIC | Funds for Vermont WIC to deliver breastfeeding support and education via Telehealth. This program will compliment in-person and telephonic counseling provided by local WIC staff. | $616,317.00 | 06/23/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3055 | Agency of Administration - Department of Libraries | American Library Association | Funds used to work with other Hub Coordinators in developing and supporting a regional community of practice amoung small, rural library grantees. | $22,000.00 | 06/23/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3054 | VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Housing and Community Development | US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | (1) limited-service position, Grants Management Specialist, to manage allocations from the CARES Act and Recovery Housing Program totalling $10,424,945.00. | 06/01/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3053 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Funds to support the Agency's existing water quality goals by incentivizing farmers to further reduce phosphorous pollution. | $7,000,000.00 | 06/01/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.3 MB pdf) |
3052 | VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Housing and Community Development | U.S. Department of the Treasury | Funds to implement a program pursuant to the federal Homeowner Assistance Fund established by the American Rescue Plan. The grant allows 15% of the total for administrative costs. ACCD requests (1) one limited-service position, Grants Management Specialist, for a two year period. The deadline to apply for funds was April 25, 2021. The State has received 10% of the funds ($5,000,000) which are being held until the grant is approved. | $50,000,000.00 | 06/01/21 | Aoproved at the JFC meeting on June 22, 2021 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
3051 | VT Dept. of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | Administration for Community Living | Three (3) (limited-service positions, Adult Protective Services Service Navigator, to assess needs of victims and work with community providers to ensure proper services are in place. Funded through previously approved grant JFO #2986. | 05/03/21 | approved via expedited review on 5/19/2021 |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3050 | VT Dept. for Children and Families | Vermont Community Foundation | Funds for subgrants to Weatherization Agencies to fund low-income weatherization projects not covered by current funding streams. | $49,490.00 | 05/03/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
3049 | VT. Dept. of Public Service | Northern Border Regional Commission | Funds to be used as the award on the VT Dept. of Public Service request for proposals on a public-private partnerships between a VT Communications Union District and broadband service provider. | $1,250,000.00 | 05/03/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
3048 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Coast Guard, Recreational Boating Safety Grant | One (1) limited-service position, Recreation Vehicle Equipment Technician, to service Dept of Public Safety recreational vehicles. Funded by existing Recreational Boating Safety Grant. | 05/03/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3047 | VT Dept. of Public Service | Northern Border Regional Commission | Funds to expand broadband throughout Vermont. Budget includes a $1.75M State match. | $1,000,000.00 | 04/21/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
3046 | VT Dept. of Economic Development | Northern Border Regional Commission Capacity Grants | One (1) limited-service position, Grants Program Manager, for management and compliance and technical assistance to grantees. Funding through previously approved JFO Grant #2971. | 04/21/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3045 | VT Dept. of Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | 48 (forty-eight) limited-service positions to carry out the ongoing work for an effective public health response to COVID-19. Positions to be funded through existing CDC grants #2254 and #2478. | 04/13/21 | Approved at 4/14/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (790 KB pdf) |
3044 | VT Dept. of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Department of Agriculture | One (1) limited service position, Centers for Well Being Manager, to develop a Northeast network of mental health counselors familiar with farm issues. Position approved for 1 year, but expected to be renewed for an additional two years. | $146,766.00 | 04/05/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
3043 | VT Agency of Education | U.S. Department of Education | Funds will be used to assist VT's approved and recognized non-profit independent schools impacted by COVID-19. | $4,284,369.00 | 04/05/21 | Approved at 4/14/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
3042 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | Funds to secure consulting services of the National Center for State Courts to advise on the creation of an Access and Resource Center which would serve self-represented parties and others looking for support navigating the justice process. | $50,000.00 | 03/08/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3041 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Ducks Unlimited | Funds for a 25-year stewardship of 136 acres in Addison County. | $100,000.00 | 03/08/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3040 | VT Agency of Human Services | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Two (2) limited service positions, both Financial Manager I to ensure all financial management records are in accordance with FEMA grant conditions. Positions funded through previously approved JFO grant #3015. | 03/08/21 | approved via expedited review - 3/17/2021 |
Document Link (954 KB pdf) |
3039 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds to develop and implement approaches to address a range of criminal justice system problems. The majority of funds will be awarded as sub-grants to organizations with expertise in this subject matter. | $1,000,000.00 | 03/03/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
3038 | VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development | Chittenden Country Regional Planning Commission | ACCD is a sub-grantee of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and is awarded a maximum of $40,000; original funds are from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Funds will be for work related to the West Central Vermont Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy project. | $40,000.00 | 02/18/21 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.1 MB pdf) |
3037 | VT Dept of Mental Health | Vibrant Emotional Health | Funds for the development of the 988 implementation plan to ensure compliance with the federal mandate for universal access to suicide and prevention services by July 16, 2022. (Note: One (1) limited service position is included within JFO#3036) | $135,000.00 | 02/16/21 | Approved via expedited review - 2/24/2021 |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
3036 | VT Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funds to increase and sustain the public health approach to suicide prevention. Three (3) limited service positions: two (2) at the VT Dept of Health, one (1) at the VT Dept of Mental Health. | $3,800,000.00 | 02/16/21 | Approved via expedited review - 2/24/2021 |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
3035 | VT Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funds will be used to enhance and coordinate healthy aging efforts within the Healthy Brain Initiative framework to decrease preventable hospitalizations among Vermonters 65 and older with Alzheimer's and related dementias. Includes two (2) limited service positions to adminster the program. | $550,749.00 | 02/04/21 | Approved at 2/11/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (3.3 MB pdf) |
3034 | VT Agency of Administration | US Dept. of the Treasury, Emergency Rental Assistance Program | The funds will be used to assist eligible households that have difficulty making timely payments of rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Included in the funding are five (5) limited service positions to administer this sizable grant program. | $200,000,000.00 | 02/03/21 | Approved at 2/11/2021 JFC meeting with conditions |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
3033 | VT. Dept of Public Safety | US Dept. of Homeland Security | One (1) limited service position, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, to support information sharing and analysis to prevent and prepare for hazards and threats. Funds from previously awarded JFO Grant #2212. | 01/27/21 | Approved at 1/28/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
3032 | VT Dept of Environmental Conservation | United States Climate Alliance | One (1) limited service position, Environmental Analyst VII, to serve in a leadership role in advancing Vermont's climate mitigation priorities. | $206,394.00 | 01/25/21 | Approved at 1/28/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3031 | VT. Dept. of Public Safety | Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Attorney General | One (1) limited service position, Victim Services Specialist, to provide services during and immediately after the investigation of a crime. | $450,000.00 | 01/25/21 | Approved at 1/28/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
3030 | VT Agency of Human Services | Kessler Foundation | Funds will be used to support the expansion or re-designation of current positions in the Department and to create three (3) limited service positions to assist Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries to transition to self-sustaining employment. | $450,000.00 | 01/25/21 | Approved at 1/28/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
3029 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | One (1) limited service position, Agriculture Water Quality Program Coordinator III, and $100,000 for a software upgrade and associated costs. [NOTE: The grant application reflects State in-kind matching dollars for a total budget of $500,000.] | $250,000.00 | 1/7/21 - 30 days begin 1/15/21 due to JFC formation | Approved at 1/28/2021 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
3028 | VT. Dept. of Motor Vehicles | Federal Highway Administration | Funds will be used to increase the amount of tax revenue available for highway programs by increasing highway use tax compilance efforts with an emphasis on motor fuel taxes. | $90,455.00 | 11/30/20 | Approved at 12/9/2020 JFC meeting |
Document Link (8.5 MB pdf) |
3027 | VT. Dept of Mental Health | Federal Health Resources and Service Administration | In May, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced $10 billion in funding to almost 4,000 rural health care providers including hospitals, health clinics, and health centers impacted by the pandemic. As part of this CARES legislation, the Vermont Psychiatric Care Hospital (VPCH) has received Funds as a rural health care provider in the amount of $1,959,765.32. These monies were granted to VpCH to maintain operations through the Coronavirus pandemic | $1,959,765.32 | 11/03/20 | Approved via the legislature in the FY2021 budget. 9/29/2020 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3026 | VT. Dept of Mental Health | Federal Health Resources and Service Administration | As part of the CARES legislation, the Vermont Psychiatric Care Hospital (VPCH) has received Provider Relief Fund monies due to decreased census of Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursement. So far VPCH has received one (1) payment totaling $106,527.77. These monies can be used to offset extraordinary expenses and lost revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic. | $106,527.77 | 11/03/20 | Approved via the legislature in the FY2021 budget. 9/29/2020 |
Document Link (468 KB pdf) |
3025 | VT. Secretary of State | Center for Election Innovation and Research | Funds will be used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of election administration to help educate voters during the 2020 election and the voting challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $405,000.00 | 10/27/20 | Approved via expedited review on 10/30/2020 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
3024 | VT. Center for Crime Services | Dept. for Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families | Funds will support additional expenses in domestic victim shelters due to COVID-19 and for human services and supports for victims of domestic violence and their dependents. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $65,785.00 | 09/29/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.6 MB pdf) |
3023 | VT. Dept. of Mental Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds will be used to continue adult crisis counseling and training related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial program was set up in April 2020 using FEMA funds and this grant will allow the work to continue through July 2021. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $630,787.00 | 09/28/20 | Approved via expedited review on 10/2/2020 |
Document Link (991 KB pdf) |
3022 | Governor's Office | U.S. Dept. of Education | Funds from the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund, granted through the CARES Act, will be allocated to secondary Continuing Technical Education (CTE) programs for assistance with in-person/hybrid/remote learning opportunities. The Governor will delegate authority to the VT Secretary of Education to allocate the funds. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $4,488,802.00 | 09/16/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.4 MB pdf) |
3021 | VT. Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds will be used for the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program to help at-risk populations access recovery assistance for the mental-health impacts of COVID-19. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $140,645.00 | 09/16/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
3020 | VT Dept. of Health | University of Vermont | Funds will be used to study the perceptions and behaviors of youth and young adults around vaping. The award partially funds two existing Public Health Analysts. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $27,171.00 | 09/16/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (7.6 MB pdf) |
3019 | VT Dept. of Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Two (2) limited-service positions to implement evidence-based interventions to increase rates of colorectal screenings in primary care clinics that serve low-income, rural Vermonters. | 09/09/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
3018 | VT Dept. of Labor | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds will be used to provide supplemental unemployment benefits of $300 per week. This request stems from the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $35,845,657.00 | 08/25/20 | Approved at 8/27/2020 JFC meeting |
Document Link (860 KB pdf) |
3017 | VT Dept. of Children and Families | Social Security Administration | One (1) limited-service position, titled Disability Determination Specialist I, to assist with increased workloads. This request does not stem from the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 08/06/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (567 KB pdf) |
3016 | VT Agency of Human Services/Dept of Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Fourteen (14) limited-service positions to carry out the activites required for an effective public health response to SARS-CoV-2. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 08/04/20 | Approved at 8/12/2020 JFC meeting |
Document Link (23 MB pdf) |
3015 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Public assistance grant to reimburse eligible costs borne by state, local and non-profit entities in the COVID-19 emergency response. | $33,598,000.00 | 08/05/20 | Approved at 8/12/2020 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
3014 | VT Agency of Human Services - DCF - Disability Determination Services | Social Security Administration | Two (2) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Human Services, Disability Determination Services. One (1) Disability Determination Adjudicator and one (1) Financial Administrator. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 07/24/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
3013 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Department of Justice | Funds will be used for the 109th Academy class additional costs as a result of COVID-19. The additional costs include hotel confinement of the new recruits at the police academy, the PPE costs for all officers, and the overtime required of the recruits and trainers to expedite the academy class. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $2,082,871.00 | 07/15/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3012 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Great Lakes Fisheries Commission | Funds will be used for conservation, restoration and riparian habitat protection for fish and wildlife in the Lake Memphremagog Basin. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $500,000.00 | 07/15/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (930 KB pdf) |
3011 | Agency of Education | U.S. Department of Education | The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund was granted in the CARES Act and provides flexible funds to state education agencies and local education agencies (LEAs) for any activity authorized by ESEA, response to COVID19, and other activities that are necessary to maintain the operation of and continuity of services in LEAs. This request does stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $31,148,360.00 | 07/16/20 | Approved at 8/12/2020 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
3010 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies | Funds will be used for a marketing campaign with goals to build awareness, strengthen credibility and engage advocates in the work Vermont Fish and Wildlife does to protect and conserve wildlife. Grant funds will be used primarily to purchase social media and digital ads on multiple platforms. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $20,000.00 | 07/16/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (681 KB pdf) |
3009 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds to be used to provide public assistance to the eight counties impacted by a flooding event on October 31 to November 1, 2019. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $3,167,132.00 | 07/08/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
3008 | VT Veteran's Home | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Funds to offset eligible expenses and lost revenues as allowed per the provider relief funding provisions of the federal CARES Act. This request stems from the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $910,888.00 | 07/08/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (871 KB pdf) |
3007 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | Two (2) limited-service positions to administer the Dairy Business Innovation Initiative in Vermont, a recently awarded grant (JFO #2982) from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 06/29/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
3006 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Vermont land Trust | Funds will be used to facilitate the purchase of 527 acres in the Town of Shrewsbury for a new wildlife management area. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $29,750.00 | 05/13/20 | Approved at 5/20/20 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
3005 | VT Dept. of Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) | Funds will be used to support individuals experiencing homelessness who have mental health needs by providing small stipends to encourage attendance to outpatient mental health appointments. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | $150,000.00 | 04/29/20 | Approved at 5/5/20 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
3004 | VT Agency of Administration | U.S. Dept. of the Treasury | Funds must be used to support the state response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as directed by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Public Law 116-136 of 2020, Sec. 5001 (establishment of the Coronavirus Relief Fund). Revised and resubmitted by the Administration on 5/3/2020 | $1,250,000,000.00 | 05/01/20 | Approved at 5/5/20 JFC meeting with conditions that were set on 4/27/20 and amended on 5/5/20 |
Document Link (1014 KB pdf) |
3003 | VT Dept. of Motor Vehicles | A request from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to establish a 3% charge that would be levied on individuals and entities using credit cards to remit certain taxes and fees to the Department. The Administration is required to submit these requests to the Joint Fiscal Committee per 22 V.S.A. �953(c). This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 04/23/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (199 KB pdf) |
3002 | VT Dept. of Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds will be used to provide crisis intervention and mental health support for individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. | $2,000,000.00 | 04/22/20 | Approved at 4/27/20 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
3001 | VT Agency of Education | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Education to work with the new vendor that is taking over the Child Nutrition claims and management system. This request does not stem from the state or federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 04/21/20 | REQUEST WITHDRAWN |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
3000 | VT Judiciary | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funding to support enhancements to the statewide Treatment Docket System. | $1,998,911.00 | 03/10/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2999 | VT Dept. of Corrections | Urban Institute | Funding granted as part of the Prison Research and Innovation Network to support improvements to prison culture, operations and design. The program will focus on the Southern State Correctional Facility. One (1) limited-service position has been requested in conjunction with this grant. | $100,000.00 | 02/25/20 | Approved via expedited review on 03/09/20 |
Document Link (6.2 MB pdf) |
2998 | VT Public Service Department | U.S. Dept. of Transportation | Funds will be used to support Department staff time related to pipeline safety issues. | $44,644.00 | 02/13/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (897 KB pdf) |
2997 | VT Agency of Transportation | U.S. Dept. of Transportation | Funds will be used to implement a roadside inspection system to aid in the regulation and enforcement of commercial carriers | $182,300.00 | 01/31/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2996 | VT Dept. of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds will be used to support and enhance the State's response to domestic violence in Windham and Bennington Counties. | $749,519.00 | 01/31/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.1 MB pdf) |
2995 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Forest Service | Funds will be used to perform water quality monitoring activities on federal land. | $10,000.00 | 01/31/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2994 | VT Dept. of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | National Young Farmers Coalition | Funds will be used towards building a network of legal, financial and behavioral resources for the Vermont farming community. One (1) limited-service position has been requested in conjunction with this grant. | $72,623.00 | 01/31/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (7.8 MB pdf) |
2993 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Funds will be used to perform lead testing on drinking water sources in all schools in the state. | $180,000.00 | 01/31/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2992 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds will be used to increase earthquake hazard risk awareness in areas of Chittenden County. | $30,000.00 | 01/14/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2991 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Funds will be used to restore brook trout habitat in tributaries along the Connecticut River watershed. | $53,768.00 | 01/14/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (998 KB pdf) |
2990 | VT Dept. of Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds will be used to provide first responders with improved and expanded access to opioid overdose prevention training, equipment and medication. One (1) limited-service position has been requested in conjunction with this grant. | $3,200,000.00 | 01/14/20 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2989 | VT Dept. of Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds will be used toward the expansion of mentoring opportunities for youth in rural parts of Vermont who are at risk of adverse childhood experiences (ACES), substance abuse and poverty. | $1,250,000.00 | 01/09/20 | Approved via expedited review on 01/27/20 |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2988 | VT Public Service Department | U.S. Dept. of Energy | Funding will be used towards several energy-related initiatives in State FY2020. | $337,840.00 | 12/23/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) | pending |
2987 | VT Agency of Education | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | These funds will be sub-granted to the Vermont Foodbank to cover costs for the distribution of foods provided through the Food Purchase and Distribution Program (FPDP). | $24,000.00 | 12/19/19 | Approved via expedited review on 12/26/19 | pending |
2986 | VT Dept. of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Funding would be used to enhance state adult protective services through the Elder Abuse Prevention Interventions program. Two (2) limited-service positions have been requested in conjunction with this grant. | $1,050,000.00 | 12/10/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.3 MB pdf) |
2985 | VT Dept. of Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | Funding would be used to expand the availability and quality of registered apprenticeship programs in Vermont. | $679,990.00 | 12/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.9 MB pdf) |
2984 | VT Agency of Transportation | U.S. Dept. of Transportation | Funding would be used to help fund a new VT/NH 119 bypass bridge across the Connecticut River from Hinsdale, NH to Brattleboro, VT, which will replace two structurally deficient bridges. | $2,040,000.00 | 12/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2983 | VT Dept. of Mental Health | Vibrant Emotional Health | Funding would be used to build capacity within Vermont to provide in-state call response for individuals who call into the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. | $135,728.00 | 12/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2982 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | Funding would be used to develop and support innovation in the dairy industry. | $454,392.00 | 11/26/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2981 | VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation | American Forests | Funds would be used to hire a limited-service position titled Forester III to help the Department address climate change impacts to Vermont forests. | $200,000.00 | 11/07/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.3 MB pdf) |
2980 | VT Military Department | Three (3) limited-service positions within the VT Military Department, titled Security Guard, that would provide additional security for the F-35 aircraft. | 11/06/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2979 | VT Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funding would be used on a three-year study of emergency department visits related to self-inflicted injuries in order to analyze data and target suicide prevention efforts. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $440,955.00 | 10/23/19 | Approved at 11/4/19 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2978 | VT Dept. of Libraries | University of Massachusetts | This grant will fund training for librarians and purchase resources/materials, for the purpose of disseminating medical information to Vermonters. | $30,000.00 | 10/11/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2977 | VT Agency of Human Services - Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | One (1) limited service position within VT Dept. of Health titled Public Health Analyst I to support opioid surveillance efforts and data collection for the Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System. | $76,101.00 | 10/11/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (780 KB pdf) |
2976 | VT Military Department | National Guard Bureau | Four (4) limited-service positions within the VT Military Department. Three (3) titled Airport Fire Fighter and one (1) Airport Fire Fighter Captain and 100% funded by ongoing federal funds. | $317,083.42 | 10/09/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2975 | VT Agency of Human Services - Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Health, titled Environmental Health Engineer, to educate homeowners on laboratory testing and treatment options for well-water contaminants. | $42,909.00 | 10/03/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2974 | VT Agency of Human Services - Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Two (2) limited-service positions within the VT. Dept. of Health to complete data collection and analysis for the creation of the Vermont Violent Death Reporting System. | $172,505.00 | 10/03/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2973 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funding would be used for disaster damaged facilities during the April 15, 2019 flooding event in Vermont. | $2,565,096.00 | 10/03/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2972 | VT Judiciary - Court Administrator's Office | National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (CASA) | Establish and bolster name recognition for the VT Guardian ad Litem program to help raise awareness of and volunteer recruitment to the program. | $35,000.00 | 08/27/19 | Approved via expedited review on 9/9/2019 |
Document Link (340 KB pdf) |
2971 | ACCD VT Dept of Economic Development | Northern Border Regional Commission, Concord, NH | To help fund the development of a statewide prioritization plan of community and economic development projects. | $56,500.00 | 08/22/19 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 9/16/19 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2970 | VT Dept. of Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | The funding would be used to improve the system of integrated early childhood (EC) services in Vermont. The DCF is requesting three (3) limited-service positions to carry out the grant activities. | $3,363,695.00 | 08/20/19 | Approved via expedited review at the JFC meeting on 9/16/19 |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2969 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | To help fund the establishment of anaerobic digester systems at five Vermont food and beverage businesses. | $43,551.00 | 08/09/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (842 KB pdf) |
2968 | VT Agency of Human Services - Dept. of Health | Association of Public Health Laboratories | Funding would be used to offset the cost of purchasing a new graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer and related operating software. | $60,000.00 | 07/15/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.8 MB pdf) |
2967 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | VT Housing and Conservation Board | Funding would be used to aid in the acquisition of a 435.5 acre parcel of land in Bridgewater that will be added to the Les Newell Wildlife Management Area. | $150,000.00 | 06/12/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2966 | VT Dept. of Economic Development | Northern Border Regional Commission | Funding would be used to hire a new executive director position for the NBRC for two-years as a State employee, after which time the position will fall under the NBRC. | $400,000.00 | 06/12/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2965 | VT Dept. of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs, titled Deputy State's Attorney, to be assigned in Caledonia County to provide assistance in the prevention and prosecution of domestic violence and sexual assault cases. | 06/03/19 | Approved via expedited review on 6/25/2019 |
Document Link (780 KB pdf) |
2964 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Military Department, titled Military Emergency Management Program Coordinator, to run the installation emergency management (IEM) program. | 05/23/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2963 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Military Department, titled Financial Specialist I, to assist the Department in addressing increased contracting workloads. | 05/23/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2962 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | National Boating & Fishing Foundation | Funding would be used to market Vermont fishing opportunities and fishing licenses to non-resident markets. | $20,000.00 | 05/13/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2961 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | The funding would be used to pay for 50% of the salary and benefits, as well as travel costs, for the limited-service position authorized in JFO #2951. | $232,407.00 | 04/23/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2960 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | New Hampshire Charitable Foundation | The funding would be used to build up woody materials along streambanks in five priority watersheds to improve brook trout habitat. | $53,768.00 | 04/23/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2959 | VT Dept. of Liquor and Lottery | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | The funding would be used to hire a consultant to review the Department's training program and recommend improvements. | $50,000.00 | 04/15/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (786 KB pdf) |
2958 | VT Military Department | The Vermont Military Department is requesting authorization to accept energy efficiency rebates of up to $50,000 per year, between FY19 and FY21, for projects that incorporate energy efficiency improvements. | 03/29/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2957 | VT Agency of Education | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | The funding would be used to hire a temporary, part-time position to provide Child and Adult Care Food (CACF) program training and professional development to child and adult care institutions in Vermont. | $99,919.00 | 03/11/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2956 | VT Dept. of Motor Vehicles | American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators | The funding would be used to make Vermont vehicle title information available on the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS). | $123,040.00 | 02/25/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2955 | SerVermont | Corporation for National and Community Service | The funding would be used to perform criminal history re-checks of CNCS-funded members and staff, which has been required by CNCS due to background check compliance issues nationwide. | $22,932.00 | 02/25/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2954 | VT Dept. of labor | U.S. Dept. of labor | $2,295,876 from the U.S. Dept. of Labor to the VT Dept. of Labor (Department). The funding is being provided through Phase I of the Retaining Employment and Talent After Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN) demonstration project. The overall project would be focused on developing early intervention strategies to improve stay-at-work/return-to-work (SAW/RTW) outcomes for individuals who experience a work disability while employed. One (1) limited-service position, titled Grant Manager, is associated with this request. Phase I, which is estimated to last for 18 months, would be focused on project development, while phase II would focus on broader implementation and funding for phase II would be awarded based on the outcomes of phase I. | $2,295,876.00 | 02/16/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (9 MB pdf) |
2953 | Department of Corrections | U.S.Dept. of Justice | $199,160 from the U.S. Dept. of Justice to the VT Dept. of Corrections. The funds would be used to develop a strategic plan for a system-wide approach to enhance employment outcomes of offenders who are re-entering the workforce. The effort would be focused on student assessments and increasing capacity within the culinary program in the corrections kitchen. Funds would be distributed between two personal service contracts, a workforce skills certification system, a prostart culinary trainer certification, and other supplies/packages. The planning effort would be completed through the remainder of State FY2019 and part of FY2020. | $199,160.00 | 02/16/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.5 MB pdf) |
2952 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets. The position would be titled Agricultural Engineer 1 and would provide additional capacity for the Agency to perform its commitments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under teh lake Champlain Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). | 02/15/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
2951 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Agriculture. The position would be titled Agricultural Water Quality Specialist II and would provide additional capacity for the Agency to perform its commitments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Lake Champlain Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). The position would be funded from two sources; 1) a sub-grant from teh Agency of Natural Resources that will leverage 2) grant funding fromt eh U.S.Dept. of Agriculture. | 02/15/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2950 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The position would be titled Environmental Analyst V and would provide engineering support within the wastewater system and potable water supply program to review permit applications through DEC's five regional offices. | 02/07/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.8 MB pdf) |
2949 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Public Safety. The position would be titled Homeland Security Program Planner and would be responsible for managing the Vermont Critical Infrastructure Program and with performing outreach to organizations that may be targets of terrorist activities. The Position would be 100% federally funded. | 02/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2948 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position within the Vermont Military Department. The position would be titled Records and Information Management (RIM) Specialist and would assist the State in conformance to federal requirements for military document management. The position would be 100% federally funded. | 02/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2947 | VT Dept. of Labor | Three (3) limited-service positions within the VT Dept. of Labor. The positions would be funded by a sub-grant from the VT Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) with grant funding that was previously approved by the Joint Fiscal Committee (JFO #2781) for the purposes of establishing job training programs for supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) participants. | 02/05/19 | REQUEST WITHDRAWN |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2946 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | Northern Border Regional Commission | The funding would be combined with a $26,250 State match to convene a two-day dairy summit focused on farmer resiliency, processor engagement, and dairy market evolution. | $41,750.00 | 02/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2945 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | The funding would allow the Agency to implement a multi-pronged maple products marketing campaign, including: public relations, promotional materials, a marketing plan, expansion of the annual Maple Open House Weekend into a month-long event, and an international trade mission. One (1) limited service position is associated with this request. | $499,912.00 | 02/05/19 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2944 | VT Public Service Department | Green Mountain Power Corporation | Funds will be used to establish a low-income energy pilot project and for a stove-to-wood pellet change out program. | $279,330.00 | 12/28/18 | Approved via expedited review 01/15/2019 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2943 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | Northern Border Regional Commission | Funds will be used for 3 pilot projects aimed at comprehensive wastewater infrastructure planning and implementation. The 3 pilot communities are Wolcott, East Burke and West Burke. | $219,213.00 | 12/28/18 | Approved via expedited review 01/15/2019 |
Document Link (7.1 MB pdf) |
2942 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | Castanea Foundation | Funds will be used to provide an additional round of Vermont Produce Safety Improvement Grants (VPSIG) for produce growers transitioning to compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. | $10,000.00 | 12/28/18 | Approved via expedited review 01/15/2019 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2941 | VT Dept. of Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | Funds will be used to perform an evaluation of Vermont's electronic bed board functionality and a gap analysis of current and future needs. The e-bed board system is a web service used by health and mental health providers to identify availability in mental health facilities for patients. | $150,000.00 | 12/19/18 | Approved via expedited review 12/31/2018 |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2940 | VT Dept. of Health | Two (2) limited-service positions, one within the VT Dept. of Health and one within the VT Dept. of Mental Health. The positions would oversee a project to expand early identification of maternal depression and provide access to mental health and substance use disorder screening and treatment. | 11/30/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2939 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds to be used to enhance the SURVIVermont initiative for educating the public on active shooter response best practices. | $231,464.00 | 11/30/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2938 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds to be used to update the technology utilized for anonymous reporting of threats to safety of students and personnel in schools. | $173,780.00 | 11/30/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2937 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds to be used to develop and enhance anti-human trafficking prevention and intervention strategies. The work would be done in partnership with the VT Center for Crime Victim Services. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $535,000.00 | 11/30/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.4 MB pdf) |
2936 | VT Dept. of Health | Four (4) limited-service positions within the VT Dept. of Health. The positions would oversee an existing, but expanded, grant program aimed at combatting the opioid crisis in Vermont. | 11/28/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2935 | VT Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | The funds will be used on a project aimed at combatting human trafficking in Vermont. Two (2) limited-service positions are associated with this request. The VT Dept. of Public Safety will be a partner on this project | $664,632.00 | 11/13/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2934 | VT Agency of Education | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds would be used to partner with the VT Dept. of Mental Health and three supervisory unions in the state to promote the improvement of mental health services and outcomes in school-age youth. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $8,211,854.00 | 10/19/18 | Approved at 11/8/18 JFC meeting |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2933 | VT Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funds and positions would be used to improve prevention and management of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in rural high-risk populations in Vermont. Two (2) limited-service positions are associated with this request. | $7,583,030.00 | 10/17/18 | Approved at 11/8/18 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2932 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds would be used for pre-disaster mitigation projects and to support local hazard mitigation planning efforts. | $947,877.00 | 10/10/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.4 MB pdf) |
2931 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security | Funds would be used to integrate preparedness activities for nonprofit organizations that are at a high risk of terrorist attacks with broader state and local preparedness efforts. | $143,455.00 | 10/09/18 | Approved via expedited review 10/18/2018 |
Document Link (7.2 MB pdf) |
2930 | VT Judiciary | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Funds would be used to continue an expanded Windsor DUI court docket, which would include Windham and Orange Counties. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $2,041,347.00 | 09/28/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2929 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds to be used to provide public assistance to counties that were impacted by severe storms and flooding that occurred on May 4-5, 2018. | $1,001,577.00 | 10/02/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2928 | VT Secretary of State | U.S. Dept. of Labor | Funds will augment State funding that has been budgeted to perform a three-yea review of licensing criteria for certain career fields falling under the purview of the Office of Professional Regulation. | $450,000.00 | 09/21/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (7.7 MB pdf) |
2927 | VT Secretary of State | LYRASIS | Funds will be used to develop a Performing Arts Readiness network in Vermont with the goal of protecting historical records in the event of an emergency. | $15,000.00 | 09/21/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2926 | VT Agency of Transportation | Governor's Highway Safety Association and the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility | Funds would be used to provide training to law enforcement to reduce drug-impaired driving. | $20,000.00 | 09/13/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (902 KB pdf) |
2925 | VT Military Department | Four (4) limited-service positions titled Security Guard that would contribute to the protection of military facilities in Vermont. Positions would be federally funded. | 09/12/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2924 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | Two (2) limited-service positions titled Environmental Analyst III and Grants Management Specialist, both funded through U.S. EPA Lake Champlain Basin Program grant dollars. | 09/07/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2923 | VT Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Grant funds would be used towards advancing the understanding of the opioid overdose epidemic and scaling up prevention activities. | $2,737,091.00 | 09/06/18 | Approved via expedited review 9/21/2018 |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2922 | VT Dept. of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Grant funds would be used to improve the infrastructure of traumatic brain injury (TBI) system of care in Vermont. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request, titled TBI Program Grant Manager. | $449,011.00 | 08/01/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.9 MB pdf) |
2921 | VT Dept. of Children and Families | Three (3) limited-service positions, titled Licensing Field Specialist, to be charged with inspecting regulated child care facilities | 07/27/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2920 | VT Dept. of Health | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Health, titled Disease Intervention Specialist, to be tasked with performing investigative and counseling work focusing on sexually transmitted diseases (STD), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). | 07/12/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2919 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | The funds would be used to provide public assistance to counties impacted by the wind event that occurred on October 29-30, 2017. | $3,659,099.00 | 06/25/18 | Approved via expedited review 7/9/2018 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2918 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Great Lakes Fisheries Commission | The grant money would be used to fund an angler survey of Lake Memphremagog aimed at improving the management of the lake as a fishery | $250,000.00 | 06/08/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (786 KB pdf) |
2917 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Military Department. The position would be titled Military Property Management Specialist and would be charged with maintaining real property records for the VT Army National Guard (VTARNG). | 06/06/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2916 | VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation titled Urban Forester to be charged with providing technical assistance to communities to support and develop local urban and community forestry programs. | 05/23/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
2915 | VT Secretary of State | National Archives and Records Administration | The funding would be used to offset some of the costs of a limited-service position, which would be tasked with improving public access to, and engagement with, Vermont historical records. The position would be funded partly from the grant and partly from State (non-general fund) dollars appropriated to the SoS. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $40,000.00 | 05/17/18 | Approved via expedited review 5/23/2018 |
Document Link (5.4 MB pdf) |
2914 | VT Dept. of Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | The funds will be used to support the development of Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) through the utilization of training of trainers (TOT) at four community mental health centers in Vermont. | $220,000.00 | 05/09/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.9 MB pdf) |
2913 | VT Dept. of Economic Development | One (1) limited-service position within the Department of Economic Development and titled Grants Management Specialist to administer ongoing grant funding from the Department of Defense � Office of Economic Adjustment to help the State work with defense-related businesses that have been impacted by reduced federal defense spending. | 04/26/18 | Approved via expedited review 5/15/2018 |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2912 | VT Housing and Conservation Board | Estate of Albert Binns Cox II | Funds to support farm and forest conservation and affordable housing in Vermont | $107,792.00 | 04/09/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (634 KB pdf) |
2911 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | High Meadow Fund | Funds to provide a private match for State funding dedicated to the Local Food Market Development grant program. | $30,000.00 | 02/22/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (656 KB pdf) |
2910 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | Funds to reimburse the Agency for several FDA-mandated trainings for the milk safety program. | $15,200.00 | 02/14/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (889 KB pdf) |
2909 | VT Dept. of Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Funds will be used over two years to provide support for oral health care providers in under-served areas and expand medical-dental integration in three federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). | $320,634.00 | 02/13/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2908 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | One (1) limited-service position within the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets titled Ag Development Coordinator to fill several roles within the Agency. Funding would be from a mix of federal and state sources and would be in place until 12/31/2019. | 01/31/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2907 | VT Attorney General | American Bar Association | To support a summer law school intern for 6-8 weeks in the Consumer Protection Division | $6,000.00 | 01/04/18 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2906 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | One (1) limited-service position titled Urban Search and Rescue Program Manager to replace a temporary position. The full-time limited-service position would be 100% federally funded through July 31, 2019. | 12/28/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2905 | VT Dept. of Health | Two (2) limited-service positions titled 1) Communication and Media Advisor, and 2) Public Health Analyst II. Both positions would be 100% federally funded. | 12/18/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2904 | VT Military Department | Two (2) limited-service positions within the VT Military Department titled Custodian II and funded 75% by ongoing federal funds and 25% by State general funds. | 11/16/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2903 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Military Department titled Military Property Management Specialist and funded by ongoing federal funds. | 11/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2902 | VT Military Department | Four (4) limited-service positions within the VT Military Department titled Security Guard and funded by ongoing federal funds. | 11/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (815 KB pdf) |
2901 | VT Dept. of Mental Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | To develop integration in clinical practices for pediatric care and mental health care. One (1) limited-service position is associated with this request. | $3,987,558.00 | 10/31/17 | Approved at 11/9/17 JFC meeting |
Document Link (5.8 MB pdf) |
2900 | VT Agency of Education | U.S. Dept. of Education | To offer sub-grants to rural school districts to support academic achievement. | $241,888.00 | 10/31/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2899 | VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | To hire one (1) limted-service position to improve the collection and interpretation of water use data to aid in future water delivery infrastructure replacement. | $190,000.00 | 09/20/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2898 | VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation | U.S. Forest Service | To hire one (1) limited-service position to fulfill increasing land management demands in Southern Vermont. A 50% State cost-share is required for this grant. | $41,550.00 | 09/20/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2897 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | VT Housing and Conservation Board | To Facilitate the purchase of a 281.4-acre parcel of land in the town of Fair Haven and adjacent to the Green Mountain Conservation Camp | $50,000.00 | 09/12/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2896 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | VT Housing and Conservation Board | To Facilitate the purchase of a 50-acre parcel of land in the town of Benson and adjacent to the Pond Woods Wildlife Management Area | $198,000.00 | 09/08/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2895 | VT Military Department | One (1) limited-service position titled Financial Specialist II to replace a temporary position. 100% federally funded | 09/18/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2894 | VT Dept. of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | One (1) limited-service position titled Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor to help the Dept. meet increasing demands for these duties. | 09/18/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (468 KB pdf) |
2893 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funding for public assistance to communities impacted by severe storms on June 30 and July 1, 2017. Grant amount is based on initial damage estimates and may change | $5,170,254.00 | 09/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2892 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funding for pre-disaster mitigation projects in four VT communities | $2,562,253.00 | 09/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2891 | VT Agency of Education | Council of Chief State School Officers | Funding to help build teacher capacity to support historically marginalized students and support equity in VT school systems | $10,000.00 | 09/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (988 KB pdf) |
2890 | VT Agency of Education | U.S. Dept. of Education | Funding to provide student support and academic achievement (SSAE) sub-grants to local education agencies | $1,940,000.00 | 09/15/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2889 | VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Safari Club International Foundation | Funding to study the impacts of tick infestations on Vermont moose populations during winter conditions. | $50,000.00 | 09/08/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (689 KB pdf) |
2888 | VT Attorney General | One (1) limited-service position, titled Medicaid Fiscal and Regulatory Analyst, to help the AG's Medicaid Fraud and Residential Abuse Unit (MFRAU) to develop and carry out investigations into potential Medicaid fraud. | 09/01/17 | Approved at 9/14/17 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2887 | VT Dept. of Housing and Community Development | Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation | Funding for programs within the Division of Historic Preservation, in the form of three $3,000 grants. | $9,000.00 | 08/23/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2886 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | One (1) limited-service position within the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, titled Agricultural Engineer I, to be tasked with providing engineering support to farmers who apply to or are enrolled in the USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). | 08/21/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2885 | VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets | Two (2) limited-service positions within the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, �both titled Agriculture Production Specialist I, to be tasked with performing inspections under the Agency's new Produce Safety Program. | 07/28/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2884 | VT Dept. of Health | March of Dimes | Funding for a comprehensive case finding and review of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) in Vermont | $86,960.00 | 06/30/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2883 | VT Dept. of Health | One (1) limited-service position within the Department of Health titled Compliance and Enforcement Advisor to be a part of the Department's existing Lead Accreditation Certification Program. | 06/14/17 | Approved at 7/21/17 JFC meeting |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2882 | VT Dept. of Health | Two (2) limited-service positions, both titled Public Health Specialist, to lead a Road Users Safety Program aimed at reducing injury and fatality risks for vulnerable road users (pedestrians/bicyclists/teen drivers) and for EMS personnel. | 05/31/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2881 | VT Dept. of Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Funding for opioid addiction treatment and overdose prevention. Expedited Review has been requested. | $2,000,000.00 | 05/19/17 | Approved via expedited review 6/5/2017 |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2880 | Vermont Veteran's Home | Vermont American Legion | Funding for improvements to guest rooms at VT Veteran's Home | $30,000.00 | 05/19/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (267 KB pdf) |
2879 | AHS DCF Woodside | Stern Center for Language and Learning | Funding to increase hours for two behavior interventionists at DCF's Woodside Facility | $9,576.00 | 05/11/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (625 KB pdf) |
2878 | Dept. of Vermont Health Access | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | Funding to be used as start-up funding for Vermont's All-Payer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model. Expedited Review has been requested. | $9,500,000.00 | 03/28/17 | Approved via expedited review 4/7/2017 |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2877 | Public Safety | Governor's HW Safety | Authorize the establishment of two limited service Forensic Chemist II Positions in the Public Safety Forensic lab | 02/24/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2876 | CJTC | Governor's HW Safety | Authorization to establish one limited service position | 02/16/17 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (912 KB pdf) |
2875 | Health | Center for Disease Control & Prevention | One limited service postion and funding for five years to develop and maintain a rapid active case surveillance system for birth defects in Vermont linked to the Zika virus. | $1,000,000.00 | 12/12/16 | Approved via expedited review 12/27/2016 |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2874 | DAIL | U.S. Dept. of Education | Three limited service positions and funding over five years to support Linking Learning to Careers Project. | $8,998,338.00 | 12/12/16 | Approved via expedited review 12/27/2016 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2873 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funding to pay for communication and coordination efforts for prevention/response to a potential Zika outbreak in Vermont. One limited-service position is associated with this request | $324,578.00 | 11/30/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2872 | Military | Six (6) limited-service positions, one titled Assistant Security Guard and the rest titled Security Guard, to provide security to military facilites in Jericho and in South Burlington due to a recent security classification change | 11/30/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2871 | Health | Two (2) limited-service positions, titled Substance Abuse Program Manager and Public Health Analyst II, to support grant and program activities related to the Strategic Prevention Initiative for Prescription Drugs | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2870 | Military | One (1) limited-service position, titled Military Maintenance Specialist, to provide maintenance for a military facility located in North Hyde Park | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (664 KB pdf) |
2869 | Health | One (1) limited-service position, titled Infectious Disease Program Physician, to help enhance the Department's capacity yo repsond to healthcare-associated infections and anti-microbial resistant bacteria | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2868 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Two (2) limited-service positions, titled Agricultural Enginner I, to help provide engineering assistance to farmers for implementing agricultural BMPs | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2867 | Economic Development | Vermont Technical College | Funding to pay for Department staff to work with employers to identify needed skills and boost employment | $100,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2866 | Education | Advocates for Youth | Funding for traning materials and technical assistance to improve sexual health education | $10,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (890 KB pdf) |
2865 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Vermont Ski Areas Association | Funding to support the Working Lands Fund | $15,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (437 KB pdf) |
2864 | Forests, Parks and Recreation | Trust for Public Land | Funding to pay for planning and improvements to a recently acquired 2,085 acre parcel in Camel's Hump State Park | $30,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (483 KB pdf) |
2863 | Education | Vermont Birth to Five | Funding to hire temporary staff to expedite the process of reviewing and approving Pre-K educator licenses | $13,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (418 KB pdf) |
2862 | Transportation | Federal Transit Administration | Funding to develop a statewide trip planner that includes flexible or demand-driven routes as well as other non-fixed route services | $480,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (468 KB pdf) |
2861 | Transportation | Federal Transit Administration | Funding to train Community Health Center staff to help transportation-challenged individuals schedule and attend medical appointments | $170,000.00 | 11/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (965 KB pdf) |
2860 | Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funding for safety and rescue equipment for firefighters | $217,890.00 | 11/16/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2859 | AHS Central Office - SerVermont | Corporation for National and Community Service | Funding and limited-service position to provide performance management, measurement training and technical assistance to AmeriCorps members and programs | $90,090.00 | 11/14/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2858 | Judiciary | US Dept of Health and Human Services | Funding and limited-service position for the Washington County Adult Treatment Drug Court Expansion and Enhancement Project | $955,347.00 | 11/09/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2857 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | Funding will be used to develop a Statewide produce safety program. Five (5) limited-service positions are associated with this request | $3,625,000.00 | 10/31/16 | Approved at 11/14/16 JFC meeting |
Document Link (8.3 MB pdf) |
2856 | Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture | The grant funds will be used to pay for travel costs for school food service managers selected by VT Child Nutrition Programs to attend training in November or December, 2016. | $32,000.00 | 10/31/16 | Approved via expedited review 11/17/16 |
Document Link (933 KB pdf) |
2855 | Public Service | Northern Border Regional Commission | The funds will be primarily used to offer financial incentives for non-profit public serving institutions that choose to install wood pellet heating systems. | $76,667.00 | 10/31/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2854 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | The funds will be used by the Department's Office of Economic Opportunity to provide rapid re-housing and rental assistance and support for families and individuals in Chittenden County who experience homelessness as a result of domestic abuse. The federal dollars require a match and Steps to End Domestic Violence will provide the match in the form of in-kind services (approx. $36,063), for a grant total of $167,605. | $131,542.00 | 10/03/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2853 | Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | The funds will be used to enable the Department to develop internal capacity to incorporate evidence-based strategies for individuals with disabilities into current health promotion/disease prevention efforts. One (1) limited-service position, titled Chronic Disease Program Specialist, is associated with this request. The Department is seeking approval to receive $150,000 in State FY17 as well as approval to establish the position. The remaining funds will be built into future year budget requests. | $750,000.00 | 09/26/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.8 MB pdf) |
2852 | Health | One (1) limited-service position within the Vermont Dept. of Health. The position would be titled Public Health Program Administrator and will perform planning, administrative and policy work to include development of local health care delivery systems, planning for emergency situations and addressing other public health issues. This work has been performed on a part-time basis by the Director of Preventive Reproductive Health but the Department would like to give these functions full-time staff attention. The position will be paid for from the recently renewed Personal Responsibility Education Program grant ($250,000) from the U.S. Administration for Children & Families through the end of calendar year 2018. | 09/23/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2851 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | The funds will be used to develop services specifically for seniors at the statewide legal hotline, Vermont Law Help, as well as to provide legal training and outreach with entities throughout the State. DAIL will act as a pass-through for the funds with Vermont Legal Aid being the ultimate recipient. Vermont Legal Aid will be providing additional in-kind services valued at approximately $179,526 over the three-year grant period. | $535,500.00 | 09/23/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2850 | Libraries | Institute of Museum and Library Services | The grant will be used to fund the Vermont Early Literacy Initiative � Science, Technology, Economics, Mathematics (VELI-STEM). Funds will be used over three years in 26 libraries across the State to introduce STEM learning to Vermont children and families and to develop a STEM learning model to be used in communities nationwide. A letter from the Secretary of Administration to the Joint Fiscal Committee is attached to the grant materials informing the committee that funds from this grant were expended prior to JFC approval, and contains an explanation of what occurred. | $339,861.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2849 | Health | National Network of Public Health Institute | The grant will be used to expand the Department's ability to conduct Health Impact Assessments (HIA) in order to further implement the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). The funds will cover the salaries, benefits, travel and meeting costs for district office employees who attend HIA training. | $9,970.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2848 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | The funds will be used to help fund education and outreach to Vermont meat producers with a focus on teaching veterinary medication and residue avoidance best practices. These actions will be aimed at reducing Vermont's high level of violative drug residues found in the tissues of livestock. | $248,989.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2847 | Fish & Wildlife | VT Housing and Conservation Board | As with the grant above, this grant will also be used toward the purchase of property bordering the Gale Meadows Wildlife Management Area in Londonderry. The parcel is 192 acres and contains deer wintering habitat, spruce-fir-tamarack swamp and open water wetlands. | $197,971.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (602 KB pdf) |
2846 | Fish & Wildlife | Twin State Sand & Gravel | The grant will be used toward the purchase of property bordering the Gale Meadows Wildlife Management Area in Londonderry. The parcel is 192 acres and contains deer wintering habitat, spruce-fir-tamarack swamp and open water wetlands. | $196,000.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (560 KB pdf) |
2845 | Fish & Wildlife | River's Edge Building Development | The grant will be used by the Department to help fund the monitoring of a conservation easement along Mallet's Bay Avenue in Colchester. The grant was made by the developer in order to fulfill requirements of an Act 250 permit related to a 45-unit subdivision development bordering the natural area. | $18,000.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (602 KB pdf) |
2844 | Vermont Veteran's Home | Friends of the VT Veteran's Home | The funds will be used to help fund construction of a new outdoor pavilion on the Veteran's Home property. No State funds will be needed to pay for the construction. | $100,000.00 | 09/19/16 | Approved by email canvass (9/30/16) |
Document Link (569 KB pdf) |
2843 | Agency of Education | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Education. The position will be titled Child Nutrition Education Consultant and will focus on improving State monitoring and reviews of School Food Authorities. The consultant will research the monitoring and review programs in other States to develop recommendations for how Vermont can better meet USDA administrative review timelines. The Agency will pay for the position through a reallocation of State Administrative Expense (SAE) funding that was previously granted by the USDA. The USDA has approved this reallocation. | 09/08/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2842 | Agency of Education | Council of Chief State School Officers | Six month planning grant for Vermont's New Skills for Youth Initiative (NSYI) | $100,000.00 | 08/28/16 | Approved at 9/15/16 JFC meeting | pending |
2841 | Agency of Education | Nellie Mae Education Foundation | To support attendance by the Secretary of Education and a teacher from the State Board of Education at the first Atlantic Rim Conference held in Reykjavik, Iceland on September 15 and 15, 2016. | $7,500.00 | 08/28/16 | Approved via expedited review 9/12/2016 |
Document Link (682 KB pdf) |
2840 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The position will be titled Agriculture Development Coordinator and will focus on consumer access and producer marketing relationships with farmer's markets and community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms. Currently, these duties are performed by a temporary, part-time employee who will be leaving to accept a different job soon. The Agency would like to convert the position to full-time, limited-service due to the increasing demands placed on the position. The Agency will pay for the position with ongoing grant funding from the USDA Agriculture Marketing Service through September, 2017. | 08/15/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2839 | Dept. of Health | USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture; City Market; UVM Medical Ctr.; In-Kind services | The funds will be used to develop and implement a physician-based �produce prescription program� in two Vermont counties. Patients who receive supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits will be given coupons by their physicians to buy fresh or frozen produce in participating local stores. The Department will evaluate the success of the program during the one-year funding period. | $200,000.00 | 08/03/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.9 MB pdf) |
2838 | Dept. of Housing and Community Development | National Park Service | The grant funds will be used by the Department to create a geospatial map of the southern portion of Mount Independence State Historic Site. The map will contain visible historical features and be compared against other historical documents to assess the use of the southern side of the Mount in Revolutionary War engagements. | $24,000.00 | 08/03/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (922 KB pdf) |
2837 | Dept. of Children and Families - Disability Determination Services | One (1) limited-service position within the VT Dept. of Children and Families � Disabilities Determination Services (DDS). The Department is requesting expedited review for this position (see attached memo from the DDS Director). The position will be titled Administrative Services Coordinator III and will manage and monitor performance-based contracts with physicians, who are now required to assess and sign-off on disability determinations as per the Congressional Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. The position is funded through May 30, 2020 with ongoing funding from the Social Security Administration. Three positions were previously approved under the same funding umbrella in early May (JFO #2816). | 07/21/16 | Approved via expedited review 8/2/2016 |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2836 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Vermont Farm Show | The grant funds will be used by the Agency to help support the VT Farm and Agricultural Management Standards (FARMS) 2+2 Scholarship program over the next four years. The program provides scholarships for students who attend two years at VT Technical College and two years at UVM majoring in Dairy or Ag Resource Mgmt. The Agency believes that this grant reflects the challenge given to the Administration and the two educational institutions by the Legislature to better involve industry partners in helping to support the Farms 2+2 program. | $43,000.00 | 07/18/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2835 | Libraries | Community College of Vermont | The grant will be used by the Department to purchase access to the EBSCO Learning Express Libraries database for 11 libraries throughout the State as part of the Job Hunt Helpers program, which is aimed at assisting Vermonters to achieve computer literacy for employment and/or career growth. The Department has already spent State funds to purchase database access and will be reimbursed by CCV upon approval of this grant. | $6,000.00 | 07/13/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2834 | Judiciary | National Court Appointed Special Advocate association (CASA) | The grant funding will be used to hire a consultant to develop an awareness and recruitment campaign in order for the VT Guardian and Ad Litem (VTGAL) program to recruit, train and assign 50 new GAL volunteers by the end of the grant term to serve 132 new children. Although this is a one-year grant, VTGAL hopes to be eligible for additional grant funding in FY18. | $75,000.00 | 07/01/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2833 | Military | One (1) limited-service position within the Vermont Military Department. The position would be titled Electronic Security System Technician I and would supplement an existing position in order to complete several upcoming projects that necessitate a second position. The additional position would be funded from ongoing federal grant dollars. | 06/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (809 KB pdf) |
2832 | Attorney General | The State Center | The grant will be used to fund a pilot program to install call-blocking technology in the homes of 50 Vermont seniors in Chittenden County. A survey will be performed 90 days after installation of the devices to assess the effectiveness of the program. | $6,463.00 | 06/14/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (332 KB pdf) |
2831 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Rail Administration/TIGER grant | The funds were awarded to Vermont as part of a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant. Monies from this grant will be used as part of the Vermont Western Corridor rail rehabilitation. | $10,000,000.00 | 06/02/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2830 | Agency of Transportation | Northern Border Regional Commission | These funds will be used to replace the septic system at the Newport State Airport with a new, higher capacity system. | $250,000.00 | 06/02/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (910 KB pdf) |
2829 | Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Three (3) limited-service positions within the Department of Fish & Wildlife. The positions are intended to help the Department implement the Vermont Habitat Conservation Initiative. An outline of the Vermont Habitat Conservation Initiative, which includes a detailed description of the roles of each position, is attached to this grant package. | 06/01/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2828 | Dept. of Public Service | One (1) limited-service position within the Department of Public Service (DPS). The position will be titled Energy Program Specialist II and will monitor the performance of Vermont gas Systems (VGS), which has recently been appointed as an energy efficiency utility (EEU). The position will also perform additional work in evaluating and verifying energy savings for the renewable energy standard (RES) Tier III obligations, which go into effect in 2017. The position will be funded primarily through the Energy Efficiency Fund and potentially through billbacks to utilities for certain expenses. DPS requested the position through 2026, but the Department of Finance and Management recommends approving the position through FY 2019, at which time the Administration could consider whether or not to extend it further into the future. | 05/25/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (971 KB pdf) |
2827 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development | Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation | The funds will be used to support statewide historic sites, to include: $3,500 for a temporary exhibit at the Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, $2,900 for three Grace Coolidge Musicale events at the Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, and $2,500 for the Justin Morrill State Historic Site to be open to the public three additional days per week during the 2016 season. | $8,900.00 | 05/25/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (428 KB pdf) |
2826 | Dept. of Vermont Health Access | Training and Research Support Centre Limited (TARSC) | The funds will be used for training and research on approaches to community power, participation and decision-making in health for the purposes of gathering substantive evidence on promising practices in statewide sites and abroad. | $9,500.00 | 05/25/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (910 KB pdf) |
2825 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | Agricultural Safety & Health Council of America | These funds will be used to develop and produce a bilingual agricultural fire safety video and training kit to teach best practices for on-farm fire safety. | $10,000.00 | 05/20/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (371 KB pdf) |
2824 | Agency of Education | Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) | The funds are a part of federal �Gear Up� monies awarded to VSAC annually and will be used by AOE to develop resources for the Vermont Transferable Skills Assessment System (VTSAS), which will be available to teachers seeking to develop/implement assessments to measure students' Transferable Skills proficiency. Measuring transferable skills is a requirement of Vermont's education quality standards (EQS) for all publicly-funded students as a condition of graduation, beginning with the class of 2020. AOE will provide an in-kind match through staff-time equaling the amount of the grant. | $90,000.00 | 05/02/16 | Approved via expedited review 6/6/2016 |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2823 | Agency of Education | Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) | The funds are a part of federal �Gear Up� monies awarded to VSAC annually and will be used by AOE to identify data and performance measures that will provide an indication of a student's readiness for college or a career. The Agency intends to incorporate this data into the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) for future use by schools and other partners. AOE will provide an in-kind match through staff-time equaling the amount of the grant. | $75,000.00 | 05/02/16 | Approved via expedited review 6/6/2016 |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2822 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration | The funds are part of the FHWA Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) demonstration grant program and will allow AOT to use Business Process Management (BPM) systems to optimize a right-of-way acquisition on a roadway project spanning the towns of Pittsford and Brandon. AOT will use budgeted program development funds of $251,000 as a match for this project. | $1,000,000.00 | 05/12/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (659 KB pdf) |
2821 | Agency of Education | Nellie Mae Foundation | The funds will be used by the Agency to implement Education Quality Review (EQR) pilot programs and develop frameworks for representing EQR data and mapping EQR to the State's continuous improvement program (CIP). The Agency will also use State matching funds of approximately $664,000, which were previously budgeted for this purpose. | $250,000.00 | 05/09/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (684 KB pdf) |
2820 | Dept. of Health | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | The funds will be used over a 5-year period to advance efforts to support conformance with FDA Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS). One (1) limited-service position, titled Food & Lodging Specialist/Inspector, is associated with this request. The Department would utilize approximately $6,322 of these funds during the remainder of State FY2016 and the remainder would be included in future appropriations requests. | $337,128.00 | 04/15/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (796 KB pdf) |
2819 | Dept. of Fish and Wildlife | Nature Conservancy | Of the grant funds, $61,350 would go towards the purchase of a 78.8 acre parcel of land along Mallets Creek in Colchester and $52,300 would go towards implementing a restoration plan for wetlands within the parcel. The Department will use State funds of approximately $123,650, from Duck Stamp proceeds, to fund the remaining costs of purchasing this parcel. | $113,650.00 | 04/15/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (534 KB pdf) |
2818 | Dept. of Public Safety | FEMA | The funds will be used to complete hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified following a storm in April 2014. The communities that would receive funds from this grant are Jamaica for drainage improvements and Ripton for a new town office generator. | $264,233.00 | 04/15/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (393 KB pdf) |
2817 | Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation | Trust for Public Land | The funds will be used by the Department to replaced undersized and failed culverts on the Dowsville Forest property, a 2,085 acre parcel of land that the Department has purchased for addition to neighboring Camel's Hump State Park. | $20,000.00 | 04/15/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (395 KB pdf) |
2816 | Dept. of Children and Families - Disability Determination Services | Three (3) limited-service positions within the Department of Children and Families � Disability Determination Services to support increased workloads in making disability determinations. The positions will be 100% funded with ongoing federal funding from the Social Security Administration. The titles of the positions will be: Disability Determination Adjudicator (2) and Disability Determination Specialist (1). Each position will be funded through January 31, 2020. | 04/08/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2815 | Judiciary | One (1) limited-service position within the Vermont Judiciary to support coordination of drug/treatment court infrastructure in Chittenden, Franklin, Rutland and Washington counties. The position will be funded through an ongoing annual sub-grant from the Vermont Dept. of Health's (VDH) Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse program (ADAP). The titles of the position will be Treatment Court Coordinator. The Judiciary is asking for this position in anticipation of receiving the same or higher level of sub-grant funding in FY17 as in FY16. | 04/05/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (262 KB pdf) |
2814 | Dept. of Liquor Control | Governor's Highway Safety Program | The funds will be used by the Department to purchase new or replacement equipment for vehicles, primarily emergency lighting. Because this sub-grant is from an ongoing federal funding source and is not an �original� grant, this item does not require the approval of the Joint Fiscal Committee but is being provided for informational purposes. | $7,000.00 | 04/05/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (579 KB pdf) |
2813 | Dept of Public Safety | Federal Emergency Management Agency | The funds will be used to complete hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified following a storm in December 2014. The communities that would receive funds from this grant are Athens, Northfield, Barre City and Rutland City. Because FEMA has not yet issued a final lock-in letter to the Department, the total amount of grant funding could change from the amount given above. | $509,805.00 | 03/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (433 KB pdf) |
2812 | Dept of Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | The funds will be used by the Department to hold four refusal skills trainings around the State in order to help liquor licensees provide more responsible beverage service to the public. The Department will complete a bid process in order to contract with a refusal skills expert to hold the training. | $10,000.00 | 03/28/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (445 KB pdf) |
2811 | Dept of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | Northern Border Regional Commission | The funds will be used to complete infrastructure improvements at the south end of Lake Willoughby to include increased parking capacity and sanitary facilities. There will be ongoing costs for operation and maintenance of the facilities following construction, for which the Department has calculated into its FY2017 appropriations request. | $200,000.00 | 03/11/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (561 KB pdf) |
2810 | Dept of Public Service | US Dept of Energy | The funds will be used to expedite the creation of large-scale home energy labeling policies and programs that support the market valuation of energy efficiency in home through the development of a publicly accessible database- the Home Energy Labeling Information Exchange (HELIX). In-kind, non-cash contributions will be made by several project partners. | $786,103.00 | 03/07/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (537 KB pdf) |
2809 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Progressive Farm Alliance | The funds will supplement the FY2016 Working Lands Enterprise Program grant budget. Expedited review has been requested by the Agency so that the funds will be available to the Working Lands Enterprise Board at its next meeting. | $50,000.00 | 03/11/16 | Approved via expedited review 3/23/16 |
Document Link (402 KB pdf) |
2808 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Long Trail Brewing Company | The funds will supplement the FY2016 Working Lands Enterprise Program grant budget. Expedited review has been requested by the Agency so that the funds will be available to the Working Lands Enterprise Board at its next meeting. | $25,000.00 | 03/11/16 | Approved via expedited review 3/23/16 |
Document Link (386 KB pdf) |
2807 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Merinoff Family of Meadows Bee Farm | The funds will supplement the FY2016 Working Lands Enterprise Program grant budget. Expedited review has been requested by the Agency so that the funds will be available to the Working Lands Enterprise Board at its next meeting. | $100,000.00 | 03/11/16 | Approved via expedited review 3/23/16 |
Document Link (393 KB pdf) |
2806 | Judiciary | One (1) limited-service position within the Vermont Judiciary to help support the ongoing work of the Windsor County Accelerated Intervention Docket (WCAID), which is dedicated to changing the behavior of Driving under the Influence (DUI) offenders. The position will be funded through a sub-grant from the Agency of Transportation (MOU attached) using federal dollars granted to the Governor's Highway Safety Program. The title of the position will be Treatment Court Coordinator. | 02/10/16 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2805 | VT Department of Fish and Wildlife | US Fish and Wildlife Service and Vance DeWitt | $330,000 grant from US Fish and Wildlife Service and $40,000 in-kind from Vance DeWitt. The funds, and donation, were used to purchase 453 acres of land to be added to the Turner Hill Wildlife Management Area in the town of Athens. The parcels were previously owned by Vance DeWitt (240 acres) and Susan Sheehan (213 acres). Mr. DeWitt offered his parcel at a cost $40,000 less than the appraised value. $70,000 of State funds were used for the purchase and the total purchase cost was $440,000, including $5,000 in legal fees for the closing. | $370,000.00 | 12/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2804 | VT Agency of Administration | Permanent Fund for Vermont's Children | The grant funds will be used to support the Blue Ribbon Commission on Financing High Quality, Affordable Child Care, created in Act 58 of 2015. Specifically, the funds will allow the Commission to hire a part-time, limited-service administrator, help cover the day-to-day operating expenses of the Commission, and allow the Commission to hire a consultant to perform research and draft a final report to the Legislature in November, 2016. | $250,000.00 | 12/22/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (960 KB pdf) |
2803 | VT Commission on Women | U.S. Dept. of Labor | The grant funds will be used to perform a study of the feasibility of a paid family and medical leave program for the State, which will build off of the recommendations made by the Paid Family Leave Study Committee, established by the Legislature in 2013. The VT Commission on Women will utilize several contractors to perform the research and analysis. | $173,794.00 | 12/15/15 | Approved by the Legislature in Act 68 of 2016, Sec. 73 |
Document Link (719 KB pdf) |
2802 | VT Dept. of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | The grant funds will be used to hire six (6) limited-service positions of 24 months in length for the purposes of combating Vermont's heroin trafficking issues. Of the six positions, five will be troopers and one will be a drug investigation analyst. Per an attached memo in the packet, the five officer positions will shift to positions vacated by retirees and the analyst position will end when federal funding runs out at the end of State fiscal year 2018. | $1,430,519.00 | 12/03/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2801 | VT Agency of Education | Council of Chief State School Officers | The grant funds will be used for outreach efforts made by the Agency regarding the implementation of Proficiency-Based Learning components of the State's Education Quality Standards (EQS). | $30,000.00 | 11/30/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (363 KB pdf) |
2800 | VT Department of Economic Development | U.S. Dept. of Defense | The grant funds will be used over two State fiscal years to conduct an assessment of the impact of decreasing federal defense budgets on businesses in Vermont that deal directly and/or indirectly with the DOD and to help those businesses diversify, innovate and train employees in order to overcome adverse impacts. | $386,325.00 | 11/19/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (898 KB pdf) |
2799 | Office of the Attorney General | City of Burlington | Donation of a 2014 Ford Explorer (estimated value: $23,000) from the City of Burlington to the Office of the Attorney General. This vehicle was previously purchased by the City of Burlington to aid in the performance of its duties as the administrator of grant funds for the Vermont Internet Crimes against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Those grant funds are now being directed to the AG's office (per JFO #2790) and the City is donating the vehicle to help the AG in its new role. The AG's office would hold title to this vehicle but BGS would be on the title as a lienholder (as part of an Operations and Management Lease) with BGS receiving a monthly fee from the AG to provide maintenance, registration and insurance, as well as record-keeping for BGS reporting purposes. | $23,000.00 | 11/19/15 | Approved via expedited review 12/04/15 |
Document Link (432 KB pdf) |
2798 | VT Department of Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | The grant funds will be used for two separate projects. The first is a Special Emphasis project to boost the sharing of law enforcement administrative records for research purposes with a focus on law enforcement data accessibility and dissemination. The second is a Core Capacity project to assist in building law enforcement data capacity for evidence-based policing and to improve the quality of criminal history data for evidence-based policy analysis. | $167,137.00 | 11/18/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2797 | VT Department of Health | Alzheimer's Association | The grant funds will be used to incorporate a cognitive module as an optional module as part of the 2016 Vermont Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey (BRFSS). | $30,000.00 | 11/18/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (445 KB pdf) |
2796 | VT Department of labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | Request for authority to establish 12 new limited service positions to provide UI reemployment services | 11/05/15 | Approved via expedited review 11/30/15 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2795 | VT Ctr. For Crime Victim's Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Grant to purchase a new case management system | $72,125.00 | 11/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (310 KB pdf) |
2794 | Dept of Public Safety | Federal Indirect Charges | Request for authority to establish one new limited service position in Administration Division | 11/04/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (467 KB pdf) |
2793 | VT Ctr. For Crime Victim's Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Grant to provide training to Victim Advocates | $93,629.00 | 11/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (330 KB pdf) |
2792 | Dept. of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Funds to support projects to expand prevention efforts aimed at prescription drug and opioid abuse. Three (3) limited service positions are associated with this request. | $3,760,000.00 | 10/26/15 | Approved at 11/13/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2791 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Meadows Bee Farm | The grant funds will be used to provide sub-grants to eligible schools and organizations located in southern Vermont in need of technical assistance and implementation funding relating to the Vermont Farm-to-School program. | $25,000.00 | 10/26/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (400 KB pdf) |
2790 | Attorney General | U.S. Dept of Justice | Request to accept funds to support the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force | $235,000.00 | 10/14/15 | Approved via expedited review 10/22/15 |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
2789 | Dept of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | Vermont land Trust | Request to accept donation of $185,000 for the purpose of staffing, managing, and providing stewardship of newly acquired Molly's Falls Pond Property. | $185,000.00 | 10/14/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (448 KB pdf) |
2788 | Dept. of Health | Request for one new limited service Substance Abuse Program Manager position to work with treatment grant. | 10/12/15 | Approved at 11/13/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (645 KB pdf) |
2787 | Dept. of Health | Request for one new limited service Substance Abuse Program Manager position to work on prevention grant. | 10/12/15 | Approved at 11/13/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (770 KB pdf) |
2786 | DCF-Weatherization | Vermont Low Income Trust for Electricity (VLITE) | Funds to remediate houses that contain vermiculite insulation in preparation to receive weatherination services. | $125,000.00 | 10/08/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (413 KB pdf) |
2785 | ACCD | U.S. Dept of the Interior | Funds to hire a consultant to research and document the historic significance of Hubbardton Battlefield, the site of the only Revolutionary War engagement on Vermont soil. | $30,700.00 | 10/08/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2784 | Public Safety | FEMA | Disaster assistance for emergency work and the repair and/or replacement of disaster damaged facilities which occurred during the June 9, 2015 storm in Addison and Chittenden Counties. | $1,042,242.00 | 10/06/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2783 | AoA Finance and Managment | Amber Jean Productions, Inc. | $100,000 donation to the Food Fight fund established in Sec. 4 of Act 120 of 2014. | $100,000.00 | 09/22/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (331 KB pdf) |
2782 | Public Service Dept | U.S. Dept of Energy through VEIC | Request from PSD to approve a $12,700 grant from U.S. Dept of Energy through VEIC | $12,700.00 | 09/01/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2781 | Dept. of Children and Families | USDA | Request from DCF to approve the first year of a three year grant totalling $8,959,379 from the USDA to fund the Jobs for Independence (JFI) Pilot project. Includes authorization to establish 13 new limited service positions. | $2,986,460.00 | 09/08/15 | Approved at 9/15/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (3.5 MB pdf) |
2780 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | Vermont Community Foundation | Request to approve a $21,000 grant from the Vermont Community Foundation for the purpose of paying for a consultant to study the economic value of the Farm to School program | $21,000.00 | 08/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (524 KB pdf) |
2779 | AoA Finance and Managment | SumOfUs | $25,000 donation to the Food Fight fund established in Sec. 4 of Act 120 of 2014. | $25,000.00 | 08/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (297 KB pdf) |
2778 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development | National Park Service | Request to accept $28,302 from the National Park Service for a sub-grant to the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M to conduct the lake Champlain Steamboat Winooski Archaeology Investigation in Shelburne | $28,302.00 | 08/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (359 KB pdf) |
2777 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | Request to accept $19,100 from the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association for a study of the warehouse operations and to pay for a speaker at conference. | $19,100.00 | 08/21/15 | Approved at 9/15/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (683 KB pdf) |
2776 | VSAC | Subaru of New England | Request to accept $25,000 grant from Subaru of New England for the VT Universal Children's Higher Education Savings Account Program administered by VSAC. | $25,000.00 | 08/19/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (638 KB pdf) |
2775 | Dept of Military | Office of Veterans Affairs | Request to approve the establishment of one new limited service Education Consultant 1 position | 08/11/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (724 KB pdf) |
2774 | Dept of Public Safety | Homeland Security | Request to approve the establishment of one new limited service Criminal Analyst position | 08/03/15 | Approved at 9/15/15 JFC meeting |
Document Link (567 KB pdf) |
2773 | Dept of Health | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | Request to approve grant to develop a regional approach to caring for Ebola patients and to authorize one new limited service position | $340,024.00 | 07/23/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2772 | Judiciary | National Court Appointed Special Advocate Assoc | Request to approve grant from NCASAA to recruit and train new Guardian ad Litems to serve abused and neglected children. | $11,000.00 | 07/23/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (300 KB pdf) |
2771 | Fish and Wildlife | The Lintilhac Foundation | Request to approve grant from the Lintilhac Foundation to support purchase of 2,880 acres to be added to the Bird Mountain Wildlife Management Area | $30,000.00 | 07/23/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (400 KB pdf) |
2770 | Fish and Wildlife | The Conservation Fund | Request to approve grant from the Conservation Fund to purchase 2,880 acres to be added to the Bird Mountain Wildlife Management Area | $2,868,000.00 | 07/23/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1008 KB pdf) |
2769 | Dept of Military | U.S. Veterans Administration | Request to approve under expedited approval process a grant to expand the Vermont Veterans Cemetery in Randolph. | $5,695,359.00 | 07/16/15 | Approved (expedited) |
Document Link (451 KB pdf) |
2768 | Dept of Military | U.S. National Guard Bureau | Request to approve grant for phase two of construction project in North Hyde Park, a National Guard vehicle maintenance Shop. | $7,634,000.00 | 06/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (766 KB pdf) |
2767 | Dept of Military | U.S. National Guard Bureau | Request to approve under expedited approval process a grant for phase one of construction project in North Hyde Park, a National Guard vehicle maintenance Shop. | $4,480,980.00 | 06/24/15 | Approved (expedited) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2766 | Dept of Military | U.S. DoD Starbase funds | Request for One new limited service Administrative Assistant A position | 06/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (366 KB pdf) |
2765 | Dept of Health | Request for 3 new limited service positions, two Public Health Program Administrators and one Health Data Administrator. | 06/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2764 | Forests, parks, and Recreation | Federal Forest legacy Funds | Request for one new limited service Forester 1 position | 06/06/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (568 KB pdf) |
2763 | Governor's Office | Web Portal Board | Request to approve Web Portal Fee structure | 06/06/15 | Deferred to Legislature for action during the 2016 Session |
Document Link (260 KB pdf) |
2762 | Department of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service | Request to approve grant from U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service to DEC to provide assistance to encourage efforts to conserve natural resources in priority areas of the Lake Champlain watershed in VT and NY. | $350,000.00 | 06/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (953 KB pdf) |
2761 | Department of Fish and Wildlife | U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service | Request to establish one limited service position, Wildlife Scientist II to coordinate state and federal land use permit applications. | 05/22/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (570 KB pdf) |
2760 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration | These funds will be used by Vtrans, as well as by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPA), to implement corridor level advanced traffic monitoring by using Bluetooth monitoring devices in certain high volume roadway corridors to provide real-time information for systems management. State funding will come from existing funds budgeted to AOT. | $981,780.00 | 05/18/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (714 KB pdf) |
2759 | Department of Vermont Health Access | One (1) limited-service position with the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA). The position would be titled Administrative Services Coordinator III and paid for from funding related to the State Innovation Models (SIM) grant (JFO #2622). The position will assist in handling the higher-than-expected volume of contracts, invoices and contract/grant monitoring tasks. | 05/11/15 | REQUEST WITHDRAWN |
Document Link (397 KB pdf) |
2758 | Department of Public Service | U.S. Department of Energy | These funds will be used as part of REVEAL (Recognizing Efficiency Value through Energy Asset Labeling), a collaborative program between Vermont and New Hampshire to make energy efficiency visible in the Northern New England real estate market by advancing building energy labeling, benchmarking and disclosure in VT and NH. | $380,000.00 | 04/30/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (764 KB pdf) |
2757 | Agency of Education | One (1) limited-service position within the Agency of Education. The position would be titled Pre-K Monitoring Coordinator and paid for from funding related to the Vermont Race to the Top- Early Learning Challenge grant (JFO #2668). The duties of the position would be to recruit and facilitate a PreK Monitoring Working Group, and help to design, manage and implement the PreK Monitoring System in Vermont. | 04/27/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (360 KB pdf) |
2756 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used for hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified during the December 2013 ice storm affecting parts of Vermont. Towns are currently in the application process for sub-grants. | $995,804.00 | 04/14/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (477 KB pdf) |
2755 | Attorney General | Sears Consumer Protection Education Fund | This grant will be used to fund a three month pilot project to assess the impact of posting a warning advertisement on Google to guide Vermont consumers away from sites offering illegal high-interest loans. | $9,000.00 | 03/31/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (458 KB pdf) |
2754 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development | Northern Border Regional Commission | These funds will be used to create digital parcel data of towns in the northern border region. This grant was originally awarded to the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI), which has subsequently sent a request to NBRC to name ACCD as the grantee in anticipation of the transition of VCGI into ACCD. | $169,100.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (328 KB pdf) |
2753 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used for hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified during May 2011 flooding in Rutland City. | $155,817.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (360 KB pdf) |
2752 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used for hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified during May 2012 flooding in St. Johnsbury. | $128,488.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (358 KB pdf) |
2751 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used for hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified during May 2013 flooding in Baltimore, Cabot, Cambridge and Proctor. | $288,574.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (365 KB pdf) |
2750 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used for hazard mitigation projects to mitigate future problems identified during May 2013 flooding in Andover, Berlin, Eden, Ludlow, Richmond, Springfield, Weathersfield, West Windsor and Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP) locations. | $849,360.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (360 KB pdf) |
2749 | Department of Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used to provide Federal disaster assistance in response to the December 2014 winter storm affecting Addison, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington and Windsor Counties. | $2,928,051.00 | 03/24/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (333 KB pdf) |
2748 | Agency of Education | U.S. Department of Education | This grant will provide funding to facilitate the expansion of preschool programs to children from families below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. The grant funds will be disbursed over four calendar years and five State fiscal years, starting in FY15 and ending in FY19. Private philanthropic money will serve as the State's required 58% match over this period of time. Two (2) limited-service positions, an Education Financial Analyst and an Education Programs Coordinator, are associated with this request. | $33,392,282.00 | 03/20/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (579 KB pdf) |
2747 | Department of Health | Association of State & Territorial Health Officials | The above amount represents two separate grants; a $15,000 breastfeeding support grant to support workplace compliance with the federal lactation accommodation law and a $15,000 health impacts assessment grant to support a health impact assessment of proposed zoning changes in the South End of Burlington. | $30,000.00 | 03/20/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (357 KB pdf) |
2746 | Department of Finance and Management | SumOfUs | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $25,000.00 | 03/20/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (308 KB pdf) |
2745 | Department of Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | These funds will be used by the Department to develop a public service campaign to educate the public about the amount of alcohol in their drinks and to combat over-service. | $10,000.00 | 03/20/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (341 KB pdf) |
2744 | Department of Public Service | U.S. Department of Energy | The grant funds will be used to help modernize and streamline the process for interconnecting distributed renewable generation resources to Vermont's electric grid. Green Mountain Power will be supplying a required match through in-kind staff time. | $249,966.00 | 03/13/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (292 KB pdf) |
2743 | Department of Health | One (1) limited-service position within the Department of Health to be funded from the Environmental Public Health Tracking Grant, originally approved by the Joint Fiscal Committee in 2009. The title of the position will be Epidemiologist IV and will provide capacity to conduct analysis of epidemiological data and perform outreach efforts. | 02/08/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (421 KB pdf) |
2742 | Dept. of Public Safety | Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Attorney General | These funds will be used for planning, training and education for all agencies responsible for safeguarding communities and preventing prison rape. | $21,593.00 | 01/07/15 | Approved by Legislature, H.82 (Budget Adjustment), Signed by Governor (Act 4) |
Document Link (604 KB pdf) |
2741 | Finance and Management | Cropp Cooperative Inc., Organic Valley | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $25,000.00 | 02/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (347 KB pdf) |
2740 | Finance and Management | Falconwood Foundation Inc. | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $15,000.00 | 02/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (380 KB pdf) |
2739 | Attorney General | Reclaiming Futures Program, Portland State University, Oregon | These funds will be used to improve the juvenile justice system in Vermont through the use of substance abuse and mental health screening and assessment and SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment). The funds will support contracts, training, and operational costs associated with the implementation of the project plans. | $166,000.00 | 02/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (432 KB pdf) |
2738 | Dept. of Public Safety | One (1) limited-service position within the Department of Public Safety to provide maintenance and repair services for all transmitting/receiving equipment, lifeline voting systems (unrelated to electoral voting, these filter out poor signals when receiving radio transmissions), the C3 Maestro IP radio consoles installed at the State Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and testing equipment, all in support of the SOV Lifeline. | 02/05/15 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (474 KB pdf) |
2737 | Military | Two (2) limited-service positions within the Vermont Military Department based at the Vermont Air National Guard, Burlington International Airport. The position titles are Maintenance Mechanic II and will provide support to the Federal Manager with duties to include building maintenance, grounds maintenance, safety practices and other maintenance activities. The positions will provide services that are currently contracted externally and will be funded with the anticipated contract savings through the remainder of FY15. The current and future funding will be a 75/25% Federal to State General Fund split. | 12/23/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (406 KB pdf) |
2736 | Dept. of Health | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | These funds will be used over a three-year period to work with partners around the State to incorporate factors associated with quality-of-life into the State's analysis of health resources and expenditures. Two (2) limited-service positions, a Grants Program Manager and a Senior Health Policy Analyst, are associated with this request. | $663,614.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (649 KB pdf) |
2735 | AHS Dept. for Children and Families | U.S. Administration for Children and Families | These funds will be used over three years to test and evaluate proposed behavioral interventions aimed at positively impacting child support collections for Vermont families. The total anticipated grant and match funding will amount to $1,147,057 and be received over a five-year period. 34% of the funds are through a Behavioral Intervention in Child Support Services (BICS) grant and the remainder from Federal Financial Participation (FFP) matching funds. | $885,072.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (416 KB pdf) |
2734 | Forests, Parks and Recreation | The Nature Conservancy | These funds will be used to improve invasive plant management in Vermont through site prioritization and the development of evaluation techniques. This grant will act as a match for existing federal monies from the U.S. Forest Service. One (1) limited-service position, a Forester I, is associated with this request. | $68,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (436 KB pdf) |
2733 | Vermont Military Department | Vermont National Guard Charitable Foundation | These funds will support the maintenance and upkeep of the Vermont National Guard Fallen Heroes Memorial at Camp Johnson in Colchester over a five-year period and will support the purchase of a new Bobcat mower. | $56,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (334 KB pdf) |
2732 | Fish & Wildlife | William Jackson | Donation of 20 acres (estimated value: $54,000) from William Jackson to the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife. The land, located in the town of Starksboro, will become part of the Lewis Creek Wildlife Management Area and will protect public access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. $7,500 of federal Pittman-Robertson funding will be used to cover legal costs associated with this acquisition. | $54,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (402 KB pdf) |
2731 | Green Mountain Care Board | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | These funds will be used to support the review of health insurance premium changes by the GMCB and to support other activities related to simplifying rate reviews, increasing medical price transparency and integrating rate review with GMCB's broader authorities. The funds will support three existing positions created under the previous rate review grant. | $1,179,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (885 KB pdf) |
2730 | Vermont Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | These funds will be used over two years to implement a falls prevention program aimed at decreasing the number of falls and injuries and reducing fall risks experienced by older adults through participation in the evidence-based intervention, FallScape. One (1) limited-service position, a Public Health Program Specialist, is associated with this request. | $535,059.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (643 KB pdf) |
2729 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Agricultural Marketing Service | These funds will be used to support a one-year temporary position at AAFM to collect and track local food data at farmer's markets, livestock sales, farm-to-school programs, and from food hubs. This data will be compiled and disseminated for distribution locally and nationally. | $43,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (323 KB pdf) |
2728 | Finance and Management | Holborn Foundation | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $10,000.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (289 KB pdf) |
2727 | Criminal Justice Training Council | Whelen Engineering | $21,704 donation in the form of vehicle improvements from Whelen Engineering in Chester, CT to the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council. Whelen Engineering previously installed law enforcement equipment packages on two (2) training vehicles for the police academy in order to enhance training scenarios for trainees. | $21,704.00 | 12/22/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (322 KB pdf) |
2726 | Department of Corrections | U.S. Dept. of Justice | These funds will be used to implement a comprehensive plan based on the principles of evidence-based corrections practices and focused on recidivism reduction. Five (5) limited service positions, one Project Director, two Policy and Implementation Analysts and two Organizational Development Coordinators, are associated with this request. | $1,000,000.00 | 12/03/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (451 KB pdf) |
2725 | Department of Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | These funds will be used to increase childhood lead poisoning prevention and improve the health and safety of all Vermont home environments over 3 years. The funding will primarily be used to cover some of the costs of current staff within the Healthy Homes/ Lead Poisoning Prevention Program as well as some supply and travel costs associated with these positions. | $1,049,112.00 | 12/01/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (402 KB pdf) |
2724 | Department of Health | Center for Disease Control and Prevention | These funds will be used to integrate the CDC Vaccine Tracking System (VTrckS) with the Vermont Immunization Registry. The funds will primarily support two existing limited service positions but will also cover some contracting and administrative costs. | $489,169.00 | 11/21/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (678 KB pdf) |
2723 | Vermont Agency of Human Services | Keurig Green Mountain | This grant will fund a volunteer coordinator position in the SerVermont program to organize volunteers for projects to improve the water quality of Lake Champlain. The position will be funded for one year. | $13,500.00 | 11/13/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (535 KB pdf) |
2722 | Finance and Management | Vermont National Guard | These funds were previously appropriated to the Military Department in 2004 and 2005 as part of a larger funding package to assist military members in emergency situations. Since that time, the Vermont National Guard Charitable Foundation (VTNGCF) has been established with ample funding to support its mission and the remaining State funds are no longer needed. The donation will be deposited into the General Fund. | $39,978.00 | 11/13/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (356 KB pdf) |
2721 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | These funds will be applied to the Agency's Refugee Targeted Assistance Program to supplement services already provided to refugees in Vermont. These services are geared towards making refugees economically self-sufficient as soon as possible after arriving in the U.S. through English language training and employment services. | $95,126.00 | 11/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (294 KB pdf) |
2720 | Agency of Transportation | Northern Border Regional Commission | These funds will be used to install a 2,500 foot rail siding for a new Washington County Railroad (WCRR) transload facility near the town of Barton, VT. The total project cost is estimated at $382,120, of which, $63,350 will be paid from in-kind contributions from the WCRR and $68,770 will be derived from the value of state-owned rail assets, with the remainder being funded by the grant. | $250,000.00 | 11/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (520 KB pdf) |
2719 | Finance and Management | Consumers Union Action Fund | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $15,000.00 | 11/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (298 KB pdf) |
2718 | Finance and Management | Consumers Union | These funds will cover a portion of the costs associated with implementation and administration of the new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $10,000.00 | 11/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (293 KB pdf) |
2717 | Department of Health | U.S. Dept. of Justice | The purpose of this grant is to enable the Department to enhance and strengthen an existing prescription drug monitoring system. The funds will be used primarily to establish several personal service contracts to provide: IT system enhancements, a quality improvement opioid toolkit, a public health campaign, and educational sessions designed to improve patient care. One (1) limited service position is associated with this request. | $300,387.00 | 11/07/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (890 KB pdf) |
2716 | AOT - Aviation | New England Waste Services of Vermont | Donation of drainage improvements, land, a conservation easement, and right-of-way access (estimated value: $425,000) from New England Waste Services of Vermont (NEWSVT) to the Agency of Transportation (AOT) for the Newport State Airport. The purpose of this grant is to support the Northern Hangar Project and other future development at the airport to include runway and apron extension, as well as clearing of obstructions. This donation is in addition to one previously approved by the JFC in September 2013 and is a condition for permits from the Agency of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. AOT will be providing NEWSVT with some technical assistance and adjustments to aviation easements for expansion of the nearby Coventry landfill facility. | $425,000.00 | 11/05/14 | Approved via JFC vote 11/12/14 |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2715 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Ronald Baruzzi | Donation of 80 acres (estimated value: $110,000) from Ronald Baruzzi to the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife. The easement is located in the Town of Whitingham. The purpose of this donation is to conserve significant wildlife habitat and protect public access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. $5,000 of federal Pittman-Robertson funding will be used to cover the legal costs associated with this acquisition. | $110,000.00 | 10/17/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2714 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | One limited service position that will provide case consultation, recommendations and expertise to DCF social workers, supervisors and central office staff, on cases where domestic violence, sexual abuse and child abuse coexist, and to provide general consultation to community agencies. | 10/15/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (454 KB pdf) |
2713 | Dept. of Housing and Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | Two limited service positions that will deal primarily with administering and disbursing two allocations of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding (approximately $40 million) related to Tropical Storm Irene and the spring floods of 2011. | 10/15/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (726 KB pdf) |
2712 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | One limited service position to provide support to the Project Manager and Project Director with duties to include the ongoing development and maintenance of an accurate, expansive system of continuous quality improvement, including process and outcome analysis, and preparation of reports measuring quality and consistency of services through the Aging and Disabilities Resource Connection (ADRC). | 10/15/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (614 KB pdf) |
2711 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | The funding provided will allow the Agency of Agriculture to cover the cost of testing sick Vermont pigs that exhibit clinical signs consistent with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED). It will also allow VAAFM to purchase necessary disinfectant and hog handling equipment and supplies that will be used to manage animals and decontaminate infected Vermont barns, and will facilitate the development of a statewide swine working group to discuss issues pertinent to swine health. | $20,000.00 | 10/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (436 KB pdf) |
2710 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | The purpose of this grant is to continue to help Vermont dairy farmers prepare for a highly contagious disease outbreak such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), and to maintain business continuity during such an outbreak. The funding will also allow Vermont to host a New England regional emergency exercise that tests the various milk movement triggers and the state-wide economic impact associated with adjusting those triggers on individual farms. | $99,957.00 | 10/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (386 KB pdf) |
2709 | Education | One (1) limited service position to provide training and technical assistance to school administrators and food service directors to support compliance with the new federal School Nutrition Standards and related regulations. This position is funded for one year via an allocation of existing USDA grant funding. | 10/06/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (739 KB pdf) |
2708 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | One limited service position to develop a State Plan and evidence-based strategies aimed at achieving a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated state and community system of services for children and youth with special health care needs. | $900,000.00 | 10/02/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (633 KB pdf) |
2707 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | These funds will be used to assess courthouse security in Vermont in accordance with Act 179 of 2014 (Sec. E.204.1). | $50,000.00 | 09/22/14 | Approved via expedited review 10/09/14 |
Document Link (352 KB pdf) |
2706 | Finance and Management | Chipotle Mexican Grill | These funds will a portion of the cover costs associated with implementation and administration of new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $50,000.00 | 09/18/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (253 KB pdf) |
2705 | Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will be used to provide Federal disaster assistance in response to the storms and flooding of April 2014 in Caledonia, Essex, Franklin, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington Counties. | $1,269,582.00 | 09/18/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (632 KB pdf) |
2704 | Health | One (1) limited service position to develop an improved reporting and analysis process for substance abuse prevention activities conducted by field staff and community partners. The position will assume responsibility for much of the federally required data collection work that field staff and community partners currently conduct, allowing them to focus on prevention activities. This position is 100% federally funded with additional Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant funds. | 09/15/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (166 KB pdf) |
2703 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | These funds will be used to increase access to health care services by increasing funding for loan repayment programs designed to recruit and retain primary care, dental, and psychiatry providers. This grant requires a $1,000,000 state match that was appropriated in the FY2015 budget bill. | $1,000,000.00 | 09/05/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (440 KB pdf) |
2702 | Finance and Management | Stonyfield Farm, Inc. | These funds will a portion of the cover costs associated with implementation and administration of new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $5,000.00 | 09/05/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (223 KB pdf) |
2701 | Finance and Management | Kent Whealy | These funds will a portion of the cover costs associated with implementation and administration of new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $50,000.00 | 09/05/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (228 KB pdf) |
2700 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | These funds will be used to study the economic feasibility using gas from farm anaerobic digesters as fuel for farm equipment. | $97,443.00 | 09/05/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (562 KB pdf) |
2699 | Finance and Management | SumOfUs | These funds will a portion of the cover costs associated with implementation and administration of new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $78,000.00 | 09/04/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (277 KB pdf) |
2698 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | Two (2) limited service positions to train and reemploy long-term unemployed Vermonters through a job training and apprenticeship program. | $1,573,837.00 | 09/04/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (380 KB pdf) |
2697 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | The Nature Conservancy | Donation of a conservation easement (estimated value: $301,000) from the Nature Conservancy to the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife. The easement is located in the Town of Dummerston. The purpose of this donation is to conserve significant wildlife habitat and protect public access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. | $301,000.00 | 09/04/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (669 KB pdf) |
2696 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Lake Champlain Basin Program | These funds will help develop and maintain a geospatial database for tracking phosphorus reduction efforts by state, federal, educational, and non-governmental organizations. The goal of this database is to coordinate these efforts and improve the efficiency of mitigation activities. | $48,800.00 | 09/04/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (500 KB pdf) |
2695 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | One (1) limited service position in the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM). This position will develop a state-level produce safety program under the FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act and manage VAAFM's Specialty Crop block grant. This position is 100% federally funded. | 08/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2694 | Military | One (1) limited service position in the Vermont Military Department. This Information Technology Analyst position will enable the Department to manage the current IT workload more efficiently, reduce the use of overtime and provide adequate IT backup and redundancy. This position is 100% federally funded. | 08/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (459 KB pdf) |
2693 | Military | Two (2) limited service positions in the Vermont Military Department. These instructor positions will enable the Starbase program (a youth education program) to meet Department of Defense staffing requirements. These positions are 100% federally funded. | 08/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (415 KB pdf) |
2692 | Finance and Management | MoveOn.Org Civic Action | These funds will a portion of the cover costs associated with implementation and administration of new law that requires labeling of food produced from genetic engineering. The donated funds will be deposited in the Vermont Food Fight Fund. | $53,000.00 | 08/04/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (247 KB pdf) |
2691 | ACCD - Housing and Community Development | Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation | These funds will be used by the Historic Preservation division for various improvements at the Hubbardton Battlefield ($4,500), to support two Grace Coolidge Musicale events in Plymouth ($2,750) and to cover the cost of staffing at the Justin Morrill Homestead for three additional days per week during the 2014 season ($3,000). | $10,250.00 | 07/17/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (280 KB pdf) |
2690 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | These funds cover costs associated with an educational event designed to improve understanding of alcohol regulations, current DLC operations, and privatization risks. The event will bring together policy makers, licensees, law enforcement professionals, and others. | $15,000.00 | 07/11/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (364 KB pdf) |
2689 | Agency of Human Services | Thirty-seven (37) limited service positions. These positions will perform a variety of functions associated with the Health and Human Services Enterprise Program. The positions are funded by a combination of federal and state funds as follows: 90% federal/10% state funding for the Health Information Exchange/Health Information Technology audit position (1 position); 90% federal/10% state funding for Integrated Eligibility positions (23 positions); 95% federal/5% state funding for the Project Management Office positions (13 positions). | 07/15/14 | Approved via JFC vote 7/24/14 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2688 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Vermont Low Income Trust for Electricity, Inc. | These funds will be used to study the animal and human health risks of using post-digester solids as bedding for cows, and also to determine the best locations for new farm-based digesters. | $62,000.00 | 06/28/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (503 KB pdf) |
2687 | Public Safety | One (1) limited service position in the Department of Public Safety. This Program Coordinator position will support the Governor's Highway Safety Grant Program, including responsibility for developing data systems to evaluate program activities, financial management of sub-grantees, and preparation of the annual Highway Safety Plan. The position is 100% federally funded. | 06/20/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (504 KB pdf) |
2686 | Military | One (1) limited service position in the Vermont Military Department. This Security Systems Specialist position will provide access control and video surveillance planning for installation of new systems, and maintenance and inspection services for three existing systems at Vermont Army National Guard facilities. The position is 100% federally funded through an existing agreement with the National Guard Bureau. | 06/18/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2685 | Military | One (1) limited service position in the Vermont Military Department. This Security Guard position will enhance security at Camp Johnson. The position is 100% federally funded through an existing agreement with the National Guard Bureau. | 06/18/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2684 | Public Safety | Dept. of Defense | Indefinite loan of one armored vehicle (estimated value: $658,000) to assist the State Police in responding to barricaded suspects, active shooters, hostage rescues, natural disasters, and other critical incidents. The Department of Public Safety has already spent $7,100 on transportation of this vehicle, and has included notice of this spending in anticipation of approval. | $658,000.00 | 06/13/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1008 KB pdf) |
2683 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | These funds will be used to conduct a caseload study as required by law (every three years). The Judiciary will use the results of the study to produce a best-practice model for caseload management. | $75,000.00 | 05/30/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2682 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | These funds will be used to upgrade the Child Nutrition Program's financial management system for processing reimbursement claims. | $201,923.00 | 05/20/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (952 KB pdf) |
2681 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Engineers Construction, Inc. | Donation of 10 acres of land (estimated value: $27,500). Located in Wolcott, this donation will provide public access to the Lamoille River for fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, and protect riparian, wetland and forested habitat. State funds in the amount of $250 (special funds) will be used, along with federal funds, to cover closing costs, etc. | $27,500.00 | 04/25/14 | Withdrawn by Administration |
Document Link (814 KB pdf) |
2680 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Steve and Jane Glass | Donation of 0.03 acres of land (estimated value: $5,000). Located in Craftsbury, this donation will provide public access to Great Hosmer Pond for fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing and watercraft launching. State funds in the amount of $1,750 (special funds) will be used, along with federal funds, to cover closing costs, etc. | $5,000.00 | 04/25/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (809 KB pdf) |
2679 | Health | Fletcher Allen Health Care | One limited service position - a dental hygienist in the Burlington District Health office. | $225,000.00 | 04/17/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2678 | Public Service | Vermont Low Income Trust for Electricity, Inc. (VLITE) | These funds will support credit enhancements that lower the cost of financing residential thermal energy efficiency upgrades. The credit enhancements may take the form of loan loss reserves, interest rate buy downs, loan guarantees, or a combination of these options. | $150,000.00 | 04/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (931 KB pdf) |
2677 | Public Safety | FEMA | These funds will provide assistance for emergency work and the repair/replacement of facilities damaged during the December 2013 ice storm in Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille and Orleans Counties. | $2,543,490.00 | 04/10/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (724 KB pdf) |
2676 | Agency of Human Services | Seventeen (17) limited service positions to assist in the process of bidding, evaluating, and selecting a new Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) vendor. The positions are 90% federally funded (salary and benefits) and funding is included in the AHS annual budget. | 03/28/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (958 KB pdf) |
2675 | Public Service Department | U.S. Dept. of Energy | These funds will pass through the Clean Energy States Alliance, Inc., to the Public Service Department. The funding will be used to develop a plan for reducing �soft costs� associated with photovoltaic installations in Vermont, with a particular emphasis on the Burlington area. Soft costs are construction costs other than labor and materials, such as architectural, engineering, and legal costs. | $150,000.00 | 03/25/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2674 | Transportation - Policy and Planning | Smart Growth America | In-kind donation of $150,000 worth of services from Smart Growth America to the Vermont Agency of Transportation. Smart Growth America will provide technical assistance (in the form of facilitated outreach and training) for the development of an update to the Vermont State Design Standards. | $150,000.00 | 03/25/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2673 | Attorney General | Massachusetts Attorney General | These funds will be used to offer a training program for data security certification. The Vermont Attorney General will host the International Association of Privacy Professionals training on behalf of a number of participating state Attorneys General. The training will include participants from Vermont. | $52,500.00 | 03/25/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2672 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | These funds will be used to create and purchase wine bags containing educational messages (such as �Do Not Drink and Drive�). These bags will be distributed to first class establishments and then provided to customers who have purchased a bottle of wine and are taking the remainder of its contents home after their meal. | $10,000.00 | 03/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (708 KB pdf) |
2671 | State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | WomenSafe | These funds will be used to hire (via contract) a part time Victim Advocate in the Addison County office for advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence. | $41,600.00 | 03/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (707 KB pdf) |
2670 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO) | Donation of 212 acres of land for preservation of public access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. The donation is being made to satisfy a condition of the Public Service Board. Duck Stamp Fund monies ($3,000) will be used to pay associated legal fees. | $215,100.00 | 03/14/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2669 | Children and Families | Six (6) limited service positions responsible for cases in the Disability Determination Division, including claims receipt and eligibility decisions. The positions are 100% federally funded (salary and benefits) and funding has already been approved by the legislature. | 03/07/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (754 KB pdf) |
2668 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Education | Sixteen (16) limited service positions to improve the quality of early learning opportunities and close the achievement gap for children with high needs. | $36,931,076.00 | 02/20/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (967 KB pdf) |
2667 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Dale Merrett | Acquire 36 acres from Dale Merrett in exchange for 28 acres owned by the Department of Fish & Wildlife (DFW). This item is a property exchange between the state and Mr. Merrett. It has been submitted for JFO approval under the assumption that receiving the 36 acres from Mr. Merrett constitutes acceptance of a �thing of value� under 32 V.S.A. ��5, despite the fact that the State's net gain (excluding ecological value) from the exchange is expected to be minimal. | 02/03/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2666 | Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery | George Cunavelis Estate | These funds will be used to support programs and infrastructure enhancements at the cemetery in Randolph, Vermont. | $180,530.00 | 02/03/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (696 KB pdf) |
2665 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Vermont Community Foundation | These funds will support work on a five-year Farm-to-School strategic and action plan. Funds will also be used to conduct a survey intended to enhance the understanding of producer needs and capabilities related to participation in Farm-to-School and Farm-to Institution programs. | $26,360.00 | 02/03/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (753 KB pdf) |
2664 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | Eight (8) limited service positions to develop a new unemployment insurance IT system and enhance efforts to prevent and detect improper unemployment insurance payments. This project is a collaboration with Maryland and West Virginia. The grant amount represents Vermont's share of the total $82.8 million grant for the project. | $7,521,488.00 | 01/27/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2663 | Agency of Administration | Request to approve a 3% fee for over-the-counter credit card payment of DMV fees at DMV branch offices. | 01/06/14 | Approved in Act 191 of 2014, Section 26 |
Document Link (535 KB pdf) |
2662 | Agency of Administration | Request to approve a 3% fee for credit card payment of tax bills to the Vermont Department of Taxes. | 01/06/14 | Approved in Act 191 of 2014, Section 26 |
Document Link (632 KB pdf) |
2661 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | One (1) limited service position to support the Vermont Hunter Education Program. Job duties will include management of day-to-day operations of Department-owned shooting ranges and coordination of the Department's shooting range safety team. | 01/02/14 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2660 | Buildings & General Services | Toyota Corporation | Donation of two Prius plug-in vehicles. These vehicles will become part of the Fleet Management Services | $53,994.00 | 12/11/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (526 KB pdf) |
2659 | Education | University of Kansas Center for Research | These funds will be used to improve educational outcomes by providing technical assistance and other resources to schools as part of the Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation project. | $200,000.00 | 12/11/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2658 | ACCD - Economic Development | Northern Border Regional Commission | These funds will support 16 ExporTech training sessions intended to help small and medium businesses and organizations obtain technical assistance related to international trade. | $186,000.00 | 12/11/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2657 | Agency of Human Services | Permanent Fund for Vermont's Children and the Turrell Fund | These funds will be used to hire a contractor to develop the Early Childhood Framework Action Plan. | $20,000.00 | 12/11/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (953 KB pdf) |
2656 | Public Safety | Two (2) limited service positions to perform accounting and audit functions associated with the monitoring of federal grants. Funding for these positions is available from existing federal grants that permit allocation of grant funds to audit functions. | 12/11/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2655 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | Two (2) limited service positions to support DEC's Drinking Water Program, including support for the permitting process and implementation of federal rules associated with the federal Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund. Funding for these positions is available through an existing federal grant. | 12/02/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2654 | Corrections | Salvation Farms, Inc. | To convert a building at Southeast State Correctional Facility into a food processing facility that will process large volumes donated surplus crops. Inmate labor will process the crops and make the food available to Vermont food banks. | $130,000.00 | 11/25/13 | Approved via expedited review 12/12/13 |
Document Link (1016 KB pdf) |
2653 | Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | One (1) limited service position to support Vermont's participation in the development of a national public safety broadband communications network. In Vermont, this work will consist of planning, developing, and implementing an interoperable wireless network to support the communication needs of first responders and other public safety operations. | $710,941.00 | 11/25/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2652 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | One (1) limited service position to perform various duties in service to the Bat Maternity Colony Technical Assistance Program. The program is a response to the impact of White Nose Syndrome on certain bat populations. The position will provide technical assistance, including educating homeowners about the risks and benefits of bat colonies, as well as working with homeowners to exclude bats from their homes. Funding for this position is available through an existing federal grant. | 11/20/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (535 KB pdf) |
2651 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | One (1) limited service position responsible for updating and maintaining the Department's database of information relating to rare, threatened, and endangered species. This information is used for conservation planning, land acquisitions, environmental regulatory review, and other research. Funding for this position is available through an existing federal grant. | 11/20/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2650 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To support a training program (for law enforcement and advocates) designed to promote cooperation and produce a plan aimed at reducing fatalities associated with domestic violence and stalking | $264,104.00 | 10/28/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2649 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To develop a plan for increasing accessibility to VCCVS services among people with disabilities | $64,902.00 | 10/28/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2648 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | To fund an employment program aimed at helping older refugees find employment. The funding will also support younger refugees making the transition from secondary school to the workforce or higher education | $450,000.00 | 10/28/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2647 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | To enhance health policies focused on Vermont youth, such as measuring the health environment at schools and conducting the Youth Risk Behavior Survey | $325,000.00 | 10/28/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2646 | Judiciary | U.S. Dept. of Justice | One (1) limited service position to implement a domestic violence docket in Windham County that will enhance services to victims of domestic violence | $300,000.00 | 10/28/13 | Approved via JFC vote 11/21/13 |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2645 | Corrections | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To create a system-wide approach to reentry by assembling a task force of stakeholders to analyze current conditions and develop a plan that includes recidivism reduction goals | $60,000.00 | 10/23/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2644 | Health | Fletcher Allen Health Care | Donation of truck and trailer (valued at $17,870) that will become part of the Public Health Preparedness program (in support of the Medical Reserve Corp, Medical Surge, and Mobile Hospital) and be deployed when requested by Vermont hospitals and local emergency response agencies | $17,870.00 | 10/23/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (801 KB pdf) |
2643 | Transportation | New England Waste Services of Vermont | To match federal funding designated for improvements to the Newport State Airport | $150,000.00 | 10/14/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2642 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Three (3) limited service positions to prevent and manage obesity and associated chronic conditions, with an emphasis on nutrition, activity, hypertension and diabetes awareness | $2,513,570.00 | 09/16/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2641 | Transportation | U.S. Dept. of Transportation | Rehabilitation of the Western Corridor rail route | $8,992,007.00 | 09/10/13 | Approved via JFC vote 09/11/13 |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2640 | Department of Vermont Health Access | Four (4) limited service positions to manage and support the appeals process under Vermont's health care exchange. Funding for these positions was approved by the Joint Fiscal Committee as part of JFO #2582 | 09/10/13 | Approved via JFC vote 09/11/13 |
Document Link (729 KB pdf) |
2639 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | One (1) limited service position to strengthen and enhance adolescent and transitional-aged youth treatment services | $3,800,000.00 | 09/06/13 | Approved via JFC vote 09/11/13 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2638 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | One (1) limited service position to increase identification, early intervention and treatment for young adults at risk for substance abuse | $9,983,102.00 | 09/05/13 | Approved via JFC vote 09/11/13 |
Document Link (4.3 MB pdf) |
2637 | Transportation | FEMA | To provide federal disaster assistance for damages caused by severe rain storms and flooding between Jun 25, 2013 and July 11, 2013 in Caledonia, Chittenden, Orange, Rutland, Washington and Windsor counties | $2,964,975.00 | 09/04/13 | Approved via JFC vote 09/11/13 |
Document Link (897 KB pdf) |
2636 | ACCD - Housing and Community Development | One (1) limited service position responsible for work with municipalities, developers, public housing authorities, and federal agencies on environmental compliance issues for U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, with a major focus on disaster recovery grants. | 08/14/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (562 KB pdf) |
2635 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | One (1) limited service position responsible for promotional, marketing and development work for the Agricultural Development Division, including expansion of markets for Vermont agricultural products. | 08/14/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (470 KB pdf) |
2634 | Public Service | One (1) limited service position responsible for work on the State Energy Plan and for producing a Total Energy Study for the General Assembly (due December 15, 2013). Funding for this position was included in the department's FY14 budget. This work was previously performed under a limited service position that expired June 30, 2013. | 08/06/13 | Approved via JFC vote 08/8/13 |
Document Link (881 KB pdf) |
2633 | Agency of Human Services | Two (2) limited service positions to cover increased eligibility appeals caseload associated with the Health Benefits Exchange. Funding for these positions will come from JFO #2582, which was approved in October, 2012 | 07/22/13 | Approved via JFC vote 07/23/13 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2632 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | Seventeen (17) limited service positions for planning and implementation of the federal mandated health benefits exchange (Vermont Health Connect), including premium processing, call center activities, and integration of existing state health coverage programs into the exchange environment | $42,687,000.00 | 07/19/13 | Approved via JFC vote 07/23/13 |
Document Link (7.3 MB pdf) |
2631 | Transportation | FEMA | To provide federal disaster assistance for damages caused by the severe storm and flooding on May 26, 2013 in Chittenden County, Lamoille County, and Essex County | $1,158,875.00 | 07/18/13 | Approved via JFC vote 07/23/13 |
Document Link (702 KB pdf) |
2630 | ACCD - Housing and Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | One (1) limited service position to support the Vermont Economic Resiliency Initiative (VERI), a project to identify areas of economic vulnerability and develop policy to mitigate risk associated with natural or man-made disasters. | $500,000.00 | 06/28/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2629 | Health | Two (2) limited service positions to manage the Childhood Passenger Safety program. The program is funded via a grant to the Department of Public Safety, which has entered into an MOU with the Health Department to manage the program | 06/19/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (521 KB pdf) |
2628 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Mamie Thurston | Donation used to offset declining revenues to the Nongame Fund, and thereby support initiatives focused on endangered and threatened species | $878,205.00 | 06/19/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (833 KB pdf) |
2627 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Pat and Ray Mainer | Donation represents the difference between the appraised value ($130,500) of 68 acres of land in the Lewis Creek watershed (Monkton) and the price to be paid by the State of Vermont ($80,000) for this acquisition | $50,500.00 | 06/06/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (795 KB pdf) |
2626 | ANR - Central Office | Vermont Community Foundation | These funds will support the development of a work plan for the climate change policy position approved in the FY2014 budget, complete an analysis of existing state goals, programs and partnerships related to climate change, and develop scenarios for achieving the goals of the 2011 Comprehensive Energy Plan. This grant will support the hiring of a temporary employee or consultant to meet the goals of the grant | $25,000.00 | 06/06/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (648 KB pdf) |
2625 | Information & Innovation | Request to establish a $5 fee per online child support payment to allow non-custodial parents and employers to submit electronic credit card payments via the internet | 06/06/13 | Approved via JFC vote 07/23/13 |
Document Link (694 KB pdf) |
2624 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | Vermont Community Foundation | These funds will be used to develop a �Focus on Floods� website to support community efforts to assess flood vulnerability and identify opportunities to increase flood resilience. | $10,000.00 | 04/23/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (683 KB pdf) |
2623 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | Lintilhac Foundation | These funds will be used to support the Flood Resilient Communities Program mandated by Act 138 of 2012. This program is intended to publicize incentives for communities to adopt local flood hazard bylaws and improve flood resilience. | $15,000.00 | 04/23/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (750 KB pdf) |
2622 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | Twenty-two (22) limited service positions to design and test new savings models that integrate payment and services across providers, and develop pay-for-performance models to improve quality and efficiency of services. | $45,009,480.00 | 04/18/13 | Approved via expedited review 5/9/13 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2621 | Health | One (1) limited service position to provide case management services to women who test positive during breast cancer screenings. This grant-funded service is currently provided via a personal services contract, but the Attorney General is recommending conversion to a limited service position | 04/15/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (766 KB pdf) |
2620 | Vermont Telecommunications Authority | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | Funds will be used to deploy disaster-resilient cellular and broadband services to towns impacted by Tropical Storm Irene and other 2011 flooding. Installation of this infrastructure will occur on approximately 133 miles of roadway in the counties of Addison, Essex, Orange, Orleans, Washington, Windham, and Windsor. | $1,601,800.00 | 04/10/13 | Approved via expedited review 4/19/13 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2619 | Vermont Telecommunications Authority | Northern Border Regional Commission | To assist the VTA in completing construction of a 13-mile segment of a 178-mile fiber-optic network in the northeastern Vermont. | $219,898.00 | 03/27/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2618 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | To produce and distribute materials to help employers detect fraudulent identifications. | $10,000.00 | 03/27/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (721 KB pdf) |
2617 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To support the State's efforts to develop an agricultural water quality improvement program through outreach to farmers and nonagricultural stakeholders and the creation of a database designed to track water quality progress. | $75,000.00 | 03/22/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1014 KB pdf) |
2616 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To used to develop a water quality trading initiative intended to reduce nonpoint source phosphorus pollution loading in Lake Champlain (from the Missisquoi Bay and Otter Creek). | $781,226.00 | 03/22/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (777 KB pdf) |
2615 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | Lintilhac Foundation | One (1) limited service position to accelerate structural changes (within the Department) intended to centralize the responsibility for state-wide recreation management in the new Division of Parks and Recreation | $68,000.00 | 03/13/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (870 KB pdf) |
2614 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | Five (5) limited service positions to design and implement an In-Person Assistance program to help individuals, families, employees, and small businesses use the health benefits exchange as required by the federal Affordable Care Act | $2,167,747.00 | 03/13/13 | Approved via expedited review 3/27/13 |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
2613 | State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | One (1) limited service position to act as domestic violence prosecutor in Addison County. Funding for an existing part-time temporary position was approved in JFO #2369. The Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs is seeking to convert this position to a full time limited service position due to the availability of increased grant funding. | 02/25/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (816 KB pdf) |
2612 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | University of Massachusetts | Funds will be used to develop and test the DAIL Division of Vocational Rehabilitation's Progressive Employment Program as an evidence-based program for job placements. | $120,000.00 | 02/18/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (742 KB pdf) |
2611 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | One (1) limited service position to collect and calculate performance measures and implement two performance improvement projects (focused on breast cancer screening & alcohol/drug dependent treatment). | $915,426.00 | 02/18/13 | Approved via expedited review 3/13/13 |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2610 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | used to provide technical assistance to small businesses in 2009 designated disaster counties. This funding is being transferred to DEHCD due to the U.S. Department of Agriculture closing a similar grant with Community Capital of Vermont. | $62,089.00 | 02/06/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2609 | Green Mountain Care Board | One (1) limited service position responsible for supporting enhanced reviews of health insurance rate filings. Funding for this position was approved in JFO #2463. | 02/06/13 | Held for legislative review |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2608 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | To assist Vermont farm operators in reducing agricultural pollution, particularly water pollution, by providing farm operators with education and technical assistance | $86,678.00 | 02/06/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2607 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Two (2) limited service positions to build resilience against the effects of climate change through the formation of a stakeholder's group, the forecasting of climate impacts, and identifying opportunities to work with other programs that address climate sensitive disease or risk factors. | $994,716.00 | 02/06/13 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (985 KB pdf) |
2606 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | One (1) limited service position to reduce underage drinking and prescription drug abuse among young people by strengthening the state's prevention infrastructure consistent with Vermont's Strategic Prevention Framework. Six community grantees will plan, implement and evaluate a range of prevention interventions. | $3,565,584.00 | 12/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (989 KB pdf) |
2605 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | three (3) limited service positions to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks through a variety of activities, including improved testing procedures and capacity and increased collaboration between state and federal agencies | $1,450,775.00 | 12/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (657 KB pdf) |
2604 | Commerce & Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | used to develop a long-term strategic economic development plan for Vermont | $300,000.00 | 12/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (668 KB pdf) |
2603 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | to support the Farm to School program by providing technical assistance to schools and strengthening regional food hubs that increase purchasing of local food by schools | $100,000.00 | 12/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (837 KB pdf) |
2602 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | two (2) limited service positions to implement the Vermont Surface Water Management Strategy and ensure Vermont meets the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's State and Tribal Assistance Grants. The Environmental Scientist III position will conduct water quality surveys required under EPA terms. The Environmental Scientist II position will support the Lakes & Ponds program by conducting field samples, maintaining sophisticated testing equipment, and processing test data. Both positions are 100% federally funded | 12/10/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (689 KB pdf) |
2601 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Jane Harding | donation represents the difference between the appraised value of a conservation easement on 91.8 acres of land in Bristol and New Haven ($184,000) and the price to be paid by the State of Vermont ($138,000) for this easement | $46,000.00 | 11/30/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2600 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | one (1) limited service position to promote wellness in children through age 8 through Project LAUNCH. This pilot project is designed to support the physical, mental, and behavioral development of children through the establishment of a comprehensive, coordinated system of evidence-based programs and services. The pilot project will operated in Chittenden County | $4,198,000.00 | 11/30/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (918 KB pdf) |
2599 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | to recognize farms that have adopted conservation practices and motivate small farms to develop water quality management plans in order to improve water quality in Vermont | $50,000.00 | 11/30/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (821 KB pdf) |
2598 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | John Merk Fund | These funds (in concert with JFO #2597) will be used to promote New England's value-added meat industry by providing education, marketing tools, and exposure to innovation at the producer-processor nexus. This grant supports a continuation of the work in this area that began under an expiring Federal Agriculture Innovation Center grant | $15,000.00 | 11/19/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (561 KB pdf) |
2597 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | These funds (in concert with JFO #2598) will be used to promote New England's value-added meat industry by providing education, marketing tools, and exposure to innovation at the producer-processor nexus. This grant supports a continuation of the work in this area that began under an expiring Federal Agriculture Innovation Center grant | $47,250.00 | 11/19/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2596 | Health | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | two (2) limited service positions to support conformance with the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards by replacing the 25-year-old database with a modern database to support licensing and inspection data | $1,489,141.00 | 11/15/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (920 KB pdf) |
2595 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | The Nature Conservancy | donation represents the difference between the appraised value of a conservation easement on land in Pawlet ($315,000) and the price to be paid by the State of Vermont ($236,250) for this easement | $78,750.00 | 11/15/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (754 KB pdf) |
2594 | Vermont Housing and Conservation Board | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | used to identify and remediate housing related health and safety hazards in low-income housing units | $1,713,122.00 | 11/07/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (939 KB pdf) |
2593 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Education | used to improve outcomes for students with disabilities by providing professional development for educators | $3,039,968.00 | 11/07/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (515 KB pdf) |
2592 | Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | to support the efforts of the Refugee Elder Collaborative to help older refugees overcome barriers to achieving naturalization | $58,000.00 | 10/29/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (548 KB pdf) |
2591 | Transportation | U.S. Dept. of Transportation | to create a heavy-haul freight rail corridor linking Vermont to Canada and establish an intercity passenger rail link along the Boston-to-Montreal High Speed Corridor | $7,912,054.00 | 10/29/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (718 KB pdf) |
2590 | Judiciary | U.S. Dept. of Justice | to be used with funds from JFO #2589 to enhance drug court services through evidence-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services | $300,000.00 | 10/29/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (634 KB pdf) |
2589 | Judiciary | Center for Substance Abuse Treatment | one (1) limited service position to be used with funds from JFO #2590 to enhance drug court services through evidence-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services | $280,028.00 | 10/29/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (847 KB pdf) |
2588 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | one (1) limited service position in the Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development. This position will be responsible for administering Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding associated with Tropical Storm Irene. Funding for this position is available through the CDBG-DR program and this position is necessary because the use of CDBG-DR funds requires more oversight than regular CDBG funding | 10/22/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (704 KB pdf) |
2587 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | The Nature Conservancy | the difference between the appraised value of $427,500 and the purchase price to the State of Vermont of $42,000 | $385,500.00 | 10/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2586 | Children and Families | Green Mountain Power Corporation | 1 limited service position and funds to provide weatherization services to low-income residents as required by Public Service Board Docket No. 7770 | $10,000,000.00 | 10/11/12 | Approved via expedited review 10/26/12 |
Document Link (610 KB pdf) |
2585 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | 1 limited service position in the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. This position will be responsible for implementing Vermont's Green Infrastructure Initiative Strategic Plan. The Plan was created in 2011 for the purpose of reducing urban stormwater runoff. This position is funded by a grant from the U.S. Forest Service | 10/03/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (181 KB pdf) |
2584 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Lake Champlain Basin Program | used to provide 100% of the cost to farmers of implementing conservation practices designed to reduce phosphorus pollution in Lake Champlain | $170,000.00 | 10/03/12 | Approved via expedited review 10/15/12 |
Document Link (484 KB pdf) |
2583 | Vermont Veterans' Home | VFW Post #6471 | Donation of patio furniture | $12,008.00 | 10/01/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (469 KB pdf) |
2582 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 20 limited service positions. Funds will be used to continue the process of establishing a health benefits exchange required by the federal Affordable Care Act | $104,178,965.00 | 10/01/12 | Approved via expedited review 10/15/12 |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2581 | Department of Vermont Health Access | 23 limited service positions in the Department of Vermont Health Access. These positions will work to design and implement the Health Services Enterprise System, with the intention of modernizing and replacing existing systems with an interoperable, digital, real-time health IT network | 09/14/12 | Approved by JFC vote 9/19/12 |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2580 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Sarah Scharfenaker and Tom Koehne | donation of 37 acres of land to be added to the Calendar Brook Wildlife Management Area | $77,800.00 | 09/14/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2579 | Transportation - Policy and Planning | State Smart Transportation Initiative | In-kind donation of services from State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI) to the Vermont Agency of Transportation. SSTI will support the preparation of a comprehensive transportation funding study required under Section 40 of Act 153. The amount of this donation is an estimate of the value of SSTI's work | $25,000.00 | 09/14/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (558 KB pdf) |
2578 | Children and Families | 1 limited service position in the Department of Children and Families. This position will lead the rollout of a new commodity food ordering system that will allow recipients to better manage school food programs, menus, and budgets | 09/11/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (417 KB pdf) |
2577 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Education | to develop and implement a Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) that will allow the state to accurately manage, analyze, and use education data, including individual student records. The SLDS is intended enhance the ability of stakeholders, including the state and school districts, to make data-informed decisions designed to improve student learning and outcomes | $4,947,260.00 | 09/04/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (655 KB pdf) |
2576 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | funds will support the guardianship assistance program that provides financial support for children, formerly in DCF custody, whose relatives have assumed guardianship duties | $66,848.00 | 08/20/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2575 | Public Safety | 1 limited service position to provide crime analysis to investigators, and act as the Statewide Police Intelligence Network liaison at local and regional meetings. Funding for this position was approved in JFO 2108, a homeland security grant. | 08/20/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2574 | Labor | 4 limited service positions in the Department of Labor. These positions will enhance the Department's ability to re-employ claimants by interviewing claimants and developing plans designed to obtain employment for claimants. Funding for these positions was approved during the FY13 budget process | 08/20/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (743 KB pdf) |
2573 | Buildings & General Services | 3% fee request to implement over-the-counter credit card payment processing at BGS surplus property | 07/23/12 | Approved by JFC vote 9/19/12 |
Document Link (200 KB pdf) |
2572 | Transportation | Smart Growth America | SGA will conduct a transportation reform demonstration study for Vermont. No funds will change hands, but this work is valued at $100k | 07/23/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (881 KB pdf) |
2571 | Transportation | FEMA | disaster assistance for damages caused by the severe storm and flooding of May 29, 2012 in Addison County, Lamoille County and Orleans County | $914,806.00 | 07/17/12 | Approved by JFC vote 7/20/12 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2570 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Vermont Community Foundation | 1 limited service position to assist farmers adversely affected by Tropical Storm Irene, and provide support in disaster preparedness efforts by the Agency of Agriculture | $100,000.00 | 07/17/12 | Approved by JFC vote 7/20/12 |
Document Link (480 KB pdf) |
2569 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (CVPS) | to assess water well temperature and collect other data as part of the Geothermal Systems - Vermont Field Data Acquisition Project | $15,000.00 | 07/03/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (757 KB pdf) |
2568 | Libraries | Google, Inc. | to establish seven video-conferencing sites in public libraries around the state. Sites will be selected from applicants meeting criteria established by the Department of Libraries | $77,000.00 | 06/25/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (523 KB pdf) |
2567 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Vermont Land Trust | donation represents the difference between the appraised value of the donated property ($296,000) and the purchase price ($75,000) to be paid by DEC. The property is a 269 acre parcel located in Canaan and Lemington, and will become a Wildlife Management Area. | $221,000.00 | 05/25/12 | Approved via expedited review 6/12/12 |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2566 | Public Safety | Institute for Intergovernmental Research | to comply with the provisions of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act through purchase and implementation of systems related to sex offender management. | $90,000.00 | 05/25/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (690 KB pdf) |
2565 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | One (1) limited service position in the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The position will be funded through grant funds included in the FY2013 budget (Act 162 of 2012). The purpose of this position is to provide administrative and paralegal support for five attorneys within DEC. Previously, this work was assigned to interns or temporary staff. DEC is requesting a limited service position in response to increased caseload | 05/16/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (541 KB pdf) |
2564 | Green Mountain Care Board | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Two limited service positions to explore three payment models (bundled payments, hospital/physician budgets, and population-based global payments) to determine each model's suitability to improve health care quality and lower health care costs in Vermont | $497,600.00 | 05/08/12 | Approved via expedited review 5/17/12 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2563 | Human Services | Water Wheel Foundation | to implement a statewide volunteer management system | $40,000.00 | 04/18/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (499 KB pdf) |
2562 | Human Services & Vermont Health Access | 7 limited service positions to assist in the planning, procurement and implementation of the Medicaid Management Information System | 04/18/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.3 MB pdf) |
2561 | Children and Families | FEMA | 1 limited service position to assist victims of Tropical Storm Irene through the provision of long-term disaster case management services | $2,486,970.00 | 04/18/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2560 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Lake Champlain Basin Program | matching funds for the water quality monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of agricultural best management practices for controlling runoff | $350,000.00 | 04/04/12 | Approved via expedited review 4/18/12 |
Document Link (4.1 MB pdf) |
2559 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | 6 Vermont Farms, via U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | to purchase water quality monitoring equipment for use in evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural best management practices for controlling runoff | $503,055.00 | 04/04/12 | Approved via expedited review 4/18/12 |
Document Link (7.6 MB pdf) |
2558 | Secretary of State | National Historic Publications and Records Commission | to establish a program support local officials and other archives in the state to preserve and make accessible Vermont's historical records | $15,000.00 | 03/22/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2557 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | to create, produce and purchase community outreach and educational materials designed to prevent underage drinking | $10,000.00 | 03/22/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (649 KB pdf) |
2556 | Public Safety | FEMA | pass-through funding for hazard mitigation projects in the towns of Pawlet and Waitsfield in response to the December 2010 ice storm | $159,776.00 | 03/22/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.9 MB pdf) |
2555 | Mental Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | used to provide regular crisis counseling services to survivors of Tropical Storm Irene in Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Chittenden, Franklin, Lamoille, Orange, Rutland, Washington, Windham and Windsor Counties | $790,018.00 | 03/19/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.4 MB pdf) |
2554 | Libraries | Google, Inc. | to cover the cost of installing 100 donated computers at Vermont public libraries. Examples of such covered costs include shipping and software installation | $10,000.00 | 02/24/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (631 KB pdf) |
2553 | Public Safety | FEMA | 2 limited service positions to provide pass through funding to towns for hazard mitigation projects | $17,091,333.00 | 02/24/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2552 | Corrections | U.S. Dept. of Justice | 1 limited service position to implement prevention, identification and response mechanisms aimed at reducing the incidence of sexual abuse in prison facilities | $600,000.00 | 01/19/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2551 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | to provide training for school food service and child care staff in the areas of nutrition education, and for implementation of wellness policies | $262,756.00 | 01/19/12 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2550 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 27 limited service positions for planning of design and implementation of a Health benefit Exchange pursuant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) | $18,090,369.00 | 12/27/11 | Approved via expedited review 1/13/12 |
Document Link (17 MB pdf) |
2549 | Transportation | FEMA | to provide deferral disaster assistance for damages caused by flooding on May 20, 2011 in the Franklin County, Washington County and Windham County | $852,557.00 | 12/27/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2548 | Public Service | U.S. Dept. of Energy | to create a self-sustaining market for energy-efficient retrofitting of commercial buildings. The project will utilize existing partnerships between regulators, efficiency experts, the lending industry, and the business community to create a program that provides access to financing capital through a combination of private and federal funding sources | $996,566.00 | 12/27/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.9 MB pdf) |
2547 | Health | 1 limited service position to for inventory management and emergency supply distribution under the terms of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Readiness Initiative | 12/27/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2546 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | 3 limited service positions to strengthen existing chronic disease prevention programs, including public health and health surveillance efforts | $976,632.00 | 12/15/11 | Approved via expedited review 1/6/12 |
Document Link (5.8 MB pdf) |
2545 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | 2 limited service positions to strengthen local public health infrastructure in rural areas of Vermont | $3,108,800.00 | 12/15/11 | Approved via expedited review 1/6/12 |
Document Link (8.8 MB pdf) |
2544 | Motor Vehicles | 2.5% fee in order to implement an over-the-counter credit card payment process at DMV branch offices. This fee would be added to the total payment if a customer elects to pay by credit card. Cash and check payment options are unchanged | 12/05/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2543 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | seven limited service positions to implement Electronic Health Records Incentive Payments | $35,627,895.00 | 12/05/11 | Approved via expedited review 12/12/11 |
Document Link (5 MB pdf) |
2542 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | one limited service position to work with agricultural and environmental partners on developing work plans and reporting outcomes of efforts to address water quality goals | $96,000.00 | 11/21/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2541 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | One limited service position to help Vermont farmers meet requirements under the Clean Water Act by supporting four positions (3 existing) focused on completing manure and wastewater management systems | $453,279.00 | 11/21/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.3 MB pdf) |
2540 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Vermont Transco (VELCO) | donation represents the appraised value of a 286.7 acre parcel in Athens and Grafton. The parcel will provide permanent protection of public access for public hunting, trapping, fishing, wildlife viewing, as well as wildlife conservation. The donation is part of a larger property acquisition that has been approved by the Governor | $93,343.00 | 11/21/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (916 KB pdf) |
2539 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | to reimburse four area agencies on aging for expenses incurred during their response to Tropical Storm Irene | $52,000.00 | 11/21/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2538 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | to contract with the Coalition for a Tobacco Free Vermont and the Center for Public Health and Tobacco Policy at New England Law to expand Vermont's Tobacco Control Program. The contractors will provide training, research-based communication tools, and a statewide assessment of tobacco retail outlet numbers, as well as helping the department secure voluntary participation by state funded colleges/universities in a 100% smoke-free campus policy. This grant is awarded under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) | 11/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2537 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | used to contract for the design of water quality monitoring stations on 5-10 farm sites, and to provide construction inspection services, as part of the Water Quality Monitoring project. | 11/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2536 | Agency of Administration | One limited service position to provide administrative support for the Exchange Planning grant. Funding for this position has already been approved (JFO 2468) | 11/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (599 KB pdf) |
2535 | Health | One limited service position to develop, organize and optimize a variety of Geographic Information System (GIS) applications and data sets. Funding for this position has already been approved as (JFO 2022, 2406), but the duties were performed by a contractor | 11/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2534 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | U.S. Small Business Administration | to help businesses defray the costs of participating in international trade shows, trade missions, and international business matchmaking services for the purpose of increasing exports in precision manufacturing, aeronautics, and specialty foods and tourism | $363,768.00 | 11/07/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2533 | Buildings & General Services | Denis, Ricker & Brown, Inc. | IRENE-related donation of Nine cubicles and five desks for displaced workers in South Barre | $1,150.00 | 11/02/11 | Approved 11/3/11 via Irene expedited policy |
Document Link (636 KB pdf) |
2532 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | used to build the capacity of the Department's Public Health Immunization Program, including enhancing the interoperability of electronic health records with Vermont's Health Immunization Registry. This grant was awarded under the Affordable Care Act | $792,138.00 | 10/20/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.3 MB pdf) |
2531 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Vermont Transco (VELCO) | appraised value of a 147.69 acre parcel located in Whitingham, VT and is intended to satisfy a condition set by the Public Service Board. This parcel will provide public access for hunting and other outdoor recreation, as well as wildlife habitat conservation | $158,000.00 | 10/20/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2530 | Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | to assist BISHCA's analysis of health care reform issues related to the establishment of a state health care exchange in Vermont | $150,000.00 | 10/12/11 | Approved 10/24/11 via expedited review |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2529 | Labor | VTresponse.com, c/o Reality Venture Capital | IRENE-related donation of clothing for jobs being provided through Disaster Unemployment Assistance grants to people who became unemployed as a result of recent flooding | $63,000.00 | 10/13/11 | Approved 10/13/11 via Irene expedited policy |
Document Link (632 KB pdf) |
2528 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | to establish and support a Food Safety Task Force for one year, including one full day conference and two Task Force meetings | $9,985.00 | 09/23/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2527 | Secretary of State | 1 ltd. srvc. position to perform duties required by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and will be funded through HAVA funding approved in Act 66 of 2003 | 09/26/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2526 | Secretary of State | National Archives and Records Administration | 1 ltd. srvc. position to archive court records and make them available to the public (Vermont Court Records Project) | $118,078.00 | 09/23/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2525 | Criminal Justice Training Council | U.S. Dept. of Justice | to provide CJTC students with laptop computers and wireless internet access | $200,000.00 | 09/23/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2524 | Mental Health | FEMA | emergency disaster funds will be used to provide crisis counseling for individuals and groups related to the impacts of Tropical Storm Irene | $195,720.00 | 09/29/11 | Approved via expedited review 10/4/11 |
Document Link (4.8 MB pdf) |
2523 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | 2 ltd. service positions to assist private land owners across Vermont in managing land for improved forest heath and productivity | $299,483.00 | 09/15/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.9 MB pdf) |
2522 | Transportation - Operations | FEMA | to provide disaster assistance for damages caused by tropical storm Irene in the following counties: Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, Windsor. The actual amount of this award may vary subject to damage assessments | $8,250,000.00 | 09/08/11 | Approved via committee vote 9/14/2011 |
Document Link (669 KB pdf) |
2521 | ANR - Environmental Conservation | one limited service position for federal data management requirements of the Water Quality Monitoring, Assessment & Planning program | 08/22/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2520 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Rolf Kielman and Stephanie Spencer | amount represents the difference between the $120,000 market value of the conservation easements and the selling price of $40,000 | $80,000.00 | 08/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2519 | Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Labor | to provide assistance to local fire and emergency medical service organizations for youth emergency service training programs and to develop adult recruitment and retention strategies | $100,000.00 | 08/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.1 MB pdf) |
2518 | Human Services | University of Vermont | to earn federal matching Medicaid funds for Graduate Medical Education. This funding was appropriated to UVM, but must be transferred back to AHS in order to be eligible for federal match | $12,642,000.00 | 08/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (996 KB pdf) |
2517 | Transportation - Operations | FEMA | to provide disaster assistance for damages cause by severe storms and flooding during Spring 2011 in Addison, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orleans, Washington, Caledonia, Essex, and Orange counties | $5,225,186.00 | 08/10/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2516 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Maidstone Rehold, LLC | amount represents the value of three parcels of land (3.14 acres) | 07/25/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2515 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Maidstone Rehold, LLC | to conduct a GPS-based bear study to evaluate the impact of the Deerfield Wind Project on bear habitat | $500,000.00 | 07/25/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (664 KB pdf) |
2514 | Board of Medical Practice | Fee request for payment processing of licensing of Vermont doctors | 07/25/11 | REQUEST WITHDRAWN |
Document Link (445 KB pdf) |
2513 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | to employ 75 unemployed Vermonters in the running of a temporary relief program for victims of the April 2011 flooding | $1,201,250.00 | 07/22/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2512 | Labor | 5 limited service positions to increase department's ability to re-employ claimants and reduce erroneous payments | 07/18/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (441 KB pdf) |
2511 | Attorney General | Commonwealth of Massachusetts | to investigate cyber-security breaches at Vermont businesses involving protected personal information of Vermont consumers. | $15,000.00 | 06/20/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2510 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 8 ltd. service positions to provide people living in nursing facilities the opportunity to live in the community with needed services and supports. The grant supports the Money Follows the Person program for Medicaid beneficiaries. | $17,963,059.00 | 06/07/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (20 MB pdf) |
2509 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Batten Kill Watershed Alliance | Donation of amount representing the estimated town assessed value of the property (two parcels totaling 3.2 acres in Arlington) being donated to the State of Vermont | $56,800.00 | 06/07/11 | Approved via expedited review 6/24/11 |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2508 | ANR - Fish and Wildlife | Ross and Gail Anderson | Donation of amount equal to difference between appraised value of property being sold to state and price being paid by state | $15,000.00 | 06/07/11 | Approved via expedited review 6/24/11 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2507 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Franklin County Community Development Corporation | to implement the Farm to School communications plan and provide professional development for Farm to School practitioners | $11,000.00 | 05/16/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2506 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | to design, produce, and purchase community outreach and educational materials | $10,000.00 | 05/16/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2505 | Liquor Control | Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation | to study alternative protocols for underage alcohol compliance checks | $30,000.00 | 05/16/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2504 | Human Services | Corporation for National and Community Service | to support the VISTA Supervision Project and 18 AmeriCorps VISTAs. Establishment of one limited service position is associated with this request. | $27,000.00 | 05/02/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2503 | Vermont Economic Development Authority | U.S. Dept. of the Treasury | used to allow VEDA to subsidize commercial loans in order to lower the cost of borrowing to Vermont businesses. The funding will supporting the following programs: Financial Access Program, Commercial Loan Participation Program, Technology Loan Participation Program, and Small Business loan Program | $13,168,350.00 | 05/02/11 | Approved via expedited review 5/19/11 |
Document Link (5.2 MB pdf) |
2502 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Fee request for credit card processing (2%) for online purchase of permits | 04/22/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (445 KB pdf) |
2501 | Human Services | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | Three limited service positions to study the feasibility of coordinating Medicare and Medicaid payment and services for dual eligible recipients | $1,000,000.00 | 04/20/11 | Approved via expedited review 5/5/11 |
Document Link (8.5 MB pdf) |
2500 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Education | To establish a State Literacy Team that will develop a literacy plan for Vermont | $150,000.00 | 04/06/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2499 | Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | To develop Supported Employment Champions within a Designated Agency's Community Rehabilitation Treatment Program | $103,000.00 | 04/06/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2498 | Mental Health | National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors | To create an Evidence-Based Practices Cooperative to support the adoption of evidence-based practices within the state's community mental health system | $220,480.00 | 04/06/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2497 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | University of Massachusetts | One limited service position to implement a Social Security Administration demonstration project to determine if enhanced work incentives result in increased employment outcomes for Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries | $345,100.00 | 04/06/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2496 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To support 12 youth delinquency prevention programs | $500,000.00 | 04/06/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2495 | Vermont Telecommunications Authority | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | ARRA grant to establish, develop, and implement statewide initiatives to identify and track the availability and adoption of broadband services within Vermont | $525,420.00 | 03/08/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (78 KB pdf) |
2494 | Public Safety | Commonwealth of Massachusetts | Vermont's share of asset forfeiture for state police assistance with multi-state investigation | $8,509.00 | 02/28/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (112 KB pdf) |
2493 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | ARRA grant to improve coordination and collaboration among early childhood education and care programs | $664,277.00 | 02/28/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (79 KB pdf) |
2492 | Transportation - Operations | FEMA | Federal disaster assistance for damages to public facilities (state, local, non-profit) caused by Dec 1, 2010 storm | $1,527,630.00 | 02/23/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) | pending |
2491 | Vermont Telecommunications Authority | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | ARRA grant to construct an approximately 770 mile fiber optic communications network designed to provide high-capacity connections to specific community anchor institutions. | $33,393,402.00 | 02/23/11 | Approved via expedited review |
Document Link (990 KB pdf) |
2490 | Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture | to provide grants to low-income designated schools for investment in their food service programs | $48,505.00 | 02/14/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (792 KB pdf) |
2489 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | to implement the Learning Together Program, a parent training initiative for adolescent parents and parents-to-be | $2,803,443.00 | 02/14/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2488 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | One Limited Service position and funding to establish evidence-based comprehensive sexuality education for high risk and vulnerable youth in Vermont. This grant is awarded under the Affordable Care Act | $1,250,000.00 | 02/14/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (930 KB pdf) |
2487 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | One limited service position to be funded by funds from JFO #2325 (Barn Census Project) | 02/09/11 | Approved via expedited review 2/24/11 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2486 | Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | These funds will be used to expand the capacity of the Office of Minority Health by funding one limited service position for a three year period | $420,000.00 | 02/09/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2485 | Corrections | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Funds two modules for the Vermont Automated Notification Service (VANS) to provide services to victims of domestic violence, and expand services currently available to victims | $211,840.00 | 02/09/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2484 | Health | Health Resources and Services Administration | to establish an evidence-based nurse home visiting program for families with young children who are identified to be at risk by pre-set parameters | $561,915.00 | 02/09/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.3 MB pdf) |
2483 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | To support repair and restoration work on 13 landmark historic buildings around the state | $194,800.00 | 02/09/11 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2482 | Libraries | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | To support fiber broadband connectivity for 53 public libraries | $550,000.00 | 02/09/11 | Approved via expedited review 2/9/11 |
Document Link (695 KB pdf) |
2481 | State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To create a Model Special Investigation Unit/Child Advocacy Center in Lamoille County. | $100,000.00 | 12/02/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2480 | Health Department | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | To support efforts to address oral health program deficiencies and disparities. Three limited service positions are associated with this request. | $864,642.00 | 11/30/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (8.6 MB pdf) |
2479 | Health Department | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | To build public health infrastructure and improve the delivery of public health services. Nine limited service positions are associated with this request. | $5,500,000.00 | 11/30/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2478 | Health Department | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | To build the capacities of the Health Department's epidemiology, laboratory, and health information systems. Three limited service positions are associated with this request. | $639,466.00 | 11/30/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2477 | Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | To enhance the capacity for consumer assistance activities of the existing health care ombudsman in Vermont | $135,000.00 | 11/23/10 | Approved via expedited review 11/29/10 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2476 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | U.S. Dept. of Commerce | To assist Vermont businesses in accessing and developing export sales by supporting international trade shows, international export training, international market development, and client resources | $400,000.00 | 11/17/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2475 | Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To upgrade Vermont's statewide sex offender registry in pursuit of compliance with the federal Adam Walsh Act | $150,000.00 | 11/17/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2474 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Justice | For extended education programs for at-risk school aged children outside of routine school hours. | $500,000.00 | 11/17/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2473 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | State of Connecticut, Department of Agriculture | To study if there is a viable option for connecting local growers and producers to institutional markets | $10,000.00 | 11/17/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (796 KB pdf) |
2472 | Public Safety | FEMA | Hazard mitigation projects in Fairfield, Windsor, S. Windsor and Ottauquechee region | $111,037.00 | 11/09/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (8.1 MB pdf) |
2471 | Public Safety | FEMA | Hazard mitigation grant for Marlboro in response to storms in November 2007 | $65,474.00 | 11/09/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2470 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Alice Hadley Estate | Donation of 91% of appraised value of land that will be managed as part of the Missing Link Wildlife Management Area | $345,000.00 | 11/16/10 | Approved via expedited review 11/29/10 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2469 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | to support the strategic planning process focused on the legislatively-approve judicial restructuring and unification project | $50,000.00 | 11/05/10 | Approved via JFC vote 11/15/10 |
Document Link (5.2 MB pdf) |
2468 | Department of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | to help determine if a health insurance exchange should be established in Vermont, and to support the planning activities for the development of an exchange. One (1) limited service position is associated with this request | $1,000,000.00 | 10/28/10 | Approved via JFC vote 11/15/10 |
Document Link (4.1 MB pdf) |
2467 | Mental Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | to make Vermont's mental health services more consumer-driven and recovery-oriented, including the development of a workforce of credential Peer Specialists trained to offer early intervention outreach services to 850 adults who are at risk for mental illness | $3,670,995.00 | 10/25/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (11 MB pdf) |
2466 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To develop a train the trainer program for slaughterhouse employees | $25,000.00 | 10/14/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2465 | Health Care Reform Commission | Commonwealth Fund | Provide support for modeling the of 1) the baseline scenario showing the impact of Federal health care reform and 2) macroeconomic impact of various design options on Vermont's economy | $48,020.00 | 10/12/10 | Approved via expedited review 10/25/10 |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2464 | Corrections | Dept. of Justice | Develop and operate Circles of Support and Accountability for 24 high risk offenders reentering the community | $365,000.00 | 10/07/10 | Approved via JFC vote 11/15/10 |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2463 | Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 6 limited service positions to enhance the health insurance rate review process | $1,000,000.00 | 09/28/10 | Approved via expedited review 10/14/10 |
Document Link (4.9 MB pdf) |
2462 | Department of Vermont Health Access | University of Southern Maine - Office of Sponsored Research | 1 limited service position. Funding will be used to expand the Blueprint for Health, including the use of Health Information Technology infrastructure, to evaluate and improve the quality of health care delivered to children as part of rolling out the Pediatric Blueprint. | $81,459.00 | 09/21/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
2461 | Children and Families | Brookdale Foundation | To increase awareness of relatives who are serving as caregivers and to support the expansion of support groups and training opportunities by implementing a statewide interagency task force | $6,000.00 | 09/21/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2460 | Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To upgrade communications equipment and technology related to the interoperable communications platform | $506,000.00 | 09/16/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2459 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | University of Delaware Research Office | To fund human resource management workshop series | $17,899.00 | 09/16/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2458 | Public Service | U.S. Department of Energy | 1 limited service Grants Specialist II position | 09/16/10 | Approved via expedited review 9/30/10 |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2457 | Children and Families | Vermont Community Foundation | Donation will serve as state match to draw down ARRA funding for issuance of food benefits to low income families with children | $134,500.00 | 08/26/10 | Approved via expedited review |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2456 | Information & Innovation | Request to approve the proposed fee structure for the online property transfer tax return service | 08/12/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (521 KB pdf) |
2455 | Information & Innovation | Request to approve the proposed fee structure for the online International Registration Plan | 08/12/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (467 KB pdf) |
2454 | Transportation - Program Development | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) | Donation of crack sealing materials, with installation, and reimbursement of AOT staff time for evaluating the effectiveness of the materials. | $75,000.00 | 08/10/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2453 | Public Safety | 1 limited service position in association with ARRA funding for combating rural crime | 07/16/10 | Approved via expedited review 7/26/10 |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2452 | Health | 1 limited service position to replace a half-time temporary position in the WIC Breastfeeding program due to expanded workload | 07/16/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2451 | Labor | 5 limited service positions to increase department's ability to re-employ claimants and reduce erroneous payments | 07/12/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2450 | Labor | 2 limited service positions to increase department's ability to re-employ claimants and reduce erroneous payments | 07/12/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2449 | Public Service Department | 1 limited service position requested in association with ARRA funding for energy assurance planning | 06/04/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2448 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | To provide seed money for the creation of an online education program for sellers of alcohol | $10,000.00 | 06/04/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2447 | Health | U.S. Administration on Aging | ARRA grant to build state infrastructure to implement evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs (Blueprint for Health) | $100,000.00 | 06/04/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2446 | Military - Airport Fire Department | 6 limited service position requests for airport firefighters | 04/22/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (755 KB pdf) |
2445 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | Wildlife Management Institute | To create a roost field for American woodcock through reclamation of a gravel pit | $10,000.00 | 04/12/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (798 KB pdf) |
2444 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | 1 limited service position requested in association with JFO #2425 (but not requested as part of JFO #2425) | 04/06/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2443 | Office of Vermont Health Access | Dept. of Health & Human Services | ARRA grant to establish a statewide health information exchange (HIE) network and interstate HIE interoperability | $5,034,328.00 | 04/06/10 | Approved via committee poll 4/28 |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2442 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | ARRA grant to reduce tobacco use and expand tobacco cessation quit lines | $807,454.00 | 04/06/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2441 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To provide subgrants to 12 youth delinquency prevention programs (schools & non-profits) | $700,000.00 | 04/06/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.5 MB pdf) |
2440 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | University of Vermont | To cover expenses for the Farm First Program to assist dairy producers | $6,647.00 | 03/29/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2439 | Health | USDA Food and Nutrition Service | ARRA grant to support WIC improvement projects in the areas of cash value benefit cards and replacement of the legacy computer system | $410,215.00 | 03/29/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2438 | Children and Families | Limited service position request (1.5 pos) associated with JFO 2410 (but not requested at that time) - Domestic Violence Specialist positions | n/a | 03/18/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2437 | Office of Vermont Health Access | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services | ARRA grant to support the development of a State Medicaid Health Information Technology Plan (SMHP). Two limited service positions are associated with this request | $293,998.00 | 03/09/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (830 KB pdf) |
2436 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Labor | To further develop a statewide employment-focused Neuro-Resource Facilitation (NRF) System for disabled veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury in Vermont. This grant includes request for two limited service positions | $951,000.00 | 03/09/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.7 MB pdf) |
2435 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | The Watershed Center, Bristol, VT | Donation of 25% of the of the purchase price for a conservation easement in the Town of Bristol | $40,000.00 | 03/09/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2434 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | University of Vermont | To provide oversight of the voluntary Johne's disease program, review risk assessment and management plans, and process invoices for participating veterinarians | $10,466.00 | 03/04/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2433 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | ARRA grant to study the demand for Green Jobs in Vermont and the northeast. Vermont will act as the lead administrative state for this collaboration with Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Hampshire, and the District of Columbia. Vermont's share of this award is approximately $530,000 | $3,999,923.00 | 03/04/10 | Approved via committee poll 3/26 |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2432 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | American Forest Foundation, Inc. | To enhance the Project Learning Tree (PLT) program by providing funds for training materials, lodging, meals, and conference space for training participants | $10,000.00 | 02/26/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2431 | Judiciary | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To configure and purchase software for the Vermont Case Management Electronic Filing system (Vcase) in order to make it easier for self-represented litigants to file cases with the court | $250,000.00 | 02/11/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.4 MB pdf) |
2430 | Buildings & General Services | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | To create war memorials in the towns of Bennington, Concord, Derby and Weathersfield | $237,500.00 | 02/11/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2429 | ACCD - Economic, Housing & Community Development | USDA Rural Development | To provide aid to counties designated by Presidential Disaster in FFY2008, including $50,000 targeted to assist businesses impacted by the Addison County bridge closing | $200,000.00 | 02/11/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2428 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | To improve collaboration with VT Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth and the N.E. Network for Children, Youth and families to strengthen services to homeless youths and youths who are aging out of Vermont's foster care system | $1,000,000.00 | 01/13/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.5 MB pdf) |
2427 | Children and Families | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To augment annual grants made to Vermont communities and state partners through the Children and Family Council for Prevention Programs and the Children's Trust Fund. Projects will serve children and their families by focusing on early prevention, education, parenting and positive youth development | $200,000.00 | 01/13/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2426 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | Vermont Woodlands Association | To align Vermont's Use Value Appraisal (UVA) Standards and the U.S. Forest Service State & Private Forestry Forest Stewardship Program with the American Tree Farm and the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification programs, including updating the UVA database. | $35,000.00 | 01/13/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (954 KB pdf) |
2425 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To establish an Agriculture Innovation Center facility for technical and business services in valued-added agriculture | $468,953.00 | 01/13/10 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.4 MB pdf) |
2424 | ANR - Forests, Parks and Recreation | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | ARRA grant to maintain or create jobs through the conducting of forest health management activities. Includes creation of 12 temporary positions and retention of 2 temp. positions | $497,000.00 | 12/21/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2423 | Public Service | To establish 3 limited service positions to deal with increased ARRA workload. Underlying grant funding source was part of FY10 budget (Sec. B.209) | n/a | 12/16/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
2422 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | ARRA grant to prevent health care-associated infections. Includes one (1) limited service position request | $830,600.00 | 12/10/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2421 | Judiciary | U.S. Department of Justice | To support modeling a statewide approach for creating integrated criminal justice-capable systems of care that divert persons with mental illness from the criminal justice system. Includes one (1) limited service position request | $250,000.00 | 12/08/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5 MB pdf) |
2420 | Children and Families | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | To build/rehab seven homeless shelters across Vermont. Project will increase capacity and improve safety | $237,500.00 | 12/08/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2419 | Mental Health | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | To implement the ARC framework for complex trauma treatment for children 3-18. One limited service position is associated with this request | $1,198,956.00 | 12/08/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (13 MB pdf) |
2418 | Public Safety | U.S. Department of Justice | Limited service position request (1) related to award of Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for IT system upgrade (formula grant doesn't require JFC approval) | $3,061,782.00 | 12/03/09 | Approved via committee poll 12/21 |
Document Link (5 MB pdf) |
2417 | Judiciary | U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | To establish an enhanced treatment and case management system and protocols for the Rutland Drug Court, including use of a risk and needs assessment tool | $298,920.00 | 11/20/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (7.3 MB pdf) |
2416 | Public Service Board | U.S. Department of Energy | To increase the capacity of the Public Service Board to manage an increase in regulatory activities resulting from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Includes 3 position requests (2.6 FTEs) | $765,835.00 | 11/20/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.4 MB pdf) |
2415 | Public Safety | U.S. Department of Justice | To link Vermont's behavioral health information exchange with several justice databases from state and federal agencies in order to help prevent and combat crime. Includes 1.0 FTE position request | $1,055,355.00 | 11/20/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.7 MB pdf) |
2414 | Public Safety | U.S. Department of Homeland Security | To enhance underwater security via purchase of underwater surveillance equipment and also to purchase interoperable radio equipment | $330,534.00 | 11/20/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.1 MB pdf) |
2413 | Labor | U.S. Department of Labor | To fund necessary IT upgrades and staff training for the transition to the new federal apprenticeship program mandates | $96,477.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2412 | Public Safety | U.S. Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice Assistance | To support the work of the Vermont Drug Task Force to disrupt the flow of illegal drugs into Vermont | $1,000,000.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6 MB pdf) |
2411 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Department of Justice - Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs | For outreach and education to underserved populations from diverse cultural backgrounds who may not speak English about services available to crime victims | $71,516.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2410 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Department of Justice - Office on Violence Against Women | To aid adult and child victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, etc., by expanding safety and support services in 5 of Vermont's rural counties | $695,147.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2409 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Department of Justice - Office on Violence Against Women | To provide direct services to victims of sexual assault | $217,504.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.2 MB pdf) |
2408 | Health | Health Resources and Services Administration | ARRA grant to assist the Vermont State Primary Care Offices with recruiting and retaining primary care health care providers | $26,190.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2407 | Commerce & Community Development | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | ARRA grant to establish a special revolving loan fund for brownfield projects that are shovel-ready | $612,000.00 | 11/09/09 | Approved via committee poll 11/30 |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2406 | Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | To establish and maintain a tracking network for obtaining health and environmental data to improve the health of communities. Includes creating 3 limited service positions | $1,770,018.00 | 10/21/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (9.4 MB pdf) |
2405 | Public Safety | FEMA | To fund renovations at expanded Emergency Operations Center at Public Safety headquarters | $1,000,000.00 | 10/21/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2404 | Public Safety | FEMA | Hazard Mitigation grant to reduce or eliminate future damages and losses from natural disasters through safe building practices and improving existing structures | $105,876.00 | 10/21/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (7.7 MB pdf) |
2403 | Public Service | Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI) | To fund 1 FTE position for 3 years to assist VCGI with the Broadband Mapping Initiative | $355,435.00 | 10/21/09 | Approved via committee poll 11/5 |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2402 | Education | U.S. Dept. of Energy | To pass through funding to local school districts for the installation of solar panels. | $500,000.00 | 10/21/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2401 | Treasurer | Internal Revenue Service | Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds: Interest buy down on $90 million of bonding authority | N/A | 10/21/09 | Approved via committee poll 11/5 |
Document Link (2.8 MB pdf) |
2400 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To increase the level of participation of Vermont livestock owners in the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) | $29,220.00 | 10/13/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2399 | Public Safety | U.S. Dept. of Justice | ARRA grant to hire one intelligence analyst to be assigned to the Vermont Fusion Center to support rural law enforcement investigations in Vermont | $130,000.00 | 10/13/09 | Approved via committee poll 10/5 |
Document Link (4.9 MB pdf) |
2398 | State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | U.S. Dept. of Justice | To purchase equipment to document SIU/Child Advocacy interviews and crime scenes and train SIU teams | $100,000.00 | 10/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.5 MB pdf) |
2397 | Public Safety | FEMA | Hazard Mitigation grant to reduce or eliminate future damages and losses from natural disasters through safe building practices and improving existing structures | $545,842.00 | 10/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (12 MB pdf) |
2396 | Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging | To inform and assist new and existing Medicare beneficiaries and help them enroll in federal programs to help them pay for prescription drugs | $38,026.00 | 10/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
2395 | Public Safety | FEMA | To purchase two underwater camera systems to monitor Vermont waterways | $17,500.00 | 08/31/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2394 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Rural Development | To conduct a feasibility study on place-based marketing related to Vermont artisan cheese | $40,000.00 | 08/24/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2393 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | USDA Rural Development | For development of business plan, investment options, and research for product development in the natural ice cider industry | $22,500.00 | 08/24/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2392 | Transportation - Program Development | Ennis Paint | Donation of materials and installation of a road surface treatment to evaluate the safety performance of the product | $13,070.00 | 08/24/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2391 | Criminal Justice Training Council | Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) | Donation of a trailer to house the driver training simulator | $50,000.00 | 08/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2390 | ANR - Fish & Wildlife | Justin Lindholm | Donation of amount equal to difference between appraised value of property being sold to state and price being paid by state | $55,500.00 | 08/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2389 | General Fund | Charles C. Johnson | Bequest to General Fund | $10,000.00 | 08/06/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2388 | Health Care Reform Commission | Commonwealth Fund | To finance the development of an Accountable Care Organization financial model | $46,550.00 | 08/04/09 | Approved by JFC vote 8/5/09 |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2387 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | University of Delaware Research Office | To support Agency work with Vermont dairy produces on issues related to farm transfer planning | $19,425.00 | 07/27/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2386 | Judiciary | National Court Appointed Special Advocate association (CASA) | Hire a limited service position coordinator to expand the Guardian ad Litem program in Chittenden County | $30,000.00 | 07/10/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2385 | Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | To provide updated materials for public outreach and officer education related to prevention of underage alcohol consumption | $10,000.00 | 07/10/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2384 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital | To produce and translate into Spanish safety training videos for VT dairy producers with Hispanic employees | $14,782.00 | 07/10/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2383 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | University of Delaware Research Office | To conduct a one day workshop and a webinar series on risk management and human resources for VT dairy producers | $15,750.00 | 07/10/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2382 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | ARRA for unemployment claims center. Will fund 8 limited service positions | 06/30/09 | Approved via committee poll 7/10 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2381 | Public Service | U.S. Dept. of Energy | ARRA for State Energy Program. Will fund 2 limited service positions | $21,999,000.00 | 06/23/09 | Approved via committee poll 7/9 |
Document Link (847 KB pdf) |
2380 | Agriculture, Food and Markets | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture | To conduct surveillance audits at retail facilities to ensure compliance with federal country of origin labeling provisions. Previously was below $5,000 so not subject to JFC process. | $15,200.00 | 05/14/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2379 | ANR- Forests, Parks and Recreation | National Association of State Foresters | To support the development of State Assessment and Resource Strategies for the Vermont Forest Resource Plan | $15,499.00 | 04/27/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2378 | Public Safety - Criminal Justice Services | National Institute of Justice | To support a position conducting research and development in the area of controlled substances - specifically, the Spectra Analysis GC-IR instrument | $92,888.00 | 04/16/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (6.3 MB pdf) |
2377 | Judiciary | National Center for State Courts | To provide required cash match funds associated with JFO 2376. These funds will support the VT Re-Engineer Court System project. Provides cash match for JFO 2376. | $21,600.00 | 04/08/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2376 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | To provide technical services in support of the work of the Commission on Court Operations on the VT Re-Engineer Court System Project. This grant relies on a cash match from JFO 2377 | $30,000.00 | 04/08/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2375 | Labor | U.S. Dept. of Labor | To provide job training to female offenders re-entering the workforce. | $574,780.00 | 04/03/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2374 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | To support the annual court manager college | $20,000.00 | 04/03/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2373 | Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | To address the needs of veterans with trauma-spectrum illness by creating a system which would identify, assess, and divert this population from the criminal justice system | $2,053,161.00 | 03/30/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (12 MB pdf) |
2372 | Health | Harvard Medical School | To implement health surveillance objectives of the VT office of minority health strategic plan - specifically, to help produce a Health Disparities Report | $50,000.00 | 03/30/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
2371 | Transportation - Operations | FEMA | Federal disaster assistance for damages to public facilities (state, local, non-profit) caused by Dec 12, 2008 ice storm | $825,845.40 | 03/26/09 | Approved (legislative vote on JRH 17 4/6/09) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2370 | ACCD - Housing & Community Affairs | U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | Neighborhood Stabilization Program grant to assist the State in addressing problems created by abandoned and foreclose residential properties. | $19,600,000.00 | 03/25/09 | Approved in H.441 with conditions |
Document Link (17 MB pdf) |
2369 | State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | WomenSafe | Funds part of the cost of a temporary Domestic Violence Prosecutor in Addison County. This position has already been authorized. | $31,799.00 | 02/26/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (990 KB pdf) |
2368 | Judiciary | Legal Services Law Line of Vermont | This grant will cover the cost of developing an interface for pro se litigants to create family court pleadings and accurately fill out the forms on a computer. This will help low income litigants represent themselves more effectively. | $60,000.00 | 02/18/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (8.5 MB pdf) |
2367 | Public Safety - State Police | Office of Community Policing Services (COPS) Safe School Initiative | Provides funding to assist in delinquency prevention, community planning and development, school safety resources and technology development. Will be used to place a School Resource Officer at Mill River HS for three academic school years, via a subgrant agreement. | $127,445.00 | 02/18/09 | Approved (30 days, no action) |
Document Link (5.8 MB pdf) |
2366 | Agency of Transportation - Dept of Motor Vehicles | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | Funds will be used to fund enhancements to offset costs associated with implementation of the Enhanced Driver's License / Identification Card, including meeting Real ID requirements. | $500,000.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2365 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | VT Veterinary Medical Association | VVMA is donating a Companion Animal Medical Emergency Trailer (CAMET) and associated supplies to house 50 dogs and cats in case their owners are relocated during an emergency. | $19,140.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (1.3 MB pdf) |
2364 | Agency of Human Services/Dept of Children and Families | National Governor's Association | Funds will be used to host the Governor's Summit on Poverty and Economic Opportunity. | $12,000.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2363 | Dept of Education | Center for Applied and Special Technology | Funds will be used to provide training and technical assistance for assistance technology services to students with disabilities. | $166,160.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2362 | Dept of Education | US Dept of Education | funds will be used to assist local operation agencies in implementing the interstate electronic exchange of migrant children's records through the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX). | $32,125.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2361 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute | Technical assistance grant for developing an action plan to strengthen foreign-language interpreter services in Vermont's Judiciary | $21,000.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2360 | Agency of Human Services/Dept of Mental Health | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds will be used to improve access to mental health services for transition-aged (16-21 years) youth. | $2,000,000.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved |
Document Link (12 MB pdf) |
2359 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Children and Families | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds to support 11 school and community programs to provide a variety of services and interventions to reduce risk factors for at-risk youth. | $679,705.00 | 12/15/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/17/2008 |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2358 | Buildings & General Services | Saputo Cheese Factory | $11,000 woroth of #4 fuel oil. Net value of the grant after the deduction of pumping and transportation costs is $8,000. | 12/15/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/17/2008 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2357 | Judiciary, Court Administrator's Office | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds used to partially fund the Judiciary's new case management system. | $212,408.00 | 12/04/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2356 | Juciciary, Court Administrator's Office | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds for enhancements to the treatment courts by supporting coordination, case management, and other activities. | $333,002.00 | 12/04/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2355 | Judiciary, Vermont Supreme Court | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds for scholarships for out of state training and education of trial court judges. | $20,000.00 | 12/04/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (744 KB pdf) |
2354 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Corrections | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds to study the accuracy of DOC's sex offender treatment model. | $161,407.00 | 12/03/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2353 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Funds to conduct outreach to ethnic and tribal communities regarding mercury in fish. | $9,000.00 | 12/03/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2352 | Agency of Human Services, Department of Health | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | Funds to improve access to quality, comprehensive, coordinated community-based systems of services for children and youths with special health care needs. | $807,500.00 | 11/24/08 | Approved at JFC meeting on 12/19/2008 |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2351 | Agency of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Funds to extend the Clean School Bus Program to reduce diesel emissions and children's exposure to diesel exhaust from schoool buses. | $39,769.00 | 11/17/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2350 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds to repair public facilities in a number of counties that were damaged by the storms of June 21 to August 12, 2008. | $1,297,634.73 | 10/30/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (6.6 MB pdf) |
2349 | Department of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | Funds for planning, training and exercise initiatives in order to improve Vermont's iinteroperable emergency communications capacity. | $242,875.00 | 10/24/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2348 | Criminal Justice Training Council | U.S. Dept of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance | Funds to purchase a driver training simulator and, if monies remain available after the purchase, to contract with a vendor for driver training. | $178,870.00 | 10/24/08 | Approved via expedited review |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2347 | Dept of Public Safety, State Police | U.S. Marshals Service | Funds to purchase computer hardware to support tracking and apprehension fo fugitives. | $9,820.00 | 10/21/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2346 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Funds to increase the economic opportunities for small farms through development of an integrated culinary tourism program. | $55,000.00 | 10/21/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.4 MB pdf) |
2345 | Attorney General | Consumer Protection and Edcuation Fund | Funds to design, print, and distribute multi-language consumer information for non-English speaking Vermonters. | $9,500.00 | 10/15/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2344 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Mental Health | State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute | Funds to establish and test the capacity of DMH to submit client-level data files to the Sustance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. | $120,000.00 | 10/21/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.5 MB pdf) |
2343 | Department of Public Safety, State Police | National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators | Funds used to partially support an investigator who will work on problems associated with illegal diversion of prescription drugs in Vermont. | $27,000.00 | 10/15/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2342 | Dept of Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | Funds will cover filming and editing costs for two educational films as well as printing costs of a new student workbook. | $10,000.00 | 10/08/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2341 | Dept of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | National Children's Alliance to the Dept of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs | Funds will cover additional hours for an investigator who works on domestic violence cases in Chittenden County. This investigator currently has a personal services contract with the Dept of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs. | $10,000.00 | 10/08/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2340 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation | National Endowment of the Humanities | Funds used to develop a prototypical internet program that aims to make Vermont archeological information availabel to the public. | $25,000.00 | 10/08/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.5 MB pdf) |
2339 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation | U.S. Dept of the Interior, Nataional Park Service | Funds to conduct a property boundary survey and a military analysts of the terrain of the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site. | $41,115.00 | 09/22/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2338 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation | Institute of Museum and Library Services | Funds to inventory and catalogue activities at the Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site. | $85,736.00 | 09/15/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.3 MB pdf) |
2337 | Agency of Transportation, Operations Division | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds used to repair public facilities (state, local, and non-profit) in Grand Isle and Lamoille Counties damaged the by storms of June 18, 2008. | $557,769.73 | 09/15/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2336 | Agency of Transportation, Operations Division | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds used to repair public facilities (state, local, and non-profit) in Addison and Franklin countines damaged by the storms of June 18, 2008. | $609,708.47 | 08/29/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.7 MB pdf) |
2335 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | Funds for the installation of a permanent method that will open channels through ice in the Winooski River downstream from the Montpelier downtown in order to allow passage of water and reduce the rise of flood waters. | $458,935.00 | 08/19/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.1 MB pdf) |
2334 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds used to expand anti-gang enforcement nad prevention efforts under the Project Safe Neighborhoods. | $69,502.00 | 08/19/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.6 MB pdf) |
2333 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | Funds used to achieve measurable improvements to the state of public safety communications interoperability through the full and efficient use of all telecommunications resources. | $4,476,761.00 | 08/13/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.2 MB pdf) |
2332 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Funds used to conduct a survey of pesticide accumulation in the sediments of the Batten Kill. | $10,500.00 | 08/01/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2331 | Dept of Public Service | U.S. Dept of Transportation | Funds to assess the scope and effectiveness of the Dig Safe program against federal Pipeline Safety Law. | $99,400.00 | 07/29/08 | Approved at the JFC meeting on 7/29/2008 |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2330 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | Funds to cover the cost of surveillance activities and training and education related to Foreign Animal Disease and Swine Garbage Feeding programs. | $26,664.00 | 07/17/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2329 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | Castanea Foundation | Funds will cover the remaining amount needed to fund the construction of the Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse Unit. | $10,000.00 | 06/30/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2328 | Criminal Justice Training Council | International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training | Funds for the development of a curriculum on Enforcement of Motorcycle Laws and a training program to deliver the new curriculum across the country. | $456,000.00 | 06/18/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7 MB pdf) |
2327 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | Northeast Center for Risk Management Education | Funds to improve effective communication between Vermont dairy producers and their Spanish speaking employees by increasing participants' basic Spanish language skills and cultural understanding through an Occupational Spanish Class targeted to the participants. | $18,000.00 | 06/05/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2326 | Agecny of Natural Resources, Dept of Environmental Conservation | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Funds for the Clean School Bus Program to reduce diesel emissions and children's exposure to diesel echaust from school buses. The program will reduce school bus emissions, improve school bus fuel efficiency, and develop an outreach plan for school officials. | $194,494.00 | 05/29/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.8 MB pdf) |
2325 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation | National Park Service | Funds used for the Barns Census Project which involves identifying and documenting 5,000 historic barns and outbuildings throughout the state. Information on the barns will be put into a central GIS database and will be available to the public via the internet. | $150,000.00 | 05/05/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (11 MB pdf) |
2324 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | Northeast Center for Agricultural Health | Funds will be used to produce bilingual training materials for skid loader safety for dairy producers in Franklin and Addison counties. | $14,500.00 | 04/14/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2323 | Dept of Education | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | Funds to provide fresh fruit and vegetable snacks to students at 25 schools. | $250,000.00 | 04/09/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2322 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | Great Bay Hydro Corporation | Reivsed submission - The land is located on the Clyde River in Derby and is valued at $56,700 and is being partially donated as part of the Department land acquisition from the Great Bay Hydro Corporation. The value of the donation is $37,300. | $37,300.00 | 08/19/08 | Approval of the original grant submission was given at the JFC meeting on 10/3/2008 |
Document Link (12 MB pdf) |
2321 | Dept of Public Safety, Emergency Management Division | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds for a hazard mitigation project in response to the July 2007 flooding in Barre Town. | $344,292.00 | 03/27/08 | Approved via expedited review on April 2, 2008 |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2320 | Agency of Human Services, Dept of Mental Health | U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Funds used to implement alternatives to the use of restraint and seclusion in institutional and community based settings that provide mental health services. Includes one (1) limited-service position, VSH Alternaties to Seclusion/Restraint Coordinator. | $522,410.00 | 03/19/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (10 MB pdf) |
2319 | Agency of Human Services, Dept for Children and Families | U.S. Dairy Association, Food and Nutrition Service | Funds to implement a Food Stam Application Process Modernization project through the design and development of: a state of the art doucment imaging and indexing stystem; an automated telephone help line; an on-line web based applications system; and a public education campaign to raise awareness regarding the newly implemented systems. Includes one (1) limited-service position, Project Manager. | $852,997.00 | 03/05/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.3 MB pdf) |
2318 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation | National Parks Service, Historic Preservation Grants Division | Funds used to create Geographic Information System database information for the followign eight designated downtowns: Bennignton, Brandon, Burlington, Poultney, St. Albans, St. Johnsbry, White River Junction and Winooski. | $51,000.00 | 02/25/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2317 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime | Funds in support of National Crime Victims Righs Week and will be used to supporta traveling interactive theater project on the topic of victimization and how to get help. | $10,000.00 | 02/13/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1014 KB pdf) |
2316 | Dept of Corrections | U.S. Dept of Education | One (1) limited-service positions, Corrections Vocational Coordinator. A portion of this grant is transferred fro the VT Dept of Education, title I grant to the Dept of Corrections for use at the Community High School of Vermont. | 01/30/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2315 | Juciciary | State Justice Institute | Funds used to standardize Vermont's Judiciary's word processing capabilities to Microsoft Word. | $30,000.00 | 01/10/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (937 KB pdf) |
2314 | Juciciary | State Justice Institute | Funds to develop three curricula related to the provision of court interpreter services for legal proceedings in Vermont trial courts. | $18,100.00 | 01/10/08 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2313 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | U.S. Dept of Fish and Wildlife | Funds used (with the required match provided by marina owners, municipalities and the state) for new and upgraded boat pumpout facilities as well as public outreach/education/administrative costs to help improve the water quality in Vermont lakes. | $52,402.00 | 12/31/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (985 KB pdf) |
2312 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | Ducks Unlimited | The Department will use these funds toward the cost associated with the acquisition of the 63 acre Maxwell parcel. This parcel is located along the Barton River in Coventry and will be managed as part of the South Bay Wildlife Management Area. | $12,531.00 | 12/31/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.6 MB pdf) |
2311 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | John and Sharon Roy | Donation of approximately 40 acres of land. The Roy parcel is located in South Hero, connected to Lake Champlain, and will be managed as part of the South Hero Marsh Wildlife Management area. | 12/31/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.4 MB pdf) |
2310 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | This grant will be used to support 2-3 Area Agency on Aging pilot programs to develop comprehensive, consumer directed, flexible nursing home diversion programs. | $500,000.00 | 12/19/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.2 MB pdf) |
2309 | Dept of Military | U.S. Dept of Defense, National Guard Bureau | Two (2) limited-service positions for administrative support. | 12/12/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2308 | Dept of Military | U.S. Dept of Defense, National Guard Bureau | Three (3) limited service positions: Maintenance Mechanic II. | 12/10/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2 MB pdf) |
2307 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Funds provides disaster assistance to state, local and non-profit agencies for damage caused by the storms of July 9 through July 11, 2007. Funding from local sources ($597,740) and the State Emergency Relief Assistance Fund ($562,409) will provide the non-federal share of damage repairs. | $3,480,450.00 | 12/03/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (690 KB pdf) |
2306 | Agency of Transportation, Dept of Motor Vehicles | U.S. Dept of Justice | These funds will be used to develop and implement a National Motor Vehicle Titling Information System interface which will allow the state to instantly and reliably verify title information. | $447,115.00 | 11/28/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (973 KB pdf) |
2305 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | These funds will be used by the Agency to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops produced in Vermont by assisting eligible industry sectors increase sales directly to consumers, to domestic wholesale accounts, and through export channels. | $101,397.90 | 11/26/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2304 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | These funds will be used by the Agency to enhance chronic wasting disease surveillance and cooperatively aid in the identification of captive cervids. | $33,000.00 | 11/26/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (856 KB pdf) |
2303 | Dept of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | These grant funds will be used to support a temporary wetland restoration specialist position over the next two years. The wetland restoration specialist will be housed in Essex office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and will work with the state and federal offices to restore wetland habitat in the Lake Champlain watershed. | $40,000.00 | 11/21/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (992 KB pdf) |
2302 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | VT Housing and Conservation Board, Passumpic Valley Land Trust, and Wilhelm Merk | $150,000 from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, $50,000 from the Passumpsic Valley Land Trust, and a $164,000 in kind donation from Wilhelm Merck. Mr. Merck has offered to sell 38.6 acres of land on Keiser Pond (located near Danville) to the State of Vermont at a reduced price of $200,000 provided the closing takes place no later than November 30, 2007. The property will be protected with a Grant of Development Rights, Conservation Restrictions and Public Access Easement held by the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board and Vermont Land Trust. The property is adjacent to an existing Fish and Wildlife access area and has an appraised value of $364,000. The Department of Fish and Wildlife will be responsible for the closing costs, estimated not to exceed $500 with the remaining $200,000 being granted to the Department as stated above. Keiser Pond provides fishing and wildlife viewing for boaters, houses rare aquatic plants and recently hosted nesting loons for the first time. | 11/20/07 | Approved via expedited review 1/28/07 |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2301 | Dept of Liquor Control | VT Teen Leadership Safety Program/Students against Destructive Decisions | Two (2) limited-service positions: one (1) Youth Safety Program Coordinator and one (1) Administrative Assistant B. These sponsored positions are 100% federally funded with the continuing Vermont Teen Leadership Safety Program/Students Against Destructive Decisions grant. The Governor's Highway Safety Program is transferring this grant from Department of Education to the Department of Liquor Control at the end of this calendar year. | 11/19/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.8 MB pdf) |
2300 | Agency of Human Services | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services/Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement | These funds will be used to provide education and vocational training to 25 recently arrived African refugees. While these funds will be overseen by the State Refugee Coordinator, they will be passed through to three non-profit organizations to provide welding skills training, English language training, and placement in related employment. | $115,106.00 | 10/16/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.2 MB pdf) |
2299 | Judiciary | State Justice Institute and the National Center for State Courts | $25,000 grant from the State Justice Institute and $5,000 grant from the National Center for State Courts to the Judiciary. This combined $30,000 grant will be used to develop and test a disaster response/Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan for all courts statewide. | $30,000.00 | 08/08/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.6 MB pdf) |
2298 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | This one year grant will be used to purchase and operate a mobile individual quick freeze unit, identify a system to address multiple forms of fruit and vegetable processing and develop a system for aggregation of supply and distribution of Vermont grown fruits and vegetables. | $19,908.00 | 08/08/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2297 | Center for Crime Victim Services | VT Bar Association | These grant funds will support a public outreach and education campaign to disseminate information about the Parallel Justice Pilot Project in the City of Burlington for crime victims (JFO #2273 approved November 24, 2006). | $5,100.00 | 08/08/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (807 KB pdf) |
2296 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | These funds will be used to provide information, referral and assistance to persons with traumatic brain injuries, focusing on returning veterans. | $181,000.00 | 07/30/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (6.1 MB pdf) |
2295 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | University of Vermont | The University is the grantee of a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The State of Vermont is the sub grantee. The funds will be used to pay 20% of the cost of an Ombudsman for the Vermont Dairy Task Force. The remaining 80% of the cost will be paid by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. | $15,000.00 | 07/17/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1019 KB pdf) |
2294 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Services | The funds will be used to cover half the cost of a civil or agricultural engineer position to be located in the natural Resources Conservation Service St. Albans field office. The cost of the other half of the position will be paid by the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The position will focus on completing the design work necessary to advance water quality projects that have been awarded state and federal dollars with the objective of reducing the non-point source discharge in the Missisquoi Bay watershed. | $42,000.00 | 07/17/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2293 | Dept of Corrections | U.S. Dept of Justice | The grant will be spent over a period of two years. The FY2008 request is for $200,000. The funds will be used to improve the department's capacity to provide notification to victims of crime through the creation of a Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification System (SAVIN. | $400,000.00 | 07/17/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2292 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, Emergency Management Performance Grant | One (1) new limited service position�Motor Equipment Mechanic A. Two funding sources will be used to support this sponsored position: federal funds from the Emergency Management Performance grant will fund 40% and Fire Safety Prevention Funds will provide the remaining 60%. | 06/11/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2291 | Developmental Disabilities Council | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | One (1) new limited service position�Motor Equipment Mechanic A. Two funding sources will be used to support this sponsored position: federal funds from the Emergency Management Performance grant will fund 40% and Fire Safety Prevention Funds will provide the remaining 60%. | 06/05/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2290 | Agency of Transportation | Federal Emergency Management Agency | This grant provides disaster assistance to state, local and non-profit agencies for damage caused by the storms of April 15 through April 21, 2007. Funding from local sources ($231,963.63) and the State Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund ($272,305.13) will provide the non-federal share of damage repairs. | $1,604,574.63 | 05/16/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (661 KB pdf) |
2289 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | One (1) limited service position�Southern Exercise Coordinator. This sponsored position is 100% federally funded and associated with the continuing Homeland Security grant program. | 05/03/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.3 MB pdf) |
2288 | Dept of Corrections | VT Retired Teacher's Association | This donation to the Community High School of Vermont will be used by recipients of the Beryle Gardner Award. The funds will provide financial assistance to graduates to pay for books for college or be used to purchase supplies needed for employment. | $2,000.00 | 04/12/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (415 KB pdf) |
2287 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | Social Security Administration | This grant will fund a Youth Transition Demonstration pilot program. In combination with the existing statewide service system for youth in transition, this project will test a group of SSI waivers for youth designed to promote employment and economic self-sufficiency. | $250,000.00 | 02/06/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4 MB pdf) |
2286 | Dept of Banking, Insurance Securities & Health Care Administration | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Servcies | During fiscal year 2008 the Department will use this grant to fund $1,000,000 of the $2,500,000 budgeted for the creation and initial operation of a qualified high risk pool. | $1,000,000.00 | 02/06/07 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2285 | Dept of Housing and Community Affairs and Dept of Economic Development | Environmental Protection Agency | This grant will be used to capitalize Vermont's Brownfields Revitalization fund with $750,000 utilized for loans to developers and eligible owners for hazardous materials remediation and $250,000 utilized for loans for petroleum contamination remediation. | $1,000,000.00 | 12/22/06 | Approved |
Document Link (5.2 MB pdf) |
2284 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services | This grant will be used to provide staff support for mobile data applications, the Department's access to the Vermont Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (VLETS) and the Vermont Incident Based Reporting System (VLBRS). This grant will also be used to purchase software to augment the mobile data project and to continue the purchase of the mobile wireless connections that provide mobile data services to the Vermont State Police. | $740,421.00 | 12/19/06 | Approved |
Document Link (4.6 MB pdf) |
2283 | Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Dept of Housing and Community Affairs | Environmental Protection Agency | The purpose of this grant is to protect water quality by helping small communities in Vermont provide adequate wastewater treatment for their residents and businesses. | $30,000.00 | 12/19/06 | Approved |
Document Link (3.9 MB pdf) |
2282 | Dept of Health | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | These grant funds will be used to expand the state's oral health workforce through the recruitment of dental students, encouragement in oral health careers among state high school and college students, and by studying the feasibility of expanding Vermont's dental education capacity. | $344,256.00 | 12/12/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.5 MB pdf) |
2281 | Dept of Health | American Legacy Foundation | This grant will be used to support a program targeting smoking cessation and prevention services to young adults who are not enrolled in formal education. | $100,000.00 | 12/12/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3 MB pdf) |
2280 | Dept of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living | Social Security Administration | This work incentives planning and assistance grant will be used to continue development and promote employment for recipients of Social Security Disability Income and Supplemental Security Income. | $175,289.00 | 12/12/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.4 MB pdf) |
2279 | Judiciary | U.S Dept of Health and Human Services | Funds to provide education and training to judges, attorneys, and other legal personnel to improve the handling of child welfare cases. | $96,922.00 | 12/04/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2278 | Judiciary | U.S. Dept of Health and Humand Services | Funds to improve data collection and analysis relating to child welfare cases with emphasis on children in foster care. | $98,642.00 | 12/04/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2277 | Agency Human Services, Dept for Children and Families | A.D. Henderson Foundation | Funds to reimburse the Department for contractual research services provided to support the Prekindergarten Education Study Committee. | $20,155.00 | 11/28/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.5 MB pdf) |
2276 | Dept of Public Safety, VT Fire Academy | General Electric | A donated trailer is being used by the Fire Academy in Pittsford for hazardous materials class support. | $2,200.00 | 11/20/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (769 KB pdf) |
2275 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | Funds to provide farmers and processors in the Northeast with the needed analysis of processing, packaging, distribution and marketing costs with regard to production and Marketing of healthful, conveniently packaged fruit and vegetable products to consumers. | $44,000.00 | 11/15/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.9 MB pdf) |
2274 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Transportation | Two (2) limited service positions: one (1) Public Information Officer and one (1) Crash Data Analyst. These sponsored positions are 100% federally funded. | 11/13/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (7.5 MB pdf) |
2273 | Center for Crime Victim Services | U.S. Dept of Justice | Funds will be passed through to the City of Burlington to design, implement and evaluate a Parallel Justice Pilot Project for crime victims. The purpose of this pilot project is to build the infrastructure needed within the Burlington Police Department and Community Justice Center to better serve all victims of crime. | $197,446.00 | 10/25/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (880 KB pdf) |
2272 | Agency of Human Services, Dept for Children and Families | U.S. Dept of Justice | These grant funds are being passed through the Department so that it may assist local organizations with the administrative process involved with the receipt of federal funds. | $217,190.00 | 10/16/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.7 MB pdf) |
2271 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | Hinesburg Land Trust | Donation of a land parcel located in Hinesburg. This acreage will be added to the Lewis Creek stream bank parcels previously purchased from Marion Welch and donated by the Hinesburg Land Trust. | $53,274.00 | 09/19/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (6.6 MB pdf) |
2270 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Wildlife Services | Donation of a boat, trailer and motor. | $10,820.00 | 09/19/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (629 KB pdf) |
2269 | Dept of Environmental Conservation | Environmental Protection Agency | Two (2) limited-service positions: one (1) Environmental Technician ifi and one (1) Environmental Scientist LI These sponsored positions are 100% federally funded. | 08/23/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (3.5 MB pdf) |
2268 | Office of Defender General | New England Juvenile Defender Center | These grant funds will be used to support housing the NEJDC in the Office of the Defender General. | $15,416.00 | 08/14/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2267 | Dept of Health | U.S. Dept of Justice | These grant funds will be used to support the implementation of Act 205 of 2006 to create a Vermont prescription monitoring program through the establishment of protocols and an electronic data base. Includes two (2) limited-service positions: one (1) Substance Abuse Program Coordinator and one (1) Public Health Analyst II. | $350,000.00 | 08/14/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (4.7 MB pdf) |
2266 | Dept of Environmental Conservation | Environmental Protection Agency | One (1) limited-service position: Environmental Analyst III to oversee cleaning of underground storage tank sites. | 08/08/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2265 | Agency of Transportation, Dept of Motor Vehicles | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration | Four (4) limited-service positions: three (3) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Inspectors and one (1) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Team Leader. Positions to accomplish inspection and enforcement of international commercial motor vehicle cross border traffic. | 08/04/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.6 MB pdf) |
2264 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Homeland Security | One (1) new limited service position: Education and Public Information Officer. | 08/01/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (5.7 MB pdf) |
2263 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | These grant funds (with $1,200 of state inkind match and $1,000 from participating dairy producers) will be used to provide Spanish language teaching workshops to 25 Addison County dairy falai producers. | $12,000.00 | 07/25/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2262 | Department of Education | U.S. Dept of Education | Utilizing a formula calculation, the Department will use these funds to reimburse Local Education Agencies for a portion of the actual costs of providing educational services to students displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. | $50,000.00 | 07/12/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.7 MB pdf) |
2261 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | These grant funds will support a portion of the Dairy Ombudsman position who will work with the Governor's Dairy Task Force. | $30,000.00 | 07/11/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (872 KB pdf) |
2260 | Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets | U.S. Dept of Agriculture | These grant funds will be used by dairy producers and workers for management and training for the Vermont Hispanic workforce. | $19,835.00 | 07/11/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.1 MB pdf) |
2259 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | U.S. Dept of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration | These grant funds will be used by the Department's Law Enforcement Division fo defray the costs related to location and eradication of illicit marijuana. | $4,000.00 | 06/27/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1 MB pdf) |
2258 | Dept of Motor Vehicles | U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency | The Department of Motor Vehicles will be receiving 70% of the money and assets seized. There was $7,600 in cash and an estimated $8,000 auction value for a Ford F-250 Super Duty pickup truck. | $11,000.00 | 06/16/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (774 KB pdf) |
2257 | Dept of Environmental Conservation | Federal Emergency Management Agency | One (1) limited-service position: Environmental Scientist III. This sponsored position is 100% federally funded. | 04/04/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.1 MB pdf) |
2256 | Dept of Fish and Wildlife | VT ATV Sportman's Association | Donation of eight (8) All Terrain Vehicles. | $44,000.00 | 03/28/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (781 KB pdf) |
2255 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Justice | These grant funds will be used to upgrade the Vermont Incident Based Report System (VIBRS) network utilized by approximately 80 Vermont law enforcement agencies. | $394,657.00 | 03/28/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2254 | Dept of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | Two (2) limited-service positions: one (1) Administrative Assistant B and'orie (1)-Heaith Systems Training and Technical Assistance Specialist to assist with the Immunization Program. These sponsored positions are 100% federally funded. | 03/13/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (9.7 MB pdf) |
2253 | Dept of Health | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention | One (1) limited-service position: Systems Developer II. This sponsored position is 100% federally funded and associated with a continuing Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity grants. | 03/13/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (9.4 MB pdf) |
2252 | Dept of Liquor Control | National Alcohol Beverage Control Association | These grant funds will be used print updated training manuals to be used at alcohol server/seller education seminars. | $5,000.00 | 03/13/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2251 | Office of Attorney General | U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services | One (1) limited-service position: Nurse Investigator to work with the Attorney General's office on Medicaid fraud. | 02/28/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2250 | Dept of Health | Social Security Administration | These grant funds will be used to establish an Electronic Death Registry System in Vermont. Included are four (4) limited-service positions: two (2) Information Systems Developer, one (1) Public Health Analyst III, and one (1) Public Health Specialist. | $610,832.00 | 02/21/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (10 MB pdf) |
2249 | Dept of Public Safety, Fire Safety Division | National Association of State Fire Marshals | These grant funds will be used to provide juvenile firesetting intervention activities which will include intervention training at two sites. | $6,000.00 | 02/10/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2248 | Office of the Attorney General | American Bar Association | These grant funds will be used to fund a summer law student intern in the Consumer Protection Program for 8 weeks beginning on or about June 1, 2006. After consultation with the Human Resources Classification Manager it was determined that since this position is considered to be a temporary position and as such does not provide benefits, Joint Fiscal Committee approval is not required to establish this temporary summer intern position. | $5,000.00 | 02/06/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (1.2 MB pdf) |
2247 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Justice | One (1) limited-service position: Forensic Chemist II. This sponsored position is 75% federally funded. | 01/25/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.9 MB pdf) |
2246 | Dept of Public Safety | U.S. Dept of Justice | One (1) limited-service position: Evidence Technician. This sponsored position is 100% federally funded. | 01/25/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (2.2 MB pdf) |
2245 | Dept of Libraries | Estate of Pearl P. Chastenay | These funds are designated to the Special Services Unit and will be used to purchase large print books. | $9,694.30 | 01/13/06 | Approved (30 days no action) |
Document Link (591 KB pdf) |